First and foremost I want to begin by saying that my appreciation of you is enormous. You've spent a lot of time and effort to construct a place that can be a honest and realistic forum for ideas on 12 step programming. I would have no hope had I not found your facts and arguments. A little background, I'm a 22 year old senior at the University of Michigan, and over the past several years I developed a problem in my decision making compacted with some major life circumstances that lead to less than favorable outcomes in my life. I will be the first person to say that I developed a problem that needed attention. Late last year I was presented a semi intervention by my family who I am incredebally close to and the offer to go to a rehabilitation clinic. It wasn't so much that I was ever physiologically addicted to anything, but I began to like the numbing the pain from an unfortunate series of events in my life at that time. I was told by a close family member at the intervention event to go into it with an open mind as I know that my behvior was not healthy in the long run and I needed to arrest the situation. And so began my descent into the living hell of the world of 12 steps. I expected to go to inpatient rehab that was described as "intensive" and learn a lot of good helpful information about addiction itself and actual things I could do proactively to help phase it out of my life. I expected alot of practical application based psychology and a good amount of individual therapy to probe why i was using (instead I was told that did not matter, to just follow the program) I thought it be good to get away clear my head and focus on the shit I needed to take care of. Right away I started picking out the discrepencies starting with the disease model of addiction. Imagine my suprise when I spent 95% of my therapy time discussing information that was beaten to death on the first day. A barage of 12 step jargon and ideology. Even more shocking to me was the treatment of those who spoke out or questioned the ideas presented in the very least. I found myself thinking negative things about the very necessary recovery process because of the manor of therapy I was receiving. Totally questioning how anybody could get paid at all for this. My rehab program was so heavily focused on pure 12 steppism that only fleeting references were made to biological information or phychological concepts. I finally made it out of the constantly recycled hell of rehab. I am very lucky to have a family that is very supportive of me and my recovery process. Unfortunately that meant they were attending family lectures bi-weekly at the rehab about how to treat a 12 stepper, as well as al-anon meetings. This is what really pissed me off. In their worried about me mind state that bite on whatever they were thrown, as they were so desperate to do anything to make sure I was in the best shape possible. They were taken advantage of in a desperate time in their lives.
It was at this point where I began to
suspect that the 12 steps and intervention concept might be evil in more ways than
you discuss. They will literally tear apart families. I remember walking into
their nar-anon meeting after my NA meeting and hearing a seasoned nar-anon vet
encourage my family to distance themselves from me if I did not embrace
These people are seriously encouraging estrangement of me from my family if we don't both involve ourselves in the 12 steps. I will say besides maybe Bush stealing the 04 election that this "quack medicine" pullover and how they trick addicts/alcoholics, families, courts and insurance companies into believing they're actually being treated may be the greatest scam in recent history, preying on people in such weak emotional states... how very very sad. Anyways thanks again for all the stimulating facts and info, you're definitely bookmarked on my comp. — Adam
Hello Adam,
Thanks for the letter. I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties that you are going
through. There sure is a lot of A.A. wrecking families going on, isn't there?
I just answered two more letters about A.A. messing up family relationships,
For the cultists to tell your family to abandon and ostracize you
is despicable. Your family started off by being concerned about your health and
welfare, and they went to Stepper meetings in hopes that it would help you,
and now the cultists have twisted it into, "Abandon him and save yourselves
from codependency."
Then of course they will rationalize it by adding, "It's for his own good, of course."
And yes, it is probably is one of the greatest scams in recent history.
Even the Wall Street bailout/ripoff is getting some competition from the
"12-Step treatment" scam. The Wall Street criminals netted hundreds of billions
of dollars from their schemes and fraud.
Well, the New York Times recently reported that drug and alcohol
rehab was a $20 billion per year industry. Since A.A. has been in existence
for 70 years, that is a lot of years of raking in lots of billions.
In the last 20 years, they might have raked in $300 or $400 billion or so,
and much more in the years before that.
That rivals the recent Wall Street thefts.
And all of that comes from selling old cult religion and quackery that does
not actually work, while running a gigantic publicity machine to tell the
public that it works great — "millions saved". Unreal.
Yes, that's a major scam and a major crime.
Now, what to do? Well, for starters, if your family is still capable of thinking
rationally, you could direct them to a couple of web pages like
Good luck now. Take care of your health and your mind.
And have a good day.
== Orange
Hello again, Ray,
Thanks for the article. Melvin Sembler just doesn't quit, does he? He really is like
a vampire that keeps rising again from the grave.
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
== Orange
I pray that you are living Happy, Joyous and Free.
Hello Jeff,
Thanks for the thanks, and thanks for the good wishes. And yes, I am living
Happy, Joyous and Free.
So you have a good day too.
== Orange
i think you're grand. totally and absolutely and i'd love to get to know you. deprogram me. im free.
Hello Sandro,
Thank you for the letter and the good wishes. Maybe we will run into each other sometime,
Have a good day now.
== Orange
Hello, Just left your website. Excellent. I've also seen some clips on YouTube on 12 step programs. I left CoDA 1.13.10. My therapist didn't like it at all. She's been fired! I've been trying to get away from the group for the last 7 months. I met a young beautiful girl there who quickly seemed to want friendship. I wasn't comfortable with this given the fact she is 25 and I'm a 52 year old male. My thinking was "this is too good to be true". After a couple of meetings she revealed she had been physically abused and sexually assaulted before the age of 8. Unfortunately the same happened to me. She told me I needed a sponsor. I just blew it off. No way I'd share that with people I don't know. Then again during the Christmas holidays she actually pressured me to get a sponsor. I told her I would never share what I shared with her to another group member. She gave me a speech on how wonderful Codependents Anonymous is and trustworthy. She has been there 17 months. She has been brainwashed to the point she thinks she can't survive in the world without her sponsor and meetings. Don't mean to rant...but thanks for your website. Glad I can think for myself. I've also found out I'm not Codependent. All of these therapist who send every client that walks through door to be narcissized by CoDA should lose their license. Job security for the therapist if she can keep the client confused and depressed.
Hello Mike,
Thanks for the letter, and I'm glad to hear that you have your head screwed on straight.
Funny that you should mention codependency. That has been on my mind again, too.
I just bought another couple of books on codependency at Goodwill, and now I have to
read and review the things.
(I hate to spend good money on bad books, but I have to Know Thine Enemy.)
I can already tell you that those books are pure horseshit.
You are right, you don't have codependency. There is no such thing as codependency.
It is a myth and a hoax and a fraud. And yes, you are right, all counselors who diagnose
the patients as "codependent" and send them to CODA should lose their licenses to practice.
Now there is such a thing as PTSD — Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder — and that can be
caused by things like childhood abuse or seeing your buddies blown to pieces in
unnecessary wars in Vietnam or Iraq. But there is no codependency.
All that the quacks do, to create the illusion of a "codependency disease", is steal signs and
symptoms from real disorders like PTSD.
In fact, you cannot even get a clear, coherent, concise definition of "codependency".
There isn't one. Earlier, I spoke about some of
the goofy definitions
of codependency
in the file on
"12-Step Snake Oil".
Now, in one of these new books, we get this:
Ooops!!! You rubbed up against an alcoholic. Now you have the disease of codependency
and you need treatment. That will be $10,000 for a 28-day stay at a codependency
clinic, where you will learn to practice the 12 Steps, and list and confess ALL of your sins.
On the back cover of the book, we get the authoress' definition, which is a bunch of muddled double-talk:
So you lack spiritual awareness because you associated with an alcoholic?
By the way, that book was published in 1986. It is loaded with phrases like
"the impact her new theory will have", "developing the concept", and
"moving towards broader definitions",
which imply that "codependency" is a big new discovery, and a new
field of medical treatment. Well, in the following 24 years,
neither the American Medical Association, nor the American Psychiatric Association,
has seen fit to recognize the existence of any such "disease" or "condition" as
"codependency". So it wasn't really a new, emerging field after all, was it?
Oh, but they have an explanation for that, too, sort of...
The authoress declares that
Ah, so if a doctor does not believe in "codependency", then
he is "untrained", and he has the disease himself?
Why does this sound like a Medieval witchcraft trial?
"If you say that you do not believe in the existence of witches, then that just proves
that you are an evil, lying witch who is trying to hide the practice of witchcraft."
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
== Orange
Date: Mon, May 17, 2010 5:40 pm (answered 18 June 2010) Hello Orange, Since I sent you the email I found this attached info on of all places. I do have issues with associated with PTSD (anxiety). But it's definitely non related to codependency. I ask the therapist if I should meet the young girl at CoDA for coffee. She said absolutely. The brainwashed beauty was totally different at Starbucks than at the meetings. Deranged, fake, narcissist, attention whore to be blunt. Not codependent. I've highlighted some of the points I found interesting. Relationships with brainwashed whack jobs outside the meetings...Not a good idea. The meetings don't work. I saw zero growth. People blaming the same "family of origin" for all of their irresponsibilities, bad behavior and stupid decisions. These are people that have attended meetings 2yrs. plus. What a facade!!!!
Hi again, Mike,
Thanks for the update. Somehow, I'm not surprised. Considering that fact that
there is no such disease as Codependency, a CoDA meeting would be a bunch of people
sitting around, complaining about how they suffer from a non-existent disease.
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
== Orange
A: Thanks for the work. I can't find your bio page though.
Thanks for the thanks.
There isn't a bio page, as such. The biographical information is just sort of spread out
here and there.
Here is the list:
Have a good day.
== Orange
Date: Tue, May 18, 2010 10:42 am (answered 18 June 2010) A.G. Your reply to me regarding your bio was exceeding generous. For you to take the time to make such a E-mail for me shows you are a good caring person. CAM III P.S. What little I have to offer the world is here...
Hi Cam,
Thanks for the compliment. You have a good day too.
== Orange
Sunday morning, feb 14, 2010 and I have stumbled across this page while looking for a book called Bill W. by an writer named Hardigan. I guess the book is quite revealing about Bill Wilson life and struggles with depression and womanizing? Anyway, I have read some of the content here and found it quite interesting, if not rather extensive. I am curious to see when it was put together and for what reason ? no judgment here. I have had exposure to AA for about 10 years and have found it both beneficial and disagreeable at times..but never thought it cultish! I do like some of the points made in the content."by god we have the only cure for alcoholism and you better get it fast or die" , I still see that attitude in some of the meetings I attend. I myself struggle with the concept that I am powerless over alcohol. I agree that my life seems better if I don't drink, but I am not one to go over the edge on black out benders when I do drink, so I don't think in my heart I can say I'm powerless over alcohol. Anyway, I'm curious to see if I hear any feed back here from this site, otherwise I guess I'll keep on reading the contents of this page. Eric
Hello Eric,
Thanks for the letter and the questions. Sorry to take so long to answer —
I was unavoidably delayed.
First off, about
Francis Hartigan and his book
Bill W. A Biography of Alcoholics Anonymous Cofounder Bill Wilson:
I have several quotes and excerpts in my pages. Here is a list:
About the question,
"Why was the web site put together?", the list of answers
is here.
Have a good day.
== Orange
[The story of Carmen continues here.] ![]()
Hello, Is it possible to get a reprint of your paper? I am involved with a sober living organisation as a volunteer. I do not understand why so much energy goes into the 12 step meetings and theories. I don't see all the so-called success stories the proponents claim. Indeed, it seems as though the most rabid supporters are the quickest to relapse. Also, if you would be kind enough to direct me to additional research and work in this area, I would be most grateful. Is there any research that shows that there is any benefit to having addicts surrounded and counseled by other addicts? Somehow I suspect that one becomes most like what one is exposed to. I also cannot seem to find out why so much of the court system is tied into this unsupported "therapy." Is this true all over the United States? Thanks you kindly for any help you can offer.
All kindness,
Hello K. F.,
Thanks for the letter.
Well, starting at the top:
There is no research that shows that A.A. works, or getting alcoholics or addicts together
in A.A. or N.A. meetings actually reduces alcohol abuse or drug abuse. What the
properly-conducted tests have shown is that A.A. increases binge drinking and
Likewise, a test at Johns Hopkins University showed that addicts getting sponsors did not help either.
See the file
The Effectiveness of the Twelve-Step Treatment
for the list of all of the research.
Watch out: there is a lot of faked research, created by 12-Step shills and promoters,
that purports to show that A.A. works, but it is all fraud.
Here are some examples:
Have a good day.
== Orange
Date: Mon, May 24, 2010 4:07 pm Hello, Many, many thanks for all the information. I really appreciate the time you took to answer my questions. It is so bizarre that no other treatment model seems to be able to compete with the 12 steps.
All kindness, ![]()
Hope you are well. I read your webpage, and I found this website to answer some questions you have kindly posed: Hope you'd enjoy it. Safwan
Hi Safwan,
Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.
== Orange
First off, you used the propaganda trick of
"Exchange A Term"
when you said that you wanted to "answer some questions" that I posted.
I did not post any "questions" about Nichiren Shoshu "Buddhism";
I said that in my experience Nichiren Shoshu "Buddhism" was
just another cult. That was not a question at all. My experiences were quite clear.
No doubt about it.
Then, that page you referred me to has a big title in the middle,
"Why The Soka Gakkai is Attacked".
That is not a question for me, either. It is very obvious: It is insane to imagine that you
can get all of your wishes granted by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
at a printed scroll. So of course the cult will receive criticism. And rightly so.
In fact, what I saw people doing at Nichiren Shoshu basically qualifies as
"black magic" — the attempt to use spiritual forces and
magical powers and chanting to get material gain like money, a better job,
a better apartment, new furniture, a new car...
By the way, what I saw at Nichiren Shoshu was not Buddhism. It was not even vaguely like Buddhism.
Buddhism is a good thing.
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
== Orange
Date: Wed, May 26, 2010 Please see your doctor for the side effects of what you are taking, including your mind's orientation and beliefs. Never too late.
Ho! That's a good one.
It isn't me who is wasting his time chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
and expecting Santa Claus to bring the goodies.
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
== Orange
[The next letter in this thread is here.] ![]()
Dear Orange: I found your web site to be the funniest thing I have seen in a while. To think that someone is so threatened by AA that they would waste what appears to be considerable time and expense to attack them is beyond idiocy. What has AA done to you personally? And does the fact that several million people have used the flawed program and believe it saved their life mean nothing to you? Get a life, and leave grown folks alone. Your twisted view of AA does not have the least effect on the sobriety of those who have found it helpful. If you did not, that is fine. But trashing a universally recognized fellowship that has helped so many people is just petty. Anyone can find fault with any organization or group of people. Because they are, after all, just human. And your big alternative to AA? Like Nancy Reagan, you say "Just Say No". That shows a fairly simplistic and medically irresponsible point of view — it didn't work when Nancy said it, and it ain't working now. ~~~Steve~~~ "If there is a God, atheism must seem to Him as less of an insult than religion." — Edmond de Goncourt
Hello Steve,
Well, your letter is a load of misstatements.
By the way,
laughing is a common defense mechanism.
When people encounter information that they feel threatens their cherished illusions,
some people immediately laugh, rather than
seriously consider the information. You say that you are laughing at what I have written, but
you sound angry. I don't think you are really laughing.
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
== Orange
Helene posted something on your Wall and wrote: "Thank you for your excellent website that tells the truth about AA. Before I told my (now) ex-fiance about all the scientific evidence you discuss on your website showing that AA does not work (much of which I have independently verified — for example, I bought a copy of Vaillant's book "The Natural History of Alcoholism"), he had spent 10 years in AA and thought he was going crazy because he could not stay sober in "the rooms." Thank you, thank you! (BTW, the letters section could be one of the fastest ways for some people to find answers to their questions since you link to the answers when you reply. Plus, it shows how "rabid" AAers are about their AA religion.)"
Hello Helene,
Thanks for the thanks, and you have a good day now.
== Orange
Hello my Name is Nils S. frm Heidelberg Germany. For me its very important to say you what i got find out. So i belive now that the AA NA and what else is working together with FreeMasonic over the hole World. I think that aa and all other anonymous Groups are a sellected instituions for the idiologie and relligion of the Freemansonic. Mansonics used these Groups to get the people in their idiologie, and so they will sellected all people around the world to built a worldunity in thougts and relligion of Mansonic. Second i think that they want to eliminate Christians silent, and the doing this with infiltration in Church Groups and other political and humanitäre Organisations. I belive in Jesus Christ and noone as God will rule us. I stay for Love from god as the simple and peacefullest way for Humanity.
Best Regads frm. Germany
Hello Nils,
Thanks for the letter. I've received questions about a connection between the Freemasons
and A.A., or between the Freemasons and Frank Buchman, every so often,
I have found no evidence of such a connection, other than the fact that
Dr. Robert Holbrook Smith was a Mason.
But if you find any evidence, I'd like to see it.
Have a good day now.
== Orange
Good Morning Mr. Orange, I have been a depressed withdrawn drink'n doper since age 12. Your personnel story reveals some of mine. At age 50 suicide ideation was overwhelming. I could not abandon my daughter as I was abandoned. I entered medical detox and "sober living" program for about 30 days. AA was the mode of treatment. Having been absolutely lost and feeling helpless in a dark abyss full of fear I felt I had nowhere else to go. I am an Atheist raised that way 3rd generation from mom's family. Dad a catholic. Well I don't need to go into a lot of explaining. AA just bent my brain, but no matter what I have not taken one drink in 1 year. AA's book and teaching's pretty much go against all I believe about humans. I cannot, but have nearly had a drink over admitting I was/is/am powerless. I will not give my will and my life over to the care of god or any higher power {sounds like slavery). My lack of self worth and fear keeps me at AA. There is lots about it I don't like and find unhealthy. I do have one year of sobriety and I want to continue a healthy life. Unfortunately I do not have a healthy family and I have problems with trust and fear related to early childhood mental, physical and sexual abuse. I have had many, about 30 years of therapy and 3 hospitalizations. I am determined to live I believe in the goodness of humans (most of the time) But most of all I want to be a good Mom and paint in the forest one day. I am wanting to break away from AA, But I am not sure how. I will follow my instinct, which I believe to be good. AA is kinda like a rip tide I am trying swimming out of. I thank you for your website it gives me hope and faith in myself that I am on the right track. I am not much of a computer person. I wish I could talk to someone with your type of strength, intelligence and thinking. I will continue to read your letters, papers and stories to bolster mine. I have tried SOS and WFS, I am looking for groups of people likeness of us who are learning and yearning to live a healthy life with similar stories.
Thank you again~ sober Me
Hello Sober Me,
Thanks for the letter. Congratulations on your year of sobriety. I'm glad to hear
that you are doing well and feeling better.
Alas, you can't talk to me on the phone right now because I don't have a phone. I'm still
in the process of getting moved into my new place and haven't figured out how I'm
going to handle phone and Internet access this time. The one thing that I'm sure of
is that I won't again give any more money to rip-off outfits like Qwest or T-mobile.
Now, about getting out of A.A.:
Yes, that is how cults keep people trapped in the cult — most all cults in general.
Cults deliberately induce feelings of worthlessness, guilt, covert fear, and powerlessness
in their victims, and induce phobias about leaving the cult.
Look at these Cult Test items that describe exactly what you are experiencing:
And start doing other things than going to A.A. meetings. You will discover that the sky
doesn't fall if you do something pleasant and constructive, rather than go to another
A.A. meeting.
Here is a previous letter
where I talked about weaning oneself off of A.A.
Have a good day, and a good life.
== Orange
Hello, interesting stuff you've written. volumes of it by the looks..... as i keep linking on and on through your materials. is there a comprehensive list of your works and web addresses for them?
oh, another question i have is.....
Really and truly very interesting stuff and i've already printed hundreds and hundreds of pages to pdf files.....and i suspect i'm not even close to the end of what you've written. I know that my questions are personal, but I truly am interested..... I just finished a book named "How Alcoholics Anonymous Failed Me". A great book really but it is more about a woman's alternate choices and her personal path of recovery from addictions and less about her observations of AA and how it didn't work for her. So, currently I just happened upon your website when I was looking for a searchable big book. One thing that I think you really hit on is the contradictions both within the aa program and within the voluminous writings of bill wilson.
Last and final question....... Darn one more question — just curious if you are male or female. Thanks for your time, Fran C.
Hello Fran,
Thanks for the letter. Those questions are pretty easy to answer, and I don't
mind if they are personal.
First off, the list of questions and answers for "Who are you?" and "Why did you do
the web site?" are
The "comprehensive list" of my published writings is super-simple, and you already
found it: the Orange Papers web site. That's it. No dead-tree publications.
You can download the entire web site by downloading a set of zipfiles.
The files are listed on the first menu page,
and the process for making a CD of the web site is described
You can use the search engine at the bottom of each web page to find items,
and then use the web browser's built-in search function (like slash, '/'), to
find within the page.
Yes, I also like
"How Alcoholics Anonymous Failed Me", by Marianne Gilliam. I have it
on my
"Top 10" reading list, here.
I am a man, and there are some recent pictures of me and my little friends
Have a good day.
== Orange
Last updated 8 March 2013. |