> > "Kai"
That study by Humphreys and Moos was a hoax. The V.A. sure got cheated out of their money on that one. That was not a randomized study. Humphreys and Moos hand-picked which patients would go into which program. They were cherry-picking.
For some real randomized studies, look at Brandsma,
There was no control group. There should have been three groups: Assignment of patients to those 3 groups must be random for the test to be valid. No cherry-picking allowed. There must be follow-ups, preferably going on for years, to see what the long-term effects and success rate really are. That is not how Humphreys and Moos did their "study".
The quality of the teaching of the rational behavioral therapy
in that so-called "study" had to be terrible, because at
least 7%
of the "rational" class time was actually spent teaching the
12 steps instead of teaching rational thinking. Didn't you
notice that nasty little detail? The two approaches, rational thinking and the 12 steps, are diametrically opposed and cannot be blended together:
Any teacher who can stand in front of a class and recite the 12 steps and then say, "It works, it really does," is inherently unqualified to teach rational thinking to anyone. Likewise, it's hard to tell the students that irrational superstition is wonderful stuff that will save your life, and then switch to endorsing rational thinking and teach them to think rationally. Which statements are the students supposed to believe? With all of the groups getting 12-Step indoctrination, this was not a test of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy versus A.A.. It was a contest of A.A. versus a bastardized version of A.A.. And then Humphreys stuffed the ballot box by hand-picking the contestants. And then one of the versions of A.A. won. No surprise there. The lead author, Keith Humphreys, is obviously, blatantly, biased. He's a true believer in the 12-Step cult. This is nothing new. Keith Humphreys has a long history of writing phony propaganda pieces to promote A.A.. Just a few:
Keith Humphreys; Rudolf H. Moos; Caryn Cohen.
Keith Humphreys:
Humphreys, K., Mavis, B.E., Stofflemayer, B.E. (1991).
Humphreys, K., & Weisner, C. (2000).
Keith Humphreys; Rudolf H. Moos.
Humphreys, K., Moos, R. H., and Finney, J. W.,
Humphreys et al. I have many more such references. He's a one-man propaganda machine, and the team of Humphreys and Moos seems to be a Rogers-and-Hart-like song and dance team that is dedicated to proselytizing for Alcoholics Anonymous. ========================================================
By the way, Humphreys loves to harp on the idea that
"free" A.A. is very money-saving and cost effective.
That is not what Dr. Diana Walsh found. She found that A.A.
just messed up a lot of people and made them worse, so
that they required much more expensive hospitalization later on.
In this piece of propaganda, Humphreys said of 12-Steppers
teaching A.A. recovery: As if the people who coordinate SMART or WFS meetings don't believe in what they are doing? Translation: the true-believer steppers who taught the rational behavior classes did not believe in rational thinking, and they even spent 7% of the class time teaching the 12 steps instead of teaching rational thinking. They believed in the 12-Step approach so much that they just couldn't let anybody get through their programs without having had the 12 steps shoved down their throats.
>> "They are more likely to say I can help you overcome your cocaine >> addiction, because I overcame one." Baloney. As if the people who facilitate SMART, SOS, WFS, and MFS meetings are not also recovering or recovered alcoholics and addicts.
>> Once the patients of these >> programs are discharged, they can call on self-help group members >> and sponsors that they met during their treatment, creating a mutual >> support network that can in some ways mirror that provided by >> professional counselors. More baloney. As if you can't go back to a SMART meeting whenever you wish. (For free, of course.) Or SOS, WFS, or MFS, or get into LifeRing on the Internet.
>> Humphreys wrote: >> "Graduates from the 12-Step-oriented >> programs slice their long-term health care costs by more than half >> by turning to community-based self-help groups rather than to >> professional mental health services for support in the year after >> discharge, say the researchers."
That is a false comparison. Of course paid professionals are
more expensive than free A.A. meetings. But what about free
SMART meetings? Or SOS, WFS, or MFS? Humphreys just pretended
that they don't exist.
Also note that the A.A. members must have been relapsing and
getting hospitalized or detoxed a lot, because it still cost
half of the professional treatment programs' costs when the
alcoholics went to the "free" A.A. meetings.
A.A. is supposed to be free, so what cost so much?
And watch the verbal shell game very carefully. Humphreys
said that it was more expensive to go to "professional mental
health services" in the year following graduation from treatment,
rather than going to "free" A.A..
But Humphreys didn't say that those expensive professionals
actually taught the rational behavior classes, did he?
They were obviously taught by inexpensive steppers who couldn't
resist the urge to include 12-Step theology in the classes.
In the final analysis, all that Humphreys is really saying
is, "Free A.A. meetings cost a little bit less than highly-paid
professional therapists."
>> Humphreys wrote: "The cost difference was due >> to the fact that the men who were enrolled in the >> 12-Step oriented approach were significantly more likely to attend >> meetings of community based self-help groups after discharge, and >> were less likely to call on traditional medical professionals to >> help them avoid relapsing."
Note the message that health care providers can save a lot of
money if they teach the alcoholics not to go to professional
healers — just go to the inexpensive amateurs who use faith
healing, like the A.A. sponsors.
I wonder how the V.A. reacted to the idea that they could save
money by sending the veterans to cheap quack doctors.
And the *only* mention Humphreys made of actual success is this line:
Or the 10% difference in abstinence (46% vs. 36%)
may be due to cherry-picking the patients. Humphreys stated that
he hand-picked which patients went into which program.
Or it may be due to the fact that the rational classes were
taught by 12-Step true believers who also taught the 12 steps
in the rational classes, and who clearly showed their disdain
for rational approaches, and who did a very poor job of teaching
rational behavior.
Note that Humphreys did not say how many of the patients were
still in trouble with alcohol. People who have recovered and
are drinking moderately are counted as failures in A.A. programs, along with
the rest of the non-abstainers and relapsers. The *only* measure of success
that Humphreys gave was total abstinence. He didn't say anything
about health, legal issues, employment, rearrests and imprisonment,
deaths, divorce, relapse rates or intensity, or anything else.
(Getting locked up in prison counts as abstinence, doesn't it?
So does committing suicide.)
This so-called "study" was nothing more than a propaganda
stunt to try to make the 12-Step cult look good.
It wasn't worth the paper it was printed on.
And lastly, note that when all of the groups got 12-Step
indoctrination, Humphreys could have pointed to the winners,
no matter who did better, and announced that people who got at
least some 12-Step training did the best.
What a joke.
Unfortunately, all of the pro-A.A. "tests" and "studies" turn
out to be equally useless pseudo-science. I say unfortunately
because it really would be wonderful to have a program that
works as well as A.A. says theirs works.
UPDATE: 2011.07.11:
Look here:
![]() Thanks for your article "The Lizard Brain Addiction Monster" and the other Orange Papers. I enjoyed the pragmatic tone of the piece, with its sense of humor and muckraking desire to get to the root of a story. I had begun to come to a lot of the same conclusions that you have, although I have only been to one 12-Step meeting. Thanks for your thoughts. They are much appreciated. —dean PS A little background about me: I find myself confronting the issues of addiction and dependence for the first time. I was raised Mormon, but am now a spiritually oriented but essentially nontheistic and nonreligious person. I am highly educated, with degrees in mathematics from Caltech and UCLA. I decided to become a professional performing artist, and have worked as a freelance, professional opera singer for the past 9 years.
Hi, Dean,
Thanks for the thanks, and have a good day.
— Orange
![]() Hello, just visited most of your web page. Very intriguing, and interesting. Are you an alcoholic? Are you in recovery (or recovered)? I'm too young to have known Mr. Wilson. Did you know him? You have a lot of insight into his way of thinking. Did you live near him? best regards, Dean P.
Hello Dean,
Thanks for the letter.
I am also too young to have known Bill Wilson. He died Jan 24, 1971, when I was 24.
At that age, I had not even started the habit of having one beer a day after work.
That didn't start until I was 29, so I never had any reason to know
Bill Wilson while he was alive.
Any insight into his character that I have just comes from years of studying
his writings and the history of his cult (as well as the cult of his guru,
Frank Buchman). And also maybe from growing up the son of an alcoholic father,
just like Bill Wilson did.
Am I an alcoholic? Yes. But watch out for the definitions. A.A. uses three very
different definitions of the word "alcoholic", and freely uses them interchangeably:
Have a good day.
— Orange
![]() Agent Orange, Just a note to say, that even as an AA member for about 25 years, I enjoy your site as well as aadeprogramming. Your site I especially like because you list your sources. As any supposed anti-aa (for lack of a better term right now) it does seem that once the ball gets rolling it can not stop. In that I mean that just as so much of the aa logic is flawed much of the anti-aa logic becomes flawed. For example the first step gets a little bent, in my opinion, by both sides with neither seeing the step just as it is word for word. When I am in a first step meeting it suddenly becomes "We were powerless over everything," "We admitted we were alcoholics" and "our lives are always unmanageable." And then a lot of people get pissed when I state that the Big Book does not tell me I have to admit I am an alcoholic. Lol The real reason I do especially like your site as well as aadeprogramming is because I realize AA is not for everyone. I get more alternatives thru your sites and I have passed much on. Much I have already known such as all the perps the roam our tables. Even I was 13 stepped and he was real smooth too and not one in that group would help me. I got shit like well, that is between you two and well, he does have a lot of sobriety, and it went on and on. I should add I am male as well so that criteria was met and neither of us were/are gay. And so, in the spirit of aa (lol) I do my best to pass the message and help those newcomers that are vulnerable. To which I was told the word vulnerable was not in the Big Book. I have even suggested to a few that they try a treatment center to make them into a social drinker as they met the basic criteria for admittance. There just is so many alternatives out there if one can only be open minded enough to learn them and not be locked into AA is the absolute. As my sponsor/shrink would tell me when I would piss and moan about my nearing psyche degree, near completion of a 2 year chemical dependency program, and all my extension credits in family issues; "that"s for other people, AA is for you." And so it has been. I am AA in spite of Bill Wilson and all of AA faults. Again, thanks for your site..fantastic work (obviously a labor of love) Bruce J. Treatment taught me there is nothing worse than a drunk with a heedful of AA. Experience has taught me there is nothing worse than an AA with head full of treatment.
Hi Bruce,
Thanks for the thanks. I always find it interesting to hear from A.A. oldtimers
(when they don't want to crucify me... :-)
Have a good day.
— Orange
![]() Medicine is amazing. You can get a new heart. Diabetes is under. Asthma and allergies have solutions. Polio is gone. And other Vaccines for all sorts of disease. Bone Marrow transplants. Moon landings. Computers. Science galore. But when it comes to addiction we are still in the 1950's with AA 12 step program that works for maybe 5%. Why even HIV and STD's are faring better. Perhaps what we need is all of us to come out of the closet and have addicts pride week and addicts political action committees in order to get the government to spend money on scientific solutions to pain and addiction. ringingo
Hi, thanks for the letter. I couldn't agree more.
And about political action, I am writing to my Congressmen and Senators now,
starting a real campaign of writing and sending essays,
explaining why we should not bother with Rep. Jim Ramstad's (R-MN) "HEART" bill.
That's "Help Expand Access to Recovery and Treatment", House Bill H.R.2256.
It's co-sponsored in the Senate by Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN) as Senate Bill S.1138.
I know that it can't be just a coincidence that Hazelden is located in Minnesota,
and that this bill would get lots more money for Hazelden.
How much did Hazelden contribute to those guys' campaign coffers?
Oh, and Jim Ramstad is a non-anonymous member of Alcoholics Anonymous who talks about
being a 20-year old-timer.
The "HEART" bill is just another thinly-veiled attempt to
route more money into the 12-Step
cult, by laundering the money through "treatment
facilities", 93% of which use 12-Step programs to "treat" alcoholics and
addicts. The bill will force health insurance programs to pay for more 12-Step
"treatment" for addicts, and will give the 12-Step quack healers "parity"
with real doctors when it comes to getting paid.
As if some 12-Step true believer who has been off of drugs and alcohol for a
few years is just as well-trained and qualified as a real doctor who spent 8
years in medical school and even more years as an intern and resident...
At a time when they are talking about Medicare going broke, and health insurance
costs are going through the roof, and health insurance is simply becoming too expensive
for the average family to afford, we don't need to be spending a billion or two
on completely ineffective voodoo medicine, faith healing, and quack medicine
to make the 12-Step cult happy.
How is it that we are still stuck in the dark ages as far as
treating addictions is concerned, and so
many people think it's wonderful?
One of the things I am recommending is that any alcoholism or addiction
treatment programs that health insurance programs are forced to pay for
must be tested by the FDA in real honest valid
work and be good, effective medicine (just like how any other medicine or
treatment gets tested). A.A. has flunked that simple test every single
time it has ever been done, because A.A. doesn't work.
And we must look at the success rate at the end
of a year, not a week after the "treatment" ends, to see what the real,
lasting effect of the "treatment" is.
Oh, and I have to mention that
5% is the normal rate of
spontaneous remission in alcoholics.
That's the success rate you get if you do nothing to help them.
Those are the people who heal themselves and save their own lives.
When you subtract the normal 5% spontaneous remission rate from
the A.A. 5% success rate, you get zero for A.A.'s real success rate.
A.A. doesn't make any more people recover than would have recovered anyway
without A.A. "help".
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
— Orange
Hello Why do you go to all this trouble? what the heck did AA do to you? A cult has to have people who will follow without question. And you disproved yourself all ready, if nobody says sober then the is no cult? Besides you can't get to drunks to agree on anything most of the time.
Best regards,
Why do I go to all that trouble?
Your logic about cults is flawed and erroneous.
Likewise, the success of A.A. in recruiting new members has little or nothing to do with
the success (or failure) of A.A. in keeping those people sober. Several doctors
and other investigators have noticed that many A.A. members just relapse repeatedly.
A.A. does not, in fact, keep them sober, in spite of all of A.A.'s McDonald's-style claims
of "millions served". Heck, I've seen for myself that relapse and drop-out
is the usual A.A. member behavior. They die like flies.
Not one newcomer in a thousand makes it to be a sober 20-year A.A. old-timer.
Did you bother to read the file on
The Effectiveness of the Twelve Steps?
First off, many alcoholics will simply quit drinking and stay sober, both in and out of
A.A. — mostly out of it. That is called spontaneous remission.
There are always people who simply spontaneously recover from all kinds of diseases and ailments,
ranging from the common cold to cancer. That's the body naturally healing itself.
With the common cold, the spontaneous remission rate is nearly 100% — everybody survives
the common cold, even without a doctor's help.
With cancer, on the other hand, the spontaneous remission rate is low.
The Harvard Medical School stated
that over 50% of all alcoholics eventually quit drinking,
and that most of the successful quitters — 80% to be exact —
quit alone, on their own.
Only a small fraction of the
sober alcoholics quit while in a treatment program or a support group.
And the reasons why they quit are the obvious reasons — to not die, to not be sick,
to improve their lives and have a saner lifestyle.
They simply get sick and tired of being sick and tired, so they quit. And stay quit.
Then A.A. manages to snag a few of those successful quitters — or people who
were about to quit anyway — and convert them into true-believer
cult members.
A.A. even manages to convince some of them that they quit *because of*
A.A., which is not true at all.
(Why do people go to their first A.A. meeting? Very often, it is because they have
already decided to quit drinking. Nan Robertson reported in her book,
Getting Better Inside Alcoholics Anonymous,
that the majority of people
who came to A.A. had already quit drinking.)
And A.A. manages to fool some of them into thinking that they have to stay in A.A.
or else they won't be able to stay sober.
The Scientologists, the Moonies, and
other cults also manage to
snag a few of them, and convince them that their cult is the
cause of their salvation.
Your statement,
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
— Orange
![]() Hi Bobby, thanks for a great letter. AO, For many of us (that I know personally), it was not the only program we tried. It was just the first one that provided some level of measurable extended success. For me I tried counselling and a church based recovery program, but neither had any lasting success. In truth, it likely was not the program. Perhaps, it was more a case of "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear." I finally reached a point where I was teachable. Perhaps, at that time, had I gone back to those other programs they may have finally worked also. But alas, I did not. I chose AA. And it worked. I could see it was working for those folks when I first arrived and I see it working for folks today - some several years later. I am also comfortable with the way it worked and continues to work — for me.
Yes, when the student is ready...
When you say that "AA worked...", do you realize what you are saying?
How, really, could working the 12 steps of a cult religion possibly
keep anybody from drinking?
The truth is, you quit drinking. And you deserve some
congratulations. Nobody quit for you.
Nobody but you holds your hand every Saturday night
and keeps you from drinking.
In addition, A.A. is different things to different people.
And above all, the fact remains that whenever anybody has done a
valid test of A.A. treatment of alcoholics, to see what kind of
improvement in sobering up alcoholics A.A. produced, the results
ranged from "zero help" to "really good for killing alcoholics".
Those very negative effects are part of the reason for the zero
percent success rate of A.A. As we all know, statistics can
be true for groups, but invalid for individuals.
It is not possible to prove or disprove that one individual
person was helped or not helped by A.A.; it is only possible
to show that A.A. did or did not help A GROUP of people
become more sober than another group who didn't get any
A.A. treatment.
A.A. treatment has never passed a single valid controlled test.
I have searched this world for every valid test of A.A. that
I could find, and I haven't found a single one that showed
that A.A. produced even one tenth or one twentieth of the successes that
the A.A. public relations machine brags about.
Just recently, we had a flap here over
Keith Humphrey's piece of propaganda
about 12-Step programs producing better results
than Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It was just another hoax
— a rigged test — just another piece of institutional
But to give the A.A. program the benefit of the doubt:
It is possible that Prof. Vaillant saw something like that, because
he got a zero percent success rate accompanied by a 29% death rate
over the course of his 8-year test of A.A. treatment of alcoholics.
The A.A. death rate was much higher than any other
treatment program that he examined. Vaillant called the A.A.
death rate "appalling."
(It would be nice if only the "Joes" could then be sent to A.A.,
but nobody has found a way to predict the future... That was
part of the idea behind
Project MATCH,
matching patients to treatment programs, but it didn't work, either.)
I strongly encourage those who still have a choice to try other recovery programs. From my experience they are easier than some of the tasks I have been asked to do in AA. I stress "asked" as in suggested. No one forced me to do any of these things. Nobody berated me into or through the steps. I realize that has not been the experience of all AAers, but there is little I can do about that. I accept that sometimes recovery alcoholics are just self-centered enough to believe they still control the lives of others and have found the answer for all. I also accept that simply is not the case. AA is not a cure-all, nor is it a cure-for-all.
Actually, a lot of people are forced into a lot of things that
include A.A.. The treatment industry and the legal systems are
still routinely forcing 12-Step programs on people, in spite of
the fact that it is now illegal on religious grounds.
That is one of my biggest complaints about the current system.
I know of a drug court judge who is really sold on A.A. and N.A.,
and who gives public speeches praising it,
and who uses 12-Step groups as punishment.
That is, people he is happy with can go to either SMART or AA/NA.
People he is mad at get mandatory 12-Step AA/NA only, or else. I suggest that AA is one of many roads to sobriety and for many of us the steps do not take us someplace we do not really want to go. It works for us. Although it may not work for others. If it does not work for you then I suggest you try something else (plural you). To say it does not work at all — that it is all a fallacy, or just voodoo, is simply not supported by what I have seen nor by what I have experienced.
What have you seen? A hundred new people come into a room, and a year
later 5 of them are sober, and the rest of them are gone, right?
Five percent is the normal rate of spontaneous remission in alcoholics.
That is the same result as you get if you do nothing at all
for a group of alcoholics.
(Or maybe the results are even worse than that — 300 or 400
go through the rooms, and 5 are left sober a year later...
Even the successful quitters drop out of A.A., for a variety
of reasons.)
A.A. is simply taking the credit for the people who are going to
quit anyway.
It reminds me of the old "Silent Majority" slogan of Lyndon Johnson
in the sixties. Most of the alcoholics who quit drinking
don't tell anybody that they are an alcoholic who is quitting.
Why would they want to embarrass themselves like that?
They just quit drinking, silently, alone.
So they are *really* the anonymous alcoholics.
The alcoholics who recover in A.A. are only a small minority
of those who recover.
My observation is that people quit when they want to quit, and
don't quit otherwise. And basically people don't REALLY want to
quit until they become convinced that drinking is causing them
far more pain than pleasure.
And I know it sounds drastic to say that A.A. does not work
*AT ALL*, but that is what everybody from Prof. Vaillant to
Doctors Brandsma, Ditman, and Orford and Edwards found. Again, just because
somebody sobers himself up while going to A.A. meetings
doesn't mean that the meetings necessarily did anything.
When many more people sober themselves up without the meetings,
then you know that the meetings aren't doing it.
And when the vast majority of the people who go to the meetings do not
get sober there, then you know that the meetings aren't doing it.
seeing cause and effect relationships
between A.A. meetings and people quitting drinking is the same old
logical fallacy as: I have seen your site and read many of your posts here and I have found a vast array of information that has little or nothing to do with Me — Today. I am not dedicated to learning the entire history of AA, I understand Bill W was hardly the saint many would paint him be and I truly believe that parts of the reading material is dated.
If it were just history, then it would be somewhat irrelevant to
recovery today. Certainly people can quit drinking without knowing
anything about the history of Alcoholics Anonymous.
But the 12 steps simply are Frank Buchman's cult religion — channelling
God in Step Eleven, surrendering to "God" or the cult in Step Three,
making confessions in Steps Four through Seven, and "making amends"
in Steps Eight and Nine, and declaring yourself insane and powerless
in Steps One and Two, and spending your life as a slave of God in
Steps Three and Eleven....
As long as those 12 steps hang on the wall of the A.A. meeting room,
then people are still practicing the Buchmanite cult religion.
And I think it is good to understand what Bill Wilson was and what
his game was (getting supported in comfort for the rest of his
life by gullible alcoholics).
Last but not least, knowledge of the history of A.A. and the
theology of Frank Buchman upon which it is based is becoming
more relevant, not less. George W. Bush is now pushing
"faith-based" programs as a panacea. He is also under the
misimpression that cult religion is actually an effective
cure for addictions. Guess who has been selling that idea
for the last 60 years.... (Hint: The Friends of Bill.)
And on Bill Moyers' show tonight (17 Oct) we saw Congressman
Jim Ramstad (R-MN), a not-anonymous member of Alcoholics
Anonymous, scheming to get more money for 12-Step treatment
facilities. It's called "HEART",
"Help Expand Access to Recovery Treatment".
A.A. ideas, which are really Frank Buchman's ideas, pervade
our society more than is healthy. Over the last 60 years,
A.A. has done an excellent job of proselytizing and
spreading Buchmanism around, while claiming to be
promoting recovery from alcoholism.
A.A./Buchmanite ideas are getting blended in with fundamentalist
Christian ideas in a lot of people's minds, including G. W. Bush's.
You have probably heard on the news the last couple of nights
about Lt. Gen. William Jerry Boykin, who while in uniform went
to churches and delivered speaches/sermons where he declared
that he saw the war in Iraq and the war against terrorism as
a holy war between Christianity and Islam,
and the real enemy is not Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein, it is Satan;
and in his opinion, God, rather than the American people,
selected G. W. Bush to be the President.
That strongly echoes Frank Buchman's fascism and
love of theocratic dictatorships. Just like Frank Buchman,
Gen. Boykin is ready to abandon democracy and have
"God-controlled" country.
Do you think Gen. Boykin will be fired for such conduct?
EAST DORSET, Vt. - One of the top drug policy
advisers to President
Bush used the birthplace of the co-founder of
Alcoholics Anonymous
Monday to promote a new drug and alcohol
treatment plan.
In fact, Bush agrees with so much of the A.A./Buchmanite theology that I still wonder whether he really is a hidden A.A. member, someone who is truly practicing anonymity. He says, for instance, that God told him to invade Iraq. That's A.A. Step Eleven, listening for God to give you your marching orders. That is also Frank Buchman's practice of "Guidance". Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.
Also notice the very strange fact that, in spite of George W. Bush's constant
yammering about faith and spirituality, he does not bother to go to church. I have read your introduction and I am trying to understand your perspective versus my experience. If in fact what you propose is correct, then we do not need recovery programs at all. In fact, none us do or ever did. Those who will recover will and those who will not recover will not. That seems to be the logic you are supporting.
It is certainly possible that we don't need treatment programs
— at least not the current ones, which do not work anyway.
And we certainly do not need the kind of inpatient treatment
that Senator Ramstad is pushing. Doctors Orford and Edwards clearly showed
that a doctor talking to alcoholics for just one hour,
telling them to quit drinking or die, was just as effective
as big, lengthy expensive treatment programs that included A.A. meetings and 12-Step
At the one-year point, the group that got minimal treatment
(one hour) and the group that got maximum treatment, full
access to all of the hospital facitilites, in-patient
treatment, and a zillion A.A. meetings, scored just the
same. There was no difference in outcome, no matter how much money
was spent on the alcoholics.
Like you said, when the student is ready...
Some kind of educational classes can certainly help people,
and I am not opposed to some kind of a "support group" where
people help each other with encouragement and advice.
As I have said so many times, I personally recommend SMART. Also
check out SOS, WFS, or MFS if you can find them in your area.
(Also read Trimpey's stuff about the "Addiction Beast" or
my rap in "The Lizard-Brain Addiction Monster":
But I do not expect any great success rate from them either.
But note that SMART is not a "program".
Now if people want to spend the rest of their lives
in the meetings of a social club, then that's okay.
I have no problem with that. But the social club
should not be telling people that they cannot ever
quit the club or they will die drunk in a gutter.
That is a cult talking.
Plainly you have offered up what you feel to be your truth on the need and
purpose of AA, but you have offered little if anything as an alternative.
What do you have to offer that will assist someone who is in recovery or
more importantly someone who feels they need some assistance in controlling
or arresting their drinking habits? Surely you have more to offer than the
hope for spontaneous remission.
Bobby L
Yes, I actually work very hard at making sure that everything I put
up there is true. I have seen friends basically killed by bad
information, and I've seen people driven away from recovery by
"Step Nazis" and fanatical true believers.
As far as hope goes...
We can cajole and encourage people to quit drinking or drugging;
we can recommend things; but in the end it is still just
a matter of "People will do what they want to do."
That is what is going on now; that is why treatment doesn't work.
And until we have a horrendous totalitarian science-fiction
dystopian world where somebody has some effective electronic
brain control technology that he can use on other people,
I don't think we will ever be able to force people to WANT to quit.
When I think about my own idea of an ideal treatment program,
I think about things like take them out in the country, up in
the mountains, give them a month (or maybe a lot longer, maybe
a year) of being way out in the boondocks away from temptation,
just some time to get out of one rut and into another rut.
(It's called "building a positive, balanced, life-style".)
Breaking habits is hard, and such a change of environment can
help. Throw in a lot of classes that offer good, true information
— not 12-Step dogma — and sure, have some group discussions.
That doesn't sound much different from a lot of current treatment
facilities, does it? But barring the 12-Step cult would be a
very large departure from the status quo. And also bar any
Synanon-style "tough love" treatment. The camp is supposed to
be help, not punishment. The boot camp approach didn't work either,
it just killed children. See:
Still, the bottom line is that such a facility will not do anything
for someone who does not really want to quit. I would say, "This
program or camp or class or whatever you want to call it will not
make you quit drinking or doping. You will quit if you want to quit,
and you won't otherwise.
The reality is that many people just want to want to quit.
If we can help to nudge them from wanting to want to quit
over to really wanting to quit, then that could make a big
difference. In SMART that is called motivational enhancement:
keep talking about all of the good reasons for not killing
yourself. Keep emphasizing the negative side effects of
drugs and alcohol. Build up some motivation. Build some
desires for health.
If you are lucky, a few people will say, "Hmmm... Maybe I
really should just quit and stay quit.... Maybe life will
be better."
As far as my ultimate hope is concerned, I hope for some
medical advances. When people feel so bad that they are
killing themselves with painkillers like alcohol and drugs,
then something is very wrong. Some of the recent advances
in the field of alcoholism and addictions involve the
recognition that many alcoholics and addicts have underlying
medical or psychiatric problems that cause them to want
to kill their pain with whatever they can get.
You are probably aware of Dr. Blum's research on dopamine receptors.
In other words, it is just like the Rolling Stones song,
"I Can't Get No Satisfaction, though I try,
and I try, and I try..."
I don't know if we will ever be able to fix
congenitally-broken dopamine receptors, but maybe someone
will find a chemical that patches the problem.
That would go a long ways towards solving society's drug
and alcohol problems.
Thanks again for a great letter. You are obviously somebody
who is interested in the truth.
And have a good day.
![]() Hello Agent Orange — I feel compelled to write to you after visiting your website every day for the past week or so. You see, I am the one who recently started the thread titled "Is AA the only way?" on the newsgroup recently. Buried somewhere in the overwhelming responses I found the link to your site. Thank you, kind sir, for investing the extreme amount of labor it took in researching the subject of AA and presenting it hear for all to read! I had decided on my own (for many of the reasons that you present) that AA was indeed a cult, or at the very least, "cultish". Seeing my thoughts and beliefs expressed by others was the final awakening for me: I was able to see that my gut feelings were right all along, and that only I was responsible for my drinking (or not). Realizing that has made my journey into sobriety an incredibly easier task! I had come so close to going back to drinking after being convinced that I was "powerless over alcohol", and must spend the rest of my life in a room with a bunch of wackos. Not only was I expected to be at meetings AT LEAST once a day, I was also to call my sponsor every day, and also 3 other alcoholics. Even worse, AA meetings and anything my sponsor "suggested" was to be given priority over, among other things: my career, my marriage, my child, my love of certain hobbies. According to my sponsor and other AA members, I would lose anything I placed ahead of AA. Sorry, dying an alcoholic was a more palatable choice for me, and since AA was the only way..... NOT! Man, abstinence is SO MUCH EASIER for me now that I realize (as I really had all along) that it is MY choice to drink or not. And I choose not to, thank you. That's it, nothing more, nothing less, I choose not to drink. Thank God I woke up and came back to my senses after only a few months exposure to AA. Again, thanks for all the great research and for the great website! Mike R.
Hi Mike. Thanks for all of the compliments, and congratulations
on your sobriety. It's people like you who make this Orange Papers
project worth the effort.
Have a good day.
>> >> Isn't your problem with AA the fact that the terrible "G" word (God) is >> mentioned..... >> >> — Cartman >>
Not, the big problem with Alcoholics Anonymous and its 12-Step clones
is not the "G" word God, it is the "C" word Cult.
I love God, but I cannot say the same thing for cults like
See The Cult Test,
![]() I imagine anyone that wants their view to be heard or READ can twist anything to their thinking. your quotes are inaccurate. You have used the words of the big book out of context. you annhialte the big book and call it a quote. or OBSESSIVE. It must be nice to have enough time do write this many pages on why people should not like or listen to something. I wonder what it is like to be so obsessed with hating something. Maybe you should have a drink and think about it. Who knows it make you feel better Tami
Hi Tami,
Once again,
we have an angry true-believer stepper recommending that I relapse and drink alcohol.
Isn't 12-Step spirituality wonderful?
You know, that cry of "you are quoting out of context" is such an old
propaganda trick that I have it listed on the Propaganda Techniques web page,
under "Minimization and Denial".
It's a very common cheap shot — whenever someone quotes anything that you don't
like, claim that it is an unfair quote, taken out of context.
Not every quote is a quote taken out of context.
Do you even know what it is to quote out of context?
It's like this:
If you lift just the five words
"I shot the bank teller"
out of that sentence, it turns the question into a confession of guilt.
It completely reverses the meaning of the words. That is quoting out of context.
I don't do that. I am very careful not to confuse or change the meaning
when I quote things.
I challenge you to show me even one quote where I did such a thing.
Often, I quote
entire paragraphs, or even
entire pages,
just so that there will be no confusion about what is being said.
It seems to me that you are simply upset by someone exposing just
how dishonest, goofy and crazy Bill Wilson's preaching really was.
That's Bill's fault, not mine. Maybe he should have told the truth.
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
— Orange
![]() I went to a meeting one day a bit late late. I was the only newcomer there. It had been decided not to hold a regular meeting because there were no newcomers. I sat at the table with a bunch of toking smokers who had been around the program for a while. I stated I did not understand how they could smoke if they were leading spiritual lives. I can't remember what was said in response, but I can tell you they belittled me and laughed at me. These people say they are in the business of saving lives. But I guess not their own. Smoking is a terrible addiction, but I hear AA's say complete abstinence is the only way, yet they smoke & smoke & smoke then say they have given their will and lives over to the care of God. How could anyone's God say It is ok to smoke and commit slow suicide? Even most people's self-made Gods wouldn't do that, it seems to me. I quit A.A. because I can't be honest there. The smokers won't allow it, and the others will turn the truth around because it is the way of A.A.. Who can say most of their members are addicted and committing slow suicide? I learned a lot from A.A. and thankfully today I am a free person. I do not belong to any religious groups because I see too much separation of people instead of love and bringing people together. Signed Kathy C. I guess you can say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one. By the way, D.T.s gave me the realization I dont want to drink — I am sober over 2 years now. I like your site and plan to read more.
Hi Kathy,
Thanks for a great letter. I couldn't agree more. There is just something so
funny about someone claiming to be an expert on addictions, and claiming to have
the answers, while he compulsively puffs on a cigarette non-stop.
The Big Book, page 59, says,
"Half measures availed us nothing."
Nevertheless, I have heard so many A.A. and N.A. members rationalize their
smoking by giving an excuse like,
"Well, I've got to keep something."
So, apparently they do believe that half measures will avail them something.
I really know what you mean about not being able to be honest in an A.A. meeting.
That is probably the single biggest reason why I don't go much any more, either.
What's the point if you have to just say what they want to hear, and can't
really tell the whole truth about everything? (Oh sure, I suppose I could go
ahead and start a civil war, but what's the point?)
Have a good day anyway.
== Orange
![]() Hello AO, First of all, I would like to thank you again for your website. I wrote to you nearly a year ago and expressed my appreciation for all of the dedicated effort you put into your work. At that time, I was being coerced into attending AA meetings as a condition of my contract with a nursing diversion program. I have successfully completed the program (I learned to "fake it 'til you make it") and no longer attend AA. I now belong to several web groups that are anti-AA. It is my way of giving back what was so freely given to me, HA! In addition to your website, I always enjoyed visiting Apple's AADeprogramming site. However, I have noticed that her site no longer exists. Can you shed any light on that? No one in the Yahoo 12-Step-free group seems to know what happened. I checked over at the Google alt.recovery.from-12-Steps and didn't see anything there about it either. I was hoping that you might have some answers since you were/are affiliated with that site. AADeprogramming is where I found the link to the Orange Papers. I credit both sites for giving me the information and validation that I needed to finish my "sentence" in diversion without going stark raving mad. I would hate to see all of that valuable information just up and disappear when it could be so helpful for the next AA victim who is seeking the truth.
Hi Henny,
Thanks for all of the compliments. I don't have a clue about what happened to
AAdeprogramming.com. I haven't had any communications with Apple in a long time;
I was just off doing my thing and she was doing hers, and we had no need to
The disappearance of her site comes as a complete surprise to me too.
I also like the articles she had up on her site. I have saved copies of most of them,
and would happily mirror them if I got an okay from her. Alas, the only email address
I have is like apple@aadeprogramming.com, which is now dead along with the domain
So if anybody gets in contact with her, please let me know.
And have a good day anyway.
== Orange
LATER: It's back up. She was thinking about letting it expire, but popular demand was too great, so she brought it back. ![]() Subject: Hey Dick Head You don't have alcholism do you? Since you have so much free time to fuck with people who are really trying to help somebody, why don't you use it to go fuck your self? Jeff C.
Hi Jeff,
Yes, I am an alcoholic. Does it shatter your belief structure to hear that
alcoholics can quite successfully and happily quit drinking without Alcoholics Anonymous?
If you were really so interested in helping others, you would show at least
a passing interest in studying what works and what doesn't work to help them,
rather than just attacking those who say something with which you disagree.
Your demonstration of A.A.-style spirituality is something else.
I really like the unconditional love, complete acceptance, and rigorous
honesty that you exhibit. The "serenity and gratitude" is pretty
good too.
Behavior such as yours convinces me that A.A. really is a cult.
Jeffrey Schaler, Ph.D., wrote in his essay "Cult Busting":
Members of the cult are like a colony of insects when disturbed.
A frenzy of activity and protective measures are executed when
core ideologies are challenged. The stronger the evidence challenging
the truthfulness of the group ideology, the more likely members
of the cult are to either lash out in a more or less predictable
fashion, fall apart, or disband into separate cult colonies.
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
== Orange
![]() "everybody connected with the drug and alcohol treatment industry just assumes that the whole 12-Step program works great" Do you think that you are doing just what you complain of, lumping? All right, I should tone down "everybody" to "almost everybody". My oh my. You sure spend a lot of time on this. At least a good AA (which I am not) doesn't take any time to criticize you.
So my A.A.-member critics are not good A.A.'s, huh? I'm sure they will love to hear that. I find it rather amusing myself. I personally feel that like the idea of sending people to twelve step recovery programs is bogus. There is enough information available to people who want to stop drinking but drink anyway to find aa or a clone, so they don't need to be sent.
I agree that it is bogus, but the A.A. true believers will not stop doing it
or promoting it.
People get sent to 12-Step meetings every day,
by either a judge or
parole officer or treatment counselor, and it is usually not voluntary.
There is usually the threat of adverse consequences for non-compliance.
It is
And A.A. members have been practicing such coercive recruiting for nearly 70 years.
Heck, Bill Wilson and Doctor Bob started it in the spring and summer of
1935 in Akron, Ohio.
They felt entitled to shove their Oxford Group cult religion alcoholism
cure on any sick alcoholics who were handy:
Now there are some enlightened counselors who recommend that some
people go to SMART or WFS or some other non-12-Step program, but they
are rare. 93% of all treatment facilities in this country still use
12-Step "treatment".
AA's take advantage of the no rules thing to make them, making it easy for more aggressive people to dictate.
Yes. That's one of the big problems with the whole A.A. program.
It's called "the tyranny of structurelessness".
A number of cults have bragged that
"Everybody is equal. We have no structure; we have no rules.
Character is the only rank."
(That was a slogan of Synanon.)
But in the end you will find that they do have unwritten rules, and there
really is a boss. You just cannot challenge the rules or the boss, because
they ostensibly do not exist. I quoted Elayne Rapping on that before: If it weren't for your promotion fewer people would read your bitter testimony, but of course you're welcome to your opinion, whatever that is. I presume that it is that you are very smart.
What promotion? I'm not using judges, police and parole officers to sentence people
to read my web pages. And I'm not a counselor telling people to do 90 meetings
in 90 days. And I'm not planting phony dishonest A.A.-booster articles in all of the
professional journals that I can,
like the A.A. promoters do.
I'm not running commercials on late-night TV, like A.A. has been doing on and off
for the last several years.
I'm just writing some web pages where I tell the truth as I see it.
You are free to turn the computer off, or click over to some other web site.
Go see the cult test item
Recruiting" for more examples of A.A. being a program of promotion, not
attraction (in violation of the 11th Tradition, of course).
Your counsellor did not follow tradition, and was rather judgemental in assuming that you had not addressed any issues since you became sober (dry). What a jerk he sounds like!
Yes, he was a jerk.
Such a jerk that they put him in prison.
He had 6 years of clean and sober time in A.A./N.A., but he had apparently really
just switched his addiction from whiskey and cocaine to screwing children.
Nevertheless, he faithfully parroted the 12-Step dogma,
and I'm sure he believed it too, and the treatment center thought he was
spiritual enough to be a recovery counselor
and teach the rest of us how to live. UPDATE: 2012: It turned out that my counselor had massively relapsed and was doing all of the above: Snorting cocaine and looking at child pornography on his computer, and then raping his step-children. See: Harry Ketchum busted for not registering as a sex offender.
My Numbers: 2. Why are the sponsors telling my friends not to take their doctor-prescribed medications? 3. Why are the fanatics telling the newcomers that the answer to everything is "Do the Twelve Steps, get a sponsor, and read the Big Book.""
1. this is not "approved AA".
That is the standard A.A. minimization and denial tap-dance — just claim
that all bad features of A.A. are not "The Real A.A."
because they are not Council-approved activities
(or because they are against "the Traditions").
I already have it listed on
the Propaganda Tricks web page.
And I said there, and will say again,
And I should add,
"The Real A.A." is not some lofty ideal that exists only in Heaven
or only at the A.A. headquarters;
the real A.A. is what is really happening right here in the real world.
The real A.A. is what the A.A. members are actually doing (not what they are
supposed to be doing).
And that includes
In fact, the A.A. Council has become ineffective and irrelevant.
The felons at A.A.W.S. do whatever the hell they please, including
committing perjury in Mexico and Germany and putting
A.A. members in prison for carrying the message to other poor alcoholics,
and the Council cannot or will not do anything about it.
If the A.A. Council had any guts or morals, it would fire the Trustees of A.A.W.S., but it doesn't and it won't.
As any kind of a moral force, the A.A. Council is dead on its feet.
3. The fanatics.?
Yes, "the fanatics".
Someone who can say such a thing —
"The answer to all such problems is
read the Big Book, get a sponsor, and do the Twelve Steps" —
to desperate people who are seeking help to avoid death from alcoholism, is
obviously either monumentally stupid or a fanatic (or maybe both).
People who fixate on irrational simple-minded panaceas become fanatics.
One of the best definitions of a fanatic that I heard was, "A fanatic is someone who, when he tries to do something and fails, tries to do it the same way again, just twice as hard. And, when that doesn't work, then he tries it the same way yet again, even harder, ... and harder... and harder...." People who keep on recommending the 12 Steps, year after year — even forcing them on other people — in the face of A.A.'s obvious massive failure rate — qualify as fanatics. And that fanatic was one of the people who inspired these Orange Papers. (My pedophile counselor being another.) And the girl who got that advice relapsed and disappeared (twice) and I haven't seen her around in more than a year. I don't know what happened to her, but I know it isn't good.
Based upon my reading of your website, not in total, I have became bored with
your subject. When I was a rocket scientist we had a saying: If you can't be a
part of the solution, don't be part of the problem. Thank you for your time.
You may win agruments but I suspect you are a boor.
"Boredom" is often a mask to cover suppressed anger.
The line about "If you can't be a
part of the solution, don't be part of the problem"
is just a variation on
the old "Either/Or"
propaganda slogan:
We used that slogan, too, back in the sixties and seventies, in the anti-war
movement. But you know what? It was actually a stupid dogmatic thought-stopping slogan
back then too. (Live and learn...)
Now I like your variation better. It at least allows some middle ground.
There is, however, a lot of condescension in that statement, accompanied by the unfounded
assumption that A.A. is somehow helpful to alcoholics — that it actually
helps them more than it hurts them — that it is a solution.
There is no evidence to support such a belief.
The real hard evidence says that A.A. is worse than worthless — that
it kills more
alcoholics than it saves.
It is a cult religion, for Heaven's sake. You don't really believe that
a cult religion is going to cure alcoholism, now do you?
I feel that I am a part of the solution. Telling the truth about the whole
A.A./12-Step "recovery industry" mess is the first requirement for
making things better.
And you know what you haven't mentioned in your letter?
Any of the important stuff, like whether A.A. and its 12-Step program
actually works to reduce deaths
from alcoholism, or whether
Bill Wilson was
a raving lunatic
who just created a clone of
Frank Buchman's fascist cult religion.
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
[23 Dec 2003, 2nd letter from Eric] Thank you for your comments. That photo of Charles Dederich looks remarkably similar to a man I know. I appreciate your posting of my letter to you in it's entirety. Character being the only rank reminds me of a short story for which I cannot find ereference called The Gray World, where everyone was humble, as a sign of rank, such that there was one group that went so far as to have pride in their humility. Your mind is very analytical and your arguments are persuasive. I am glad that you are doing this project rather than things which may be harmful to society. Sorry about your queer counselor, I hope you recover. Regards, Eric.
Thanks, and actually, the biggest recovery problem I have right now is just
that flu that is going around. But I'm okay.
Last updated 5 November 2014. |
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