Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 18:56:54 +0000 (02/27/2014 01:56:54 PM) (answered 5 March 2014) Hello again Mr. Orange, I recognize that I haven't given you enough time to respond to my previous piece of mail, but I have a question for you that has sort of been itching at me. Your theory that people who claim the 12 steps saved their lives would have quit drinking (and stayed quit) anyway and are under the spell of a logical fallacy known as correlation as causation could possibly be (to use a phrase pulled from the Big Book) "of paramount importance" to me, as this may liberate me in a certain sense from the many Big Book related practices I engage in on a regular basis partly out of fear for my own life (evening reviews, sponsoring guys, going to meetings, etc). So, my question, I suppose, since you postulate that people quit simply when they have had enough — when they are sick and tired of being sick and tired — is, why do some people go on "to the bitter end" drinking and drugging? Obviously everyone has varying pain thresholds, but I would argue that NO ONE wants to drink themselves into homeless or severely ill health. So, in your view, why do some continue to go on drinking and drugging until they have truly lost everything and die? Are they simply too dumb to understand what is causing their troubles? Are they simply too weak willed to ever muster up a strong enough determination to stop? Mr. Orange, again, I am a fan of your website, and I am truly interested in what you have to say on this matter. Thank you, Matt P.S. Additionally, you may be interested in hearing about some of my experiences in an intensive aftercare facility that engaged in "12 Step Immersion." In particular the practices of an "accountability group" and "steel on steel" as they pertain to brainwashing and the like. Have you heard of these practices?
Hello Matt,
I'm glad to hear that you are doing well.
Thank you for the question. Alas, I cannot find your previous letter. It may have been
lost during the transition from one host system to another. Please resend it.
Now, about these questions:
Quitting isn't as simple as just deciding to do it. Or as simple as deciding to
die. There is often a long slow death spiral of slowly circling the drain.
I, for example, became too sick to work and just resigned myself to death.
I guessed that the situation was hopeless. I thought that I was "powerless
over alcohol and tobacco", and would just relapse again if I quit.
So no sense in trying. Might as well just stay stoned and
kill the pain until the bitter end comes.
It wasn't a matter of wanting to die, or choosing to die, or weak will.
It was a matter of being really sick and in pain, and wanting to kill the pain.
But some people do really consciously choose to drink themselves to death.
I am reminded of the story that a friend told me, about the death of his sister.
As her death approached, she turned yellow (jaundiced) and still wouldn't quit
drinking. She did not want to live sober. She didn't think that a sober
lifestyle was worth living. She decided to party until the end, and as she died,
she laughed and said what a grand party it had been.
There are such people, and I don't know of any magical fix to get them to change
their minds and choose to live. They do what they want to do, rather than what
we want them to do.
Now I did choose to live. At the last minute, I just decided that I wasn't going
to die that way. Some people make one choice, some make the other.
It seems to be a coin toss which way they will go.
Then we need to consider mental illness. Much of what is called "alcoholism" is really
mental illness, particularly chronic depression (which Bill Wilson had), bipolar disorder (old
name: "manic-depressive disorder"), borderline personality disorder, narcissistic
personality disorder (which Bill Wilson also had), and various anxiety disorders.
And then there are the veterans with PTSD and
now-grown abused children with
shriveled-up Cerebellar Vermises.
Many people with such disorders try to self-medicate with alcohol, and the
results are bad. Also note that the 12 Steps and the A.A. program do not
cure mental illness. In fact, they are terrible treatment, and make depressed
people worse by inducing guilt complexes and inferiority complexes, and
driving people to suicide.
People with such mental illnesses have a very difficult time quitting drinking
because nothing is curing the underlying mental disorder.
Telling them to just quit drinking is like telling them to get better without
any medication or treatment.
About the people who quit drinking in A.A. being the ones who were going to
quit drinking anyway — oh yes, that has been shown repeatedly. Even a Trustee
of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., said that.
Dr. George E. Vaillant
tracked his first 100 A.A.-treated alcoholic patients,
and at the end of 8 years, the score was 5 continuously sober, 29 dead, and
66 still drinking. Dr. Vaillant clearly recognized that 5 per hundred was the
same recovery rate as alcoholics get when they quit on their own — what he
called "natural remission", or the "natural history of the disease".
Vaillant said,
So the people who went to A.A. did not recover any better than people who quit
alone, without any such help. But they died more. Nothing had a higher death rate than
the A.A. program. Teaching people that they are powerless over alcohol seems to
be a very deadly self-fulfilling prophesy.
(Dr. Jeffrey Brandsma found that A.A. increased binge drinking.)
as I just mentioned in the previous letter, the NIAAA found that the vast
majority of successful quitters did it alone.
Lastly, I'd very much like to hear your stories.
Have a good day now, and enjoy your new freedom.
== Orange
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 19:35:30 -0500 (answered 9 March 2014) So I'm just wondering — what inspired you to research and write this article? Of all topics to choose from, why this one? Just curious.
Hello Elaine,
Thanks for the question. What happened is, more than 13 years ago, I signed up for a course of
"outpatient treatment for alcoholism" at the Portland Alternative Addiction Center (PAAC).
I was shocked to learn that what that really
meant was Introduction to Cult Religion 101.
All of the so-called "counselors" at the "treatment center"
were members of the cult, and swore that it worked
great when it was obviously a failure with nearly a 100% failure/drop-out rate.
Even worse, it was illogical and dishonest.
The staff there just parrotted slogans all day long and treated the "clients"
(not "patients", "clients") in an arrogant, condescending manner,
as if we were all criminals who were trying to put something over on them.
My own "counselor" was some kind of a nutcase who insisted that we must have a
"Higher Power" in our recovery program. Only later did I learn that he was actually
going home after a day of telling us how to live, and snorting cocaine, and then viewing
child porn on his computer, and then raping his step-children.
The police busted him for it and he did several years in the state penitentiary, and
he is now a registered sex offender.
All of that was paid for by the Oregon taxpayers. The so-called "treatment center" got
$1700 per person for putting us through that racket.
I decided that somebody had to do something about such a hoax that was not helping my
friends, so I started writing.
You can get the rest of the story here:
Have a good day now.
== Orange
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2014 19:08:20 -0600 (03/01/2014 08:08:20 PM) (answered 9 March 2014) what i would like sir, is an aa graduate emeritus meeting. online or in person with other like minded recoverED and adjusted individuals........know of any?? thank you very much for your help
Hello Samual,
Thanks for an interesting question. Alas, I don't have an answer to that one.
One of the cardinal rules of A.A. is that there are no graduates. You never recover.
You never finish your recovery. See
The Cult Test: No Graduates
for much more about that.
So someone who says that he has recovered is probably someone who no longer believes in A.A.,
and he is no longer an A.A. member, and he probably doesn't go to any meetings.
Now there are a few old graduates in the Orange Papers forum — people who did 10 or 20 or 30 years in
A.A. before quitting it. But they are a rarity. But you could try there. Just register, and email
me and I'll approve you.
Have a good day now.
== Orange
[ Link here = ]
Date: Mar 4, 2014, 6:46 AM (answered 17 March 2014) Your response was very solid. I did not know many of the affiliations you referred to. But you still seem misguided on many of your statements. Here are just a few.
Hello again, Patrick,
Thanks for the reponses. Now let's see...
A.A. has not saved millions. We have discussed this again and again. The often-repeated A.A. claim that they have saved millions is a lie. Period. A deliberate bare-faced lie. A.A. does not even have 2 million members in the whole world, and most of the members are not sober for very long. This is what I know to be true. I travel the United States for my work 130 night a year. I have been doing so since 2002. I have seen 1000's of people in many states seemly happy and sober for many years. How many I do not know. I do not care. What I see with my own two eyes tells me it works. Especially for me. I would agree many people in AA never achieve long term sobriety but many do I have met them in person. Are they actually sober how many are there no one knows except God. The program is first being sober and second just leading a good life from there. Many people may not stay sober but that does not change the fact that their lives have become better because of it.
That is bad logic.
You are assuming a cause-and-effect relationship where none exists.
That is a common logical fallacy, described here:
Confusion of Correlation and Causation.
Just because a bunch of people gather in a meeting that is supposed to
be for non-drinking people does not mean
that the meeting made them quit drinking. It didn't.
And in fact, the majority of them are not even sober. The vast majority of A.A.
members drop out and return to drinking. (Look here.)
Your assumptions lead to several logical failings, like:
Also, when you go to those meetings,
you are not seeing all of the people who quit A.A. because it wasn't helping
them, or because it was making them feel worse. You don't see the suicides or
the mental breakdowns or the chronic relapsers. You only see the people who
brag that they have years of sobriety.
The propaganda trick that you are using there is called "counting the hits, and
ignoring the misses —
Observational Selection".
The success rate of people who quit on their own is the same as the success rate of people who go to A.A., so we can easily figure out what would have happened if people had not gone to A.A. If people can quit on their own more power to them. I am not advocating AA is the only way. It is a way. No, A.A. is not a way to quit drinking. We just covered that. A.A. is a way to waste time on an old cult religion that pretends to have a cure for a disease.
You imply that there must be "a way": "...if AA is not the way then what is it?" The idea that there must be "a way" or "a program" to quit drinking is another of the false ideas that A.A. spreads. The vast majority of people who successfully quit drinking do it on their own without any A.A. or "support group" or "program". Your facts are solid but again not drinking is only part of the issue. Since you know AA so well can you deny the 12 steps is just a good way to live your life? Is there something wrong with:
No, the 12 Steps are not a good way to live. They are a terrible way to live, or more likely, to die. After all, the 12 Steps are just Dr. Frank Buchman's brainwashing program.
That is not a good way of life.
You can read much more about the 12 Steps here:
The Twelve Steps Interpreted.
The steps are just a simple way to live. Is that the only way surly not but not a bad way to go. Again, the 12 Steps are not a way to live. They are Dr. Frank Buchman's brainwashing techniques.
Claiming that I am not an alcoholic is another standard A.A. dodge to avoid hearing the truth. As if I don't know what I'm talking about because I'm not a "real alcoholic". Yes, I am, or was, depending on your definition of "alcoholic". You can read much more about all of that here: If you are not an alcoholic I am simply stating it is hard to understand where we are coming from. Nothing more nothing less. If you cannot understand one drink is too many and 1000 is not enough and say yea I get that then it is hard to believe you understand. Not impossible but hard to understand. You are still doing it — trying to claim that I'm not an alcoholic so I don't understand. Yes, I do understand. I've been to Hell and back too. I simply reject old cult religions. And I reject bad logic, and I reject pseudo-science, and I reject quack medicine.
A.A. did not save your life. If you quit drinking, then you saved your own life. Nobody holds your hand every Friday and Saturday night but you. All that A.A. does is steal the credit from the people who get it together and quit drinking, while disavowing any responsibility for the ones who don't quit. AA did save my life. I tired on my own to "get it together" will power and all that jazz. Ended up right back drinking again. No one in AA I know disavows anyone that cannot or will not quit. Acceptance is the mainstay of the program. Again there might be 1 Million other ways of getting sober I do not care. AA and the groups saved me coupled with God.
So you tried to quit a few times but decided that you would rather drink some more.
So you did. Then A.A. taught you to declare that you are "powerless over alcohol",
which is obviously not true.
Then you finally learned that you had to really abstain from drinking, so you did.
Then you erroneously gave the credit to A.A.
Adolf Hitler? Oh yes. That is the real history of A.A.
That is some scary shit I did not know that. But all the parallels you draw are twisted attempts to discredit what TODAY is actually working. I was a history major at Ohio State and I am very impressed with your knowledge I plan on reading more on your points. All statements can be twisted. I defer to my previous statement of the 12 steps above is this a bad way to live.
What is really scary about all of that is the wide acceptance of many of
Dr. Frank Buchman's teachings. Most people do not notice the similarity between
the philosophy of Frank Buchman and the philosophy of the Nazis, like that the
average man is unfit to think for himself, so democracy will never work,
and he should just obey the orders that come down from on high.
Good citizens will unquestioningly follow the orders of their leaders.
The highest patriotism requires that you never criticize the elected leaders,
never dissent, never disobey.
Remember the Nazi Nuremberg defense? "I was just following orders."
Bill Wilson wrote similar things in the Big Book too.
And a lot of Americans go around repeating those things without even being
aware of where they really came from.
AA is not perfect nothing is. But what I have seen over the years is the people who stay around are happy and free of their addictions. Are there bad people in AA do people take advantage of the new comers of course some do. Look at Churches all over the world are there people in there taking advantage of people sure there are. But does that make all churches bad an all religions bad? I think not. Does that make all AA bad I think not. Today I saw a man get his 38 year sobriety coin, your comment of time is the ranking of AA is incorrect...all old timers will tell you Today is all they have. There is no ranking. YES it is true there are people in AA that hold their sobriety time as a sort of honor or rank but the people that truly get it you would never even know how much time they have except by their actions they seem calm and at peace. I am by no means an AA scholar. I know AA has some dark corners in its past. I do not really care TODAY I am sober and can live my life with out the chains of drinking from sun up to sun down. I tired many ways to stop. Until AA none worked. So for me I will just have to "Keep Coming Back". (Couldn't help it)
The first line is standard
Minimization and Denial.
The next line is more Observational Selection, and it's backed up by zero evidence.
Did you actually ever do a big survey and find out what percentages of the old-timers
are sober and happy, and how many are depressed, and how many get divorced
and commit suicide?
Just casually looking around at a meeting and assuming that people are sober and
happy because they joined a particular group proves nothing.
Then your third sentence is yet more
Minimization and Denial.
Sure other churches have problems too.
But the Catholic Church's problems with pedophile priests don't make it okay
for A.A. sponsors to be sexual predators. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Then you jumped to an illogical conclusion:
"Does that make all AA bad I think not."
I think so.
Then you used the propaganda technique called
Proof by Anecdote:
What nonsense. Of course there is ranking. Some guy repeating a slogan about "All that I
have is today" does not change the ranking.
You can easily figure out the ranking by how people introduce themselves:
"Hi. My name is Joe, and I'm a gratefully sober alcoholic who by the grace of God and
A.A. has not had a drink in 30 years..."
and everybody oohs and aahs and listens to
the mini-guru's words of wisdom with respect and reverence.
And again, you assumed a cause-and-effect relationship where none exists:
Translation: You made several half-hearted attempts to quit, but didn't try very
hard. Then you finally got sick and tired of being so sick and tired,
enough to get serious about quitting, and you did.
Quitting is a learning process, and you finally learned.
Then you falsely assumed that the practices of an old pro-Nazi cult religion
from the nineteen-thirties made you quit drinking.
You did not check out any other methods of quitting addictions after you quit drinking,
did you? Did you go to Rational Recovery or SMART after you quit drinking?
People always quit looking, and quit testing, once they have quit their addiction.
Then A.A. members illogically conclude, "Nothing else worked."
No, nothing worked until they got serious about quitting. Then most anything
would have worked, or appeared to have worked, after they quit drinking.
Playing tiddly-winks works great as a sobriety program after you have quit drinking
and stayed quit.
Or you can do what I do: feed the ducks and geese and photograph the cute little
goslings and ducklings. And feed and photograph the other birds in the winter,
which is what I'm doing now. I go to a meeting with them every day.
The birds love my program.
As I look out my window now, I have a whole flock of Dark-Eyed Junkos and
Mourning Doves sitting in the tree in my back yard, and occasionally swooping
down to feed on the birdseed and sunflower seeds.
And I also have a pair of Annas Hummingbirds resident in my back yard
now, and even more hummingbirds are visiting and getting a meal from my
hummingbird feeders. I just saw my first Rufous Hummingbird a few days ago.
That routine beats the hell out of drinking myself to death.
I don't need anything more than that.
Professors Reid K. Hester and William R. Miller run the Center
for Alcohol, Substance Abuse and Addictions, Dept. of Psychology, University of
New Mexico at Albuquerque. They rated treatment modalities by success rate.
Here are the results:
The most successful treatment is "Brief Intervention".
Notice how "Twelve-step facilitation" is so far down the list
that you have to look for it. It's number 37 out of 48.
And A.A. is just below that.
Also notice how 12-Step treatment has a negative success rating
— the "Cumulative Evidence Score" is a minus 82, while
the best treatments are rated positive 390 and 189.
"Brief Intervention" consists of a real doctor talking to the
patient for usually less than one hour, questioning him about all of the
ugly details of his drinking and telling him that he will die if he doesn't
quit drinking. One time.
That's it. No long counseling sessions, no great guidance, no on-going
advice, no shoulder to cry on. And no 28-day treatment program.
Just one "Dutch Uncle" session and it's over.
And that's the most effective thing going.
That kind of puts the whole expensive "drug-and-alcohol treatment
industry" to shame, doesn't it?
So how many of those 48 different methods did you really try?
You can't declare that "nothing else worked" unless you tried most all of them.
You can read more about those 48 methods here: Good Day.
You have a good day too.
== Orange
[The next letter from Patrick_D is here.] ![]()
[ Link here = ]
Date: Mar 7, 2014, 12:43 PM (answered 18 March 2014) Something about your series of latest 'comments' regarding my letter(s); It occurs to me that you slander every thing that the world ascribes any value to. Galileo and that category of genius are apparently part of some huge historic conspiracy (Are you a fan of Rothschild, by the way?). The great philosophers are disrespected by you because they all purport joining [some] establishment (ever tried to learn about Anarchy, by the way? It's my chose political point of view). And all religion are...well...they are [some]establishment. Any twelve step concept...on and on... Speaking of which — I suspect that, since Bill Wilson (Founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, the first Twelve Step anything) was cited as being one of the top 50 most influential people to benefit the 20th century — I imagine that simply supports your idea of some vast, eons long conspiracy.
Hello again, Veauamil,
Thanks for the response. Alas, you are doing a big reversal of reality there.
And maybe some psychological projection.
I do not "slander every thing that the world ascribes any value to."
I do not slander Galileo. I have praised him and quoted him repeatedly, like:
No, I'm not a fan of the Rothschild family. Are you hinting at a Jewish conspiracy thing?
I do not disrespect the great philosophers. In fact, I also quote them repeatedly:
Those accusations that you write just don't seem to have any connection to reality.
But there is some truth to this line:
Actually, TIME Magazine included Bill Wilson in their list of the 100 most influential
people of the 20th Century, right along with Adolf Hitler. (But Dr. Bob and Joseph Stalin
didn't make the list.)
And the flattering biography that TIME printed was the product of a conspiracy: Susan Cheever, the fawning
gushing A.A.-booster authoress of "My Name Is Bill; Bill Wilson — His Life And The Creation Of Alcoholics Anonymous" wrote the grossly untrue article.
You can read more about that here:
Well, occurred to me that you...are...all about YOU! And suddenly it dawned on me. Anton LaVey! He founded an organization that not only supports, but openly promotes that life "should be about you" (of course, "you" is the generic, ubiquitous 'each of you' concept...I hope I'm not using words that confuse you... So, you can learn a little bit about Anton LaVey here: Now you have left reality. I know who Anton LaVey is: the Satanic Church. That has nothing to do with my objecting to someone foisting an old pro-Nazi cult religion from the nineteen-thirties on sick people and lying to them and saying that it is a great cure that rarely fails. His organization actually is called a church, but don't let that throw you off. Pretty much any "philosophy" for living ultimately finds itself headquartered in some kind of Temple or Church, where the rubber meets the road right? Anyway, you can learn some about the Church here: Anton LaVey wrote and published several books to promote and provide direction for his Church. The most well know and the most popular is The Satanic Bible, which you can find here: On the surface, that whole philosophy seems right up your alley...the world revolves around you! Wrong again. There is no connection between the Satanic Church and objecting to people getting hurt by quack medicine. In fact, Bill Wilson would fit into the Satanic Church much better than I would. I should point out though — just as a caveat (that blow your mind or what? Look it up)...the typical follower of the Church of Satan is generally an accomplished and successful 'something or other' ... you know...whatever his or her chosen profession a rule, following LaVey's philosophy either appeals to successful people, or else it creates successful people. *shrug* That remains to be determined by an individual's personal experience. The reason for the 'caveat' your own admission, you aren't successful or accomplished. You aren't anyone. You're a pour (pun on words — you get those?) self piteous slob who puts a lifetime worth of energy into maintaining a website, and several different e-mail addresses, all used explicitly for the purpose of trying to prove that everything and everyone except you is a loser and a failure. Truth is, what's really going on're jealous and hateful to people who have been successful (pretty much at anything) and somehow you have the idea that success is handed to people like passing out flyers at a carnival. You haven't the faintest clue about how dedicated a person must be toward a goal and how much time, physical and emotional energy are required to follow through with commitments and strive toward, and reach that goal. Now you have managed to write a whole paragraph of hateful diatribe that has no truth in it. What a waste of an innocent paragraph. And again, you seem like you would fit into Anton's Satanic Church far better than I would. The real irony is — all the energy you burn up running that web page and blaming the rest of the world for your troubles and failure...if you use HALF, or even 25% of that energy to do something good and constructive, something aimed at improving yourself; your attitude, you willingness to take personal responsibility...if you use only 20% of the energy you waste hating and blaming, and applied that toward creating and repairing, you'd probably be a raving success. And you'd also find that — the world isn't out to get you...or me...or anyone else. The whole world, just like you, is simply trying to get by as best they can. But the blamers and the finger pointers and the haters...they...well...what can ya say? They are just simply losers! Anyway...check out the links, they might flip your point(s) of view a little. And again, that has nothing to do with what helps people to quit drinking or to quit their addictions. :) ViP P.S. Feel free to post me on your public website (as if you had ever any qualms about that to begin with)...even if you're too much of a loser to benefit from this information, one or more of your readers might get some enlightenment. By the way...did it ever occur to you — most of the people who do read your garbage are not there as supporters and agreeable compatriots (another big word?)...most of your readers are people who ARE successful, who ARE somebody. They read your garbage they way they read the Sunday Comics...entertainment and amusement. And then, they scrape you off the bottom of their shoes like so much dog shit, and move on with their lives — the way Successful; people have ALWAYS reacted to the losers of the world. Rock On Dude!
"Too much of a loser" to benefit from information about the Church of Satan?
You are something else.
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
== Orange
[The next letter from Veauamil is here.] ![]()
Fred Phelps, the hate-mongering preacher who was the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church,
has died at the age of 81.
Phelps' church was famous for picketing the funerals of AIDS victims and dead soldiers, and
screaming, "God hates fags!"
Phelps won a major free speech decision in the Supreme Court when the court ruled that families
of the dead whose funerals were disrupted by Phelp's followers could not sue for damages.
Now please: Somebody — a whole crowd of somebodies — please picket Fred Phelps' funeral
and scream, "God hates Phelps!" It's only fitting and proper.
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 09:39:43 -0700 (03/10/2014 12:39:43 PM) (answered 24 February 2014)
Thank you. BTW today on NPR , Press play with Medeleine Brand will be
discussing what's wrong with AA.
Thanks for the tip, Rob, I'll have to check that out. I hope they archive past programs.
Have a good day now.
== Orange
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 07:09:21 -0400 (EDT) (answered 24 February 2014) Mister T, Alcoholics Anonymous is what you get from people who believe the Flintstones is a documentary. Flip Wilson's character, Geraldine? "The Devil made me do it." Thank you for all you do. Long Island Bob O.
Hello again Bob,
Those are some good points. People whose knowledge and understanding
of reality is small seem to try to
fill the void with all kinds of goofy non-facts and simple myths.
And people who fear this world, and fear death, try to create a comforting
myth of some big ghost who will take care of them,
and solve all of their problems, and save their lives, and make them win wars and
have lots of sons, etc.
Then, it is convenient to have a scape-goat to blame all of your failings on.
"The Devil made me do it." Oh yes.
Have a good day now.
== Orange
Last updated 15 July 2014. |