Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 23:28:40 -0600 (answered 16 February 2014) Occasionally I run across these amazingly long and detailed critiques of AA. They're often rife with out-of-context snippets of from some book that appears to support whatever grievance you have against AA and it's founders. What is your point? What are you trying to accomplish with this continuos attack on people, mostly long since dead? Are you trying to disprove or tarnish the efficacy of AA? Do you ever balance your merciless grinding with the good done this fellowship? Are you trying to assert or prove it is some kind of cult? Why do you continue to grind your axe against this organization? Of what value is your contribution/obsession? If Bill Wilson was as unfaithful as often as you portray him, that's a tragedy for Lois, for any woman he used and for Wilson himself. But how does this lessen the impact of the results of the fellowship that grew up around him. Drunks are drunks. Sobriety doesn't confer sainthood. Maybe you've found a better way. Do you revel in this negativity? Does it inspire you to troll in the failings of others? If so, how sad.
Bill N.
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 23:44:02 -0600 (answered 16 February 2014) By the way, the appropriate and grammatically correct expression is "I couldn't care less." Do you know anything about the story of David in the Old Testament? Wasn't he a liar and a thief and a leader of genocides and an enslaver of conquered peoples? Was't he an adulterer? Wasn't he a murder conspirator? Didn't he live completely outside the Genesis 2 concept one marriage, one woman, one man? And wasn't he called a man after God's own heart? Wouldn't that make him something of a hypocrite by your standards? Or would God be the hypocrite? Since you grab a chunk of the New Testament to create your strawman, you must know that most of the characters through whom God worked were deeply flawed nobodies. God works wonders through the weakest sheep in the flock. Perhaps one of those sheep was a guy named Bill Wilson. Maybe you've chosen to look at Wilson through a lens of your own design and thus can't see clearly that what he helped found was far greater than the man himself. Just a thought. Bill N.
Hello Bill,
Thanks for the letters and the senitiments. Alas, you are missing the point. It's very simple:
It's a sin and a crime to foist an old quack cure on sick people and lie to them about how well it works.
My introduction to A.A. (here)
was from a so-called "outpatient treatment program for alcoholism".
I discovered that the heart of the supposed treatment was sending people to cult religion meetings.
That is, Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings.
It didn't work. People relapsed left and right until there were so few of us left that
I was making jokes about it being a game of Survivor.
And guess what? I'm the survivor, the last one left alive in the "treatment program",
and I did it without any A.A. or cult religion.
(I have 13 years sober now. Also 13 years off of drugs, and even 13 years off of cigarettes.)
You don't need to worry about me "tarnishing the efficacy" of A.A. Alcoholics Anonymous doesn't
have a cure rate, it has a failure rate. A.A. doesn't work.
You asked,
I am not "trying to prove that A.A. is a cult." I already have. Read the Cult Test:
The Cult Test, and Alcoholics Anonymous as a Cult
You asked,
Some people have told me that my telling them the truth helped them a lot, even saved their lives.
That is classic
minimization and denial.
Many A.A. members claim that Bill Wilson was "Guided by God" when he wrote the Big Book.
No, he wasn't. He was just another cult-leader crook and A.A. is nothing but his racket.
Then you rationalized some more:
Nope. God wasn't working through Bill Wilson. Now maybe the Devil was, but not God.
A.A. really has no respect for alcoholics. Read
The "Us Stupid Drunks" Conspiracy for
a whole lot of Bill Wilson's stereotyping of "those disgusting alcoholics".
Yes, I have found a better way. Don't participate in cult religions, and don't base your life on their
lies. If you really want to know about my better way, read this:
How did you get to where you are?
Then you used the same minimization and rationalization again in trying to assert that David and Bill Wilson
were similar kinds of disreputable people. And you used the propaganda trick of "Sly Suggestions":
The story of David does not make it okay for Bill Wilson to be a lying thief and philanderer and fake holy man
who deceived sick people.
And this is Sly Suggestions again:
Bill Wilson hasn't helped anybody. He just wasted millions of people's time with
an old pro-Nazi cult religion from the nineteen-thirties.
Now, for the single most important question:
Please answer that one simple question while you are hinting that A.A. works and has helped a lot of people. Have a good day now. == Orange
[ Link here = ]
Date: Friday, 07 February 2014 12:23 (answered 16 February 2014) Almost utterly hilarious...actually it's really insufferable. To have to search your website for responses of any kind, at least if one is looking for anything specific. But the truisms that stand out are:
Hello again, Veauamil,
My email system is still difficult to use because of problems from moving the web site to a new host.
Nevertheless, you seem to have managed to find the answer to your letter without too much difficulty.
(Hint: look in the last file of letters.)
1). Your absolute anonymity, which makes you at least as guilty as those "old timers" you slander.
Ah yes, here we go again. Bill Wilson wrote that anonymity was a great spiritual virtue, and two of
the 12 Traditions
even demand it, but Steppers routinely declare that if a critic of A.A. like me practices
anonymity, that is "cowardice" and "hiding behind anonymity."
Nothing like hypocrisy and a double standard, is there?
You haven't read much of my web site before complaining, have you? I broke my anonymity many years ago,
and revealed my birth name many, many times. Like here:
My birth name is Terrance Hodgins, and I live in rural Oregon, west of Portland.
2). You unwillingness to reply directly to a personal email...other than to say "I am using this Inbox account to get email out ...As usual, the reply is in the attached web page" clearly demonstrates your unwillingness — and perhaps inability — to address, or redress a direct and personal conversation in any adult, intelligent, responsible hide behind the anonymity and vagaries of a website.
I did reply directly. And I said that I was sending out the email from an Inbox account because the
email on the host machine wouldn't work right. (It won't send letters with attachments.)
I always answer letters with web pages, because that way the links work, and I use the same text
in both the answer letter and on my web site. I don't format the answer two different ways, plain text and
HTML. That is twice the work. I just use HTML for all answers.
So everybody gets a web page for their answer.
Surely you should be able to handle that.
3). You speak in generalities. You don't actually present any hard core, irrefutable evidence of anything, good, bad or indifferent. As a mathematician and engineer myself, I can assure you with 100% provable honesty that statistics — ANY statistics — are really nothing but nonsense. They can be, and essentially always are, manipulated to suit any one persons' or organizations'' or surveys' desired "proof" as it were. While 'numbers don't lie' every formula can only calculate the numbers that are input and input is always dependant upon human intentions. Any person with at least a high school diploma (so long as they paid attention in school) could speak in generalities such as you do, about any topic, and talk all day as if they actually knew other words, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, then baffle them with........ I'm sure you are at least bright enough to finish the last word of that beloved cliché, eh?
I present lots of specific information. The tests of A.A. done by
Dr. George E. Vaillant the A.A. Trustee,
Dr. Brandsma,
Dr. Walsh,
Drs. Orford and Edwards
are not generalities. They are specific clinical studies that showed that A.A.
failed to sober up the alcoholics.
Read this:
The Effectiveness of the Twelve-Step Treatment.
Your attempt to dismiss all statistics as invalid is really typical A.A. behavior. They try
to reject information that they don't like, such as evidence that A.A. does not work.
And they use the lamest tricks to try to do it, like claiming that all statistics are worthless.
(But when
Bill Wilson made up statistics out of thin air, claiming that A.A. works great,
those statistics are okay.)
I see from your signature below that you say that you have a degree in psychology.
They must have made you take at least a few courses in statistics to get that degree, because
statistics is at the heart of modern psychology.
Did you sleep through them? Did you cut classes?
Are you trying to claim that you don't
believe in Gaussian distribution or the Bell Curve or Normal Distribution or Standard Deviations
Oh really? Do you also reject all of modern science as an illusion?
Are you ignorant of the difference between good math and bad math?
4). In your anonymity and generalities, you still have yet to produce any irrefutable proof that you yourself have any sort of real qualifications to present any of the comments that you post on your the end of the day, all you are actually posting are your own opinions which really only have any true meaning to you. And opinions are derived from personal experiences — both successful and unsuccessful. Reading the opinions you post on your site, it doesn't take a mathematician or an engineer nor even a psychologist (oh...I also have a Masters in Psychology, for the record) to determine that you were unsuccessful.
You are trying to reject a lot of clinical studies of A.A. efficacy by complaining about my credentials.
I don't need any credentials to report what the doctors found.
And your alleged Masters Degree does not invalidate what Doctors and Ph.Ds have established.
You spend immense amounts of time spewing your negatives "facts and truths" about the success rate — or lack thereof — of a 12 step "religious cult". For a person to spend THAT much time and energy devoted to slandering a group, or a category of groups, is a clear indication of intense angst. And that level of hostility never exists in any person without at least SOME measure of personal responsibility. The problem here is not with AA, not with NA, nor OA, GA, whatever A (anonymous, obviously) nor is it with at 12 step "program" or variation thereof. The problem here is obviously and clearly with the individual spewing the angst and so-called "provable facts" on the website...there is clearly something skewed with a person who desires to be known as Agent Orange to begin with — are you carcinogenic? You're certainly a "polite and respectful" manner.
And that is a standard A.A.
ad hominem
that proves nothing about how well A.A. works.
Criticizing harmful fraud and quackery is not a neurosis, or "something skewed".
If you had actually studied psychology you should know that.
What is wrong with you that you do not denounce fake medical treatment or
"therapy" like Alcoholics Anonymous?
And you try to dismiss all criticism of A.A. and its 12-Step kin as merely
'so-called "provable facts"'. You can't understand
doctors' reports of
the results of clinical studies and randomized longitudinal controlled studies?
You don't have a Masters Degree, do you? All that you have is a few years of
indoctrination in a cult.
I am not supporting AA. nor any other facet of "self help" issue here is not whether AA is more or less successful than any other means of drying oneself out — Although, despite the 'low success rate of AA; and yes, the odds ARE against the majority of persons who genuinely suffer from alcoholism to EVER get sober, with or without AA, God, Treatment facilities, etc... Despite the low success rate of AA, they are provably the most successful means of helping Alcoholics to acquire sobriety — as opposed to the chains in the rock walls in subterranean basements of many a "hospital"...quite a lot of which still exist. As museums these days; but as recently as 80 years ago — the last "bastion" for the drunkard.
Actually, no, the odds are not against the majority of people who are quitting
their addictions. You haven't actually read the web site that you are criticizing, have you? Try these reports:
The Harvard Mental Health Letter, from the Harvard Medical School,
So much for the sayings that
"Everybody needs a support group"
"Nobody can do it alone".
Most successful people do.
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health,
performed the 2001-2002 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related
Conditions. For it, they interviewed over 43,000 people. Using the criteria for alcohol
dependence found in the DSM-IV, they found: I am neither supporting nor denying anything about AA...the problem [with really all drunks — and people who hide...) is not "what program works and what program does not work". The problem is not whether "a cult can or cannot sober a drunkard". The problem is not even "Is God Himself strong enough — or does He even care enough — to sober up drunkards"? The problem is — plain and simple, and undeniably — a total lack of willingness to stand up and take personal responsibility for ones' own thoughts and behaviors. As long as a person spends all of his or her energy throwing blame, finding fault, slandering, pointing fingers, etc...add long as a person spends the bulk (if not all) of his/her energy wearing the robe of "victim" and :"saint" and blaming all that is wrong on someone else, then he/she will NEVER be free from whatever ails him/her, neither through AA, Medicine, Psychology, Science, not even God Himself. Playing the 'blame game' is a sure and proven way to remain locked into whatever emotional or psychic or spiritual prison that a person has (99 out of 100 times) inflicted upon him/herself.
You started off with a good premise: "take responsibility for your own actions and thoughts", but then
went off on a tangent and declared that criticizing a cult religion that sells quackery and superstition
is a bad thing to do. That is invalid logic.
And of course you are supporting A.A., by trying to discredit any criticism of it.
So do you make money selling A.A. to the sick people? Is that why you are so upset with
criticism of Alcoholics Anonymous?
And you — with your incessant blaming and supposed fact touting website, hiding in anonymity (as surely as those you verbally assault), speaking in generalities (because sure hard facts are not exactly what you are adept at producing) and presenting yourself as some self proclaimed expert (on what is anybody's' guess) — you, with your narcissism and hypocrisy, clearly and undeniably have a complete unwillingness to stand up and take full responsibility for any unsuccessful ventures you may have pursued during the course of No doubt about are at least as guilty as those you slander, of the same coercive and 'self deceiving' behaviors as your apparent enemy.
Again, I'm not hiding behind anonymity. You really should bother to read something before criticizing it.
That way, you might know what you are talking about.
I'm not speaking in generalities. I speak in specifics like,
"The results with Dr. Vaillant's first 100
A.A.-treated patients, after 8 years of tracking them, was: 5 continuously sober, 29 dead, and
66 still drinking."
That is not a generality.
Your continued Ad Hominem attacks reveal that you really can't stand someone
criticizing your favorite cult. Do you make money selling A.A. to the patients?
Or are you just an A.A. member?
I've read posts on your website where you also verbally assault various professions, pursuit of higher education, and a variety of [apparent] "status-quo" goals and achievements. All opinions to which you are entitled. And under the First Amendment, you are also entitled (unfortunately for the world) to present them publicly, via whatever medium you choose — obviously Internet. I myself won't defend political persuasion" is Anarchy (look it up — it's not what you [likely] 'assume' it to be...but I wouldn't expect you to know that unless you are able to actually perform research of your own. *shrug*). My "accomplishments" and "goals" and "achievements" are mine and mine solely for personal satisfaction, personal comfort, and the accomplishment of personal results that appeal to me — what society thinks of me on the way Bottom? Wherever...are no concern to me. So again — I will not defend Status-Quo in any way. But your 'assault' of said social guidelines and the professions that have created it, your unremitting efforts to "prove" [any system, it seems] bad or wrong or useless or otherwise unnecessary are another clear and obvious indication of your absolute inability — unwillingness — to own any form of personal responsibility for your life...other than, of course, the fervor with which you maintain your hate filled website; I'm sure that fills you with a [false] sense of [illusory] pride.
I wish you would be specific, rather than speaking in generalities. What various professions do I
criticize? My main objection is so-called "Licensed Addictions Counselors" who make money by
sending sick people to A.A. to get a dose of
good old Nazi cult religion.
I do not criticize higher education. A.A. does.
A.A. is guilty of routinely telling people not to
go back to college and finish that degree.
Also see
this letter:
"My sponsor wanted me to go to meetings instead of
participate in my college major at school..."
So you are an anarchist. So what? I'm not impressed, and I do know what it means. Do you also
read Ayn Rand and believe that she has all the answers?
Well, having now written a book exclusively for you — a person whom, even in the complete absence of actually 'knowing' you, I have a complete and total disdain towards — it needs to be said that; aside from feeling pity for you, I do wish you luck with whatever endeavor(s) you choose to engage in (although given your distaste for Status-Quo, I would imagine that all pursuits outside your website are clearly useless and too "established" for one with such Charisma, Intellect, Insight and various other Delusions of Grandeur as yourself). I am thankful for two facts; I am thankful that you put forth this effort only on a web page, because a narcissist such as yourself, with such [seemingly] endless anger would be a treacherous threat to society. And I am thankful that, outside the communication of email, you are not 'in my life' in any way, shape or form. So you pity me. So what? You still have not presented any evidence that A.A. works, or that anything that I have said is wrong. *shrug* You might or might not post this...hell, you probably gave up reading paragraphs ago. You'll probably even email me to let me know that "I am using this Inbox account to get email out ...As usual, the reply is in the attached web page". Don't bother. Since I already know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are not adult or mature enough to engage me in any meaningful manner, you are now relegated to SPAM. So have fun laughing about this letter on your website — a gift from me. LOL And have...whatever apparently passes spewing your angst and opinions and blaming & finger pointing and vague "facts" about how only you know what is really happening on the planet. Perhaps one day we shall all bow to your superiority. Veauamil illè P.
MS Computer Engineering
I will post this. It's odd how you make such a big deal out of me sending a letter
from So what? Why does it matter to you that I have to use an alternate
mail sender while I get the new system fixed? If that's the best that you can
do for finding fault with me, then that is really pathetic.
And I have to ask, are those
"Jellinek" degrees?
A BA in English doesn't even give you a start on an MA in Psychology
and an MS in Computer Engineering.
And considering how little you know about statistics, I doubt that you earned either one of those degrees.
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
== Orange
[The next letter from Veauamil is here.] ![]()
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2014 11:50:46 -0000 (02/04/2014 06:50:46 AM) (answered 16 February 2014) Hi Agent Orange, I have just come across your anti-12 Step Program site and thought I would get in touch. I won't send a long email because your site seems pretty old and may no longer be active so don't want to waste my time.
Hello Liz,
Thanks for the letter. This web site is old, in the sense that it has been online
for over 12 years now, but it is updated on almost a daily basis,
and it also has an active forum, and it gets between 5 and 6 million hits a month.
Whilst having no reason to doubt the truth of any of the stories published on the site, and being able to see for myself that many of the members of 12 Step Programs are pretty flawed (as are people everywhere else), and also that the Program is vulnerable to criticism (the Big Book is pretty dated), I can't help feeling that you have a very distorted perspective. An analogy I would use is of a woman who had been in a horrible abusive relationship setting up a website along the lines of 'all men are evil'. No doubt there would be thousands of women who would come across the site and add their horror stories. Does that mean that no woman should ever contemplate having a relationship with a man? Because some men do terrible things does it follow that all men are evil? That seems to be the basis for your argument against the 12 Step Programs.
Alas, that is bad logic. What about a web site that criticizes colloidal gold as a cancer cure?
You have heard, haven't you, that some quacks were selling colloidal gold as a cure for cancer?
They even pushed injections of colloidal gold, but one of the quacks was preparing
the solutions in a barn under very dirty conditions. People died from that quackery.
Suppose someone set up a web site warning people about the quack colloidal gold cure.
(And actually, somebody did.)
Would you criticize that web site by complaining that the author was being unfair to colloidal gold?
Would you argue for fair consideration of colloidal gold as a cancer cure?
The basis of my complaint is that Alcoholics Anonymous is just another quack cure.
It is
Dr. Frank Buchman's old cult religion
from the nineteen-thirties. It was never a cure for alcohol abuse or addiction.
That's why the 12 Steps don't even say that you should quit drinking.
The 12 Steps are brainwashing techniques that tell you to surrender your will and your mind
to someone else because you are so bad.
If they really offered nothing but pain, abuse and imprisonment in a 'cult', why has there been an explosive growth in these Programs across the world since AA was founded decades ago?
Quackery is often very popular. All kinds of frauds have been very popular for a while.
Your argument is the standard propaganda trick called
Appeal to Numbers (Argumentum ad Numerum).
Having a bunch of members or customers or victims does not make something good.
Scientology uses the same argument to declare that the large numbers
of people who have been deceived and cheated by Scientology prove that
Scientology is good.
And there isn't any explosive growth in A.A. In fact, A.A. is shrinking and dying out.
The party is over. More and more people are wising up and learning what A.A. really is, and
walking away from it or avoiding it entirely to start with. We were just discussing that
in a previous letter, here:
For many years now, I have been quoting the National Treatment Center in Atlanta, Georgia,
which found in 1996 that 93% of the treatment centers in the country used the 12-Step model.
Well, it turns out that they did another study in 2005, and found that only 75%
of the treatment centers are now using the 12-Step model. That is a big drop.
1996 Study:
2005 Study:
Another nine years have gone by, so it would be good if they did another study this year.
I'm sure that the number is even lower now.
Treatment centers are turning away from the
12-Step "therapy", even though it is ostensibly "free".
More and more, you hear television commercials for treatment centers
like Promises of Malibu that say, "Not 12-Step". (But I hear that
Promises uses other hocus-pocus new-age nonsense, so I can't recommend that either.)
The 12-Step empire is a cult in decline. Doctors and insurance companies are wising up
and learning the truth. That is the kiss of death to the 12-Step racket.
They are toast. It's just a matter of time now.
Admittedly, it takes time. The monster is huge and has a lot of momentum. But it is a giant
that is slowly falling over. The momentum is now downward.
By the way, there is also the issue of coercive recruiting. A.A. has lied to judges and
misinformed them and made them believe that A.A. is a good way to sober up
alcoholics, so judges sentence people to A.A. meetings. And parole officers
force parolees to go to A.A. meetings. And so-called "counselors" at
"treatment centers" also send people to A.A. meetings.
The previous two A.A. triennial surveys showed
that more than 60% of all of the A.A. members had been forced, coerced, sentenced,
or pressured into A.A. by the criminal justice system or treatment centers, or
employers, or family. That isn't popularity. Those people do not prove that A.A.
is popular or growing or helpful. It really takes some special kind of gall to
force people to go to A.A. meetings, and then claim that all of the people at the
meetings prove that A.A. is very popular.
I get the impression you are quite an obsessive person (I can relate to that!), and I am wondering if you are open-minded enough to question some of your opinions. Maybe you could make your site more balanced and create a place where people could air their grievances against the fellowships and perhaps come up with some positive solutions? Why destroy something that does have some value when you could make it better?
People question my opinions every day. Your request for more "balanced and open-minded" attitude
towards Alcoholics Anonymous is the standard propaganda trick called
Escape via Relativism,
as in, "Well, Joe has one opinion, and Fred has another opinion,
and nobody is right and nobody is wrong. It's
all relative. We should consider both sides."
Wrong. All opinions are not created equal. There are such things as truths and lies.
A.A. is a fraud that does not work. People who think that it does work are misinformed and deceived.
And those are the facts.
By the way, it would take too long to go into now, but the concept of 'powerless' on a deeper level does have its roots in all religions, particulary in Taoism, Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism. Interestingly, recent experiments in neuroscience have also discovered that there quite literally is no such thing as free will. The Serenity Prayer is a perfect encapsulation of the ancient Greek/Roman Stoic philosophy. Also the concept of the ego as being a problem for human beings is at the core or pretty much every religion. If you are willing to be open-minded and think for yourself you might be surprised at what is hidden under the apparently uninspiring surface of the Program. However, I gather you are an atheist ( and possibly not interested in philosophy either?) in which case 'a life examined' may hold no interest for you.
Sorry, but you couldn't be more wrong on that one. Being "Powerless" over drugs and alcohol is
the path to death. Trying to equate powerlessness over alcohol and drugs with spiritual surrender
is the worst kind of sophistry. They aren't the same thing at all.
Will you also sing the spiritual praises of being powerless over your desires for
sex or fattening foods? Should people just "surrender" to their urges
and wait for "Higher Power" to fix the problem?
The "Serenity Prayer" of Alcoholics Anonymous is not a great spiritual document.
In fact, it is an unfortunate misquoting of what the eminent theologian Reinhold
Niebuhr actually wrote. Bill Wilson and another early A.A. member misquoted and
mangled Reinhold Niebuhr's prayer, and the narcissistic Bill Wilson couldn't
stand to admit that he had made a mistake, so he claimed that it wasn't Reinhold
Niebuhr's prayer. Ever since, A.A. members have been trying to claim that Reinhold
Niebuhr didn't write the Serenity Prayer, that maybe it was found on the
corner of a medieval church in Germany or something. It's pathetic, really, the
lengths to which they will go to avoid admitting a simple mistake. Try reading
The Serenity Prayer, by Elizabeth Sifton, Reinhold's daughter. There, he
states that he wrote it, and to the best of his knowledge, he did not borrow
material from anyone else. If somebody can find something written in German in
the middle ages that sort of resembles The Serenity Prayer, that still
does not absolve Bill Wilson of mangling Reinhold's prayer and refusing to give
proper credit where credit is due.
In her book, Elizabeth Sifton declared that her father did not like the way
that A.A. had changed his prayer. Reinhold's prayer was plural, a prayer for a
congregation: "God give US... the courage... the strength... the wisdom...", etc.
Wilson and A.A. changed it into a selfish "God give ME..."
Also, Reinhold wrote that we should work to "change the things
that should be changed..." A.A. changed it into "change the things that
I CAN change..." Reinhold said that we should not go around changing things
just because we can. We should only change the things that SHOULD be changed.
And then of course we need the wisdom to know the difference.
I am not an atheist. We have discussed that at length too.
Look here
Funny how Steppers routinely play the atheist card when someone says something
that they don't like. That is yet another Ad Hominem attack:
"You are just a stupid atheist and you don't know anything
about spirituality!"
Read The Heresy of the Twelve Steps for much more
about my religious beliefs.
The jabber about getting rid of ego is standard cult fare. Cults are forever declaring
that people must be rid of ego, and "freed from ego", and
"EGO is Edging God Out". It's all part of the routine to destroy
someone's personality and self-confidence and turn them into a brainwashed cult member.
Lastly, if there is no such thing as free will, then you cannot choose to surrender
to "higher power", now can you? So Step 3 is invalid: As always, I have rambled on and written far more than I intended to. I hope you are feeling less angry about whatever happened to you in AA these days. Perhaps this website has been cathartic for you? Regards Liz
Liz, I don't do this web site as a catharsis. It's to tell people the truth. Some sick people
really need to know what is going on, and what works, and what doesn't.
Have a good day now.
== Orange
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 12:12:48 -0000 (02/26/2014 07:12:48 AM) Hi Orange Thanks for your reply. I could come back with answers to your answers. Needless to say, I don't agree with much of what you say! However, I am soon going to move on from the OP site/forum. For that reason I don't want to get entangled in an email debate alongside the forum debates — I always like to have the last word (a bit like you, I suspect). This is a debate that could run for ever though and will never be 'resolved' because our viewpoints are so far apart it is hard to find common ground. It has been an interesting experience. You have a good day too.
Best wishes ![]()
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 01:40:35 -0800 (02/13/2014 04:40:35 AM) (answered 16 February 2014) Members of 12 step play doctor all the time. I have a friend who was sent (coerced) to a 12 step rehab. The first thing the councilors said was that he needed to change his meds from Welbutrin to Cipralex. When I told him he should only take medical advice from a qualified person they told me I could not talk to him anymore. That I can't phone him or visit him. That if I did they would call the police. Not wanting to make any waves I foolishly complied. He didn't tolerate the new medication well and started cutting himself. He later relapsed. The councilor Kat later told me that it's my fault because I had EGO which means to them Edging God Out that using your brain means getting rid of God. That telling him that he needs to only listen to doctor and not some power tripping bitch has caused him to relapse.
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 02:41:58 -0800 (02/13/2014 05:41:58 AM) (answered 16 February 2014) Hey Orange Keep up the good work! I truly believe it is a cult. The residents of this rehab got tattoos of NA on their forearms. Luckily my friend chickened out the very last minute. You should see how the councilors are treated in meetings. Like Gods where their word is like gospel.
Hello Squishy Wish,
Thanks for the letter.
I'm sorry to hear about the suffering that your friend is going through.
I wish you had called the police as soon as they threatened you with calling the police.
You were right and they were wrong. Practicing medicine without a license is a crime,
a felony in most states, I think.
And they were most assuredly practicing medicine without a license when they decided what
medications your friend should take. They aren't doctors, and they are not licensed to
prescribe medications.
And of course they blamed you. They will never blame themselves for their misconduct and
their incompetence.
They never learn from their failures, or even admit that they failed.
Like most cult religions, they claim to have all of the magic answers and anyone who
disagrees with them is wrong. Failures are always somebody else's fault, never theirs.
And anyone who opposes their behavior is automatically evil.
And it gets even worse. I've received other letters where a sponsor told a sponsee not to take
his anti-depressant medications, and the sponsee become so depressed that he committed suicide.
And when such tragedies happened,
other A.A. members have responded with slogans
like, "Some must die so that others may live."
That is where I feel like they are truly evil, not just mistaken or misguided.
Yes, it's a cult, and a fraud, and a criminal racket.
I'm adding this letter to
the list of A.A. horror stories
the list of A.A. "no medications stories".
Have a good day now.
== Orange
Last updated 18 April 2014. |