Date: Fri, September 14, 2012 1:26 pm (answered 15 September 2012) Good evening, Orange Hope you're well. Glad to see the site still up and running. You prompted me to leave AA/NA back in 2005. Had a pretty major relapse in 2010-11, but have been clean nearly 18 months again. Who knows what would have happened had I stayed "in the rooms" (clean & serene? permanent relapse? exactly the same thing as happened anyway?), but I'm glad I left. These days I look at it like "what's the point in recovery, if I have to spend my life going to some depressing meetings filled with people talking nonsense and insisting the only way to freedom is to do exactly what they reccomend?". Hope that makes sense — I'm just glad that I'm defining recovery on my own terms, and no one elses. As long as I'm free from addiction, I know I'm moving in the right direction...
Hello Stephen,
Thanks for the letter. I'm glad to hear that you are doing well.
I also did the big relapse routine, many years ago. Quit drinking in 1987, and started again in 1990,
and kept it up for 9 more years before I quit.
You are right about not being able to guess what might have happened IF...
I find it more productive to just try to understand why it happened. I know that in my case there was
a lot of stuff like believing that I had it under control now, and could handle just one or two.
And returning to drinking felt like returning to the good old days, and I was free again, free to do
what I wanted to do...
It took me some years to discover that I wasn't free at all.
Anyway, slightly silly email, and feel free to not respond if you like (for I don't know if you're a star wars fan...) , but do you reckon, according to your cult test, that the Jedi Knights were a cult? I'm going to argue they were, and I'm going to use the first 10 points of your cult test to make that argument...
1. The Guru is always right.
2. You are always wrong.
3. No Exit.
4. No Graduates.
5. Cult-speak.
6. Group-think, Suppression of Dissent, and Enforced Conformity in Thinking
7. Irrationality.
8. Suspension of disbelief.
9. Denigration of competing sects, cults, religions, groups, or organizations.
10. Personal attacks on critics. So, what say you, AO?
Thanks for reading...
Now that is a very interesting question. You actually bring up a bunch of good points, even
if in a joking manner.
It is obvious that George Lucas copied a lot of ideas from a martial arts school like Zen archery
or Zen swordsmanship — especially the swordsmanship, obviously.
In those schools, the master is teaching both mental arts and also a
physical skill that applies the mental skills. And yes, there is a lot of similarity to a cult,
but there are also some crucial differences that are in later Cult Test items, like lying and deceptive
George Lucas also borrowed from medieval fairy tales where the knights were noble and
brave and pure of heart, and the princesses were beautiful and virtuous and proper and chaste.
And you are right about nobody questioning why Princess Leia got to be a princess, and the other girls didn't.
1. The Guru is always right.
2. You are always wrong.
3. No Exit.
4. No Graduates.
As far as the dead knights all standing around smiling, well, that is just a rehash of
primitive Christian mythology where the dead are the same in death as they were when alive.
That strikes me as wishful thinking from people who are afraid of dying. They want everything
to stay the same.
In defense of George Lucas, I guess there wasn't much else that he could do there.
He needed that image as a theatrical device. Just showing
three foggy clouds hovering over Skywalker would not carry the same impact. The audience wouldn't even
get it.
5. Cult-speak.
6. Group-think, Suppression of Dissent, and Enforced Conformity in Thinking
7. Irrationality.
In fact, after Starwars, a whole new school of fiction came out: Fantasy and Science Fiction.
(There was even a magazine by that name.)
Before Lucas, the sword-and-sorcery crowd never mixed with the science fiction crowd.
They had contempt for each other.
8. Suspension of disbelief.
Zen, like many of the other Eastern religions, is based on seeing and experiencing, rather than on
believing and blind faith.
In the improbable scene in The Empire Strikes Back where Yoda levitates the spaceship,
Yoda was exhorting Luke to stop doubting.
"Do or do not. There is no 'try'."
In a way he was right. If we continue to tell ourselves
that we just cannot do something, then we probably won't be able to do it. Again,
the belief that you cannot do something is just another belief that the Zen
master wants to destroy.
In Zen archery, when the master tells the student to put on a blindfold and then shoot an arrow and
score a bulls-eye, the student will probably think, "This guy is crazy. He really thinks that I'm going
to score bulls-eyes blind-folded? Not gonna happen."
The student won't hit the target until he gets rid of those negative thoughts.
But that is a very different thing from,
"Believe without doubt that the Lord sent an angel to me with golden
tablets that say that I'm the New Prophet. And the Lord said that I get to have four wives,
so I can marry the cute little teenage girl next door, in spite of the fact that I already have an
old bag of a current wife... And then I get to marry two more young cuties after that. Believe it, my children.
Have faith."
9. Denigration of competing sects, cults, religions, groups, or organizations.
10. Personal attacks on critics.
There is much more in the following 90 questions that will distinguish the Jedi
Knights from a cult. These are things that the Jedi Knights didn't do:
Now I realize that there are also a lot of items where the Jedi Knights do resemble a cult:
Still, I think the virtues of the Jedi Knights outweigh the negatives. But if someone actually
tried to recruit me into the Jedi Knights, I'd start demanding some proof of claims, like levitating
a spaceship, before I'd believe anything.
And if it turned out that the old Jedi Knights were robbing the new inductees of every penny they
could get, and turning the new female members into sex toys, and living lives of debauchery and indulgence
while exhorting the young members to work harder and have faith,
then, I'd definitely say that the Jedi Knights was a cult.
Have a good day now.
== Orange
[ Link here = ]
Date: Fri, August 31, 2012 12:38 am (answered 16 September 2012)
I found this article on a site I occasionally write for: It seems like she doesn't quite buy everything AA sells, but she's also not quite at the point of realizing it's all bullshit. I think part of the problem is there are no alternatives that cater to people with both a mental illness (she has schizoaffective disorder, bad enough to prevent her from working) and an alcohol problem. I know there is the theory that all alcoholics have an underlying mental illness, but there's something about the prefix "schizo" that tends to drive people away. Even though people on the schizophrenia spectrum are more likely to be victims of a crime than perpetrators. And the Sinclair Method might be a possibility, but is there much information on how naltrexone interacts with other drugs? Not that AA is terribly good for people with mental illness, either. See the medication issue, for instance. At the very least, I hope she's found good people in AA. Genuinely good people, not people that'll abandon her the moment she quits or relapses. I'm thinking of linking her to that lizard brain article you wrote. She might get curious and check out the rest of the site. Even if she doesn't, she'll probably find that article helpful.
Hi again, Meatbag,
I find that story very sad. She relapsed, and all that she could think was,
"I must work the A.A. program harder." She hasn't realized that she is wasting
her time on bullshit that doesn't work.
Well, it doesn't work to make people quit drinking, or make them happy and sane.
But it does work to make people neurotic and frustrated and depressed, and prepare them for suicide.
I hope she does learn something from the
Lizard Brain web page.
I don't know how Naltrexone might interact with other drugs.
Date: Wed, September 5, 2012 3:42 am (answered 16 September 2012) My recorder is an ICD-UX200. It does 22 hours even on the highest quality setting. Heh, my dad and I enjoyed some schadenfreude (thanks to Avenue Q, I can't even use that word without the song of the same name popping in my head) over Moon's death. My dad is an ex-reverend. Reverends don't tend to like cults that aren't theirs. The more I read about Moon, the more I'm glad he's dead. Is it a little too much to hope for that he took his cult with him? And why do men like him live into their 90s, when so many good people die young? Yes, good riddance to Rev. Moon. I don't know whether his cult will now die out soon. Some cults wither and die as soon as the phony guru dies, and some endure. I think it depends on whether a Number Two steps up and seizes control, like David Miscavige taking over Scientology. As for that law that lets farmers kill geese on their property, I can understand why it exists. The geese are a threat to the farmer's livelihood, after all. But it is sad, and there's probably a more humane way to deal with the problem. It's kind of difficult for a peaceful solution to be cheaper than $27/year, though. Yes, I understand the problem that the farmers have. It is outrageously arrogant, though, for the white men to come here and steal all of the land from the Indians and the wildlife, and then complain that the geese are feeding on "their land". And wow, that "wildlife expert" sounds annoying. One of the few benefits of living in a red state is hipsters like that are rare. Right. They are a special breed, found only in a few places. Portland is really infested with them. The TV spoof "Portlandia" is really right on. I never understood this great division that so many put between man and animal. As far as I'm concerned, if beaver dams are natural, so are the structures humans build. We're animals, too, after all. And if an animal knows how to thrive in a human-dominated environment, what's the problem?
And in addition, when people say that I should just "let Nature take its course", I say, "I am."
It is natural for me to love and want to care for those cute little fluff-ball goslings.
It's just in my nature. I am also not a being that is separated from Nature. I'm part of it too.
So it is in the nature of this world for an old hairy ape-man to come along and occasionally scoop
up orphaned baby birds and care for them.
And that isn't an exaggeration. There are also videos on YouTube showing a dog that adopted goslings.
UPDATE: 2012.11.25: 60 Minutes just ran a story about a wildlife photographer who
specializes in videotaping lions. He has more movies of lions than anybody else in the
world. He also has footage that shows a cheetah caring for
an orphaned baby monkey. Scientists didn't believe the story about a cheetah adopting and
caring for a baby monkey until they watched the tape.
And then I am reminded of the stories of "wolf-boys", ferrel children
that were adopted by packs of wolves and raised by them. Some of those stories
were actually true, not just legends, particularly the story of "Cal",
the California ferrel child, which is well-documented. They even made a movie
of that one.
Cal was three years old when he got separated from his parents and lost in the woods.
If I remember the story right, his parents were driving through the forest in
California when they crashed the car and were killed. The baby survived the crash
relatively unharmed and walked away. None of the first responders realized that
there was a missing child.
He was cared for by wolves until he was discovered and
captured by adult humans when he was a teenager.
Yes, they had to capture him because he was completely wild and running
with the wolves.
They named him "Cal", short for "California Ferrel Child".
They had to teach him everything about how to be a "civilized" human,
starting with how to speak English and wear clothes.
But he learned. He actually ended up going to college, I think at the University of
Odds are, this "wildlife expert" would also complain that I don't feed my cats the absolute best food out there. Sorry, but I don't want my cats to eat better than I do. And if Alley wants organic, free-range meat, she's free to hunt her own. So is Titania, for that matter, but she just sees the outside world as nothing more than cat TV to be enjoyed from the comforts of home. Yes, organic catfood is something that I haven't heard of yet, but it probably exists.
And I don't know if you got that link I sent you, but if you didn't, here
it is: As you can see, she's at the point where she's questioning AA, but not quite at the point of leaving it. I did give her a little nudge by linking to your lizard brain page. I figured she would find that helpful no matter what she ends up doing. And it seems like she did find it helpful. My guess is she's eventually either going to leave or become a part of the Newcomer Rescue League, since she seems pretty well aware of what AA's problems are.
Yes, I wish her luck.
Have a good day now.
== Orange
[The next letter from Meatbag is here.] ![]()
[ Link here = ]
Date: Fri, September 14, 2012 10:44 pm (answered 16 September 2012) Yay, another Amy letter and a hilarious letter from the pro-UWP guy Steve! You know, I'm pretty sure I heard Fox News compare Obama to Hitler the other day. But I'm not going to track down a clip on youtube or anything. Why? I don't willingly subject myself to hate speech. Besides, I'm pretty sure this guy has already seen that broadcast. You can't reason with people who won't take their blinders off. And I find it rather amusing that he thinks an organization that would be at least moderately conservative in most other countries is a liberal fanatical organization. Try meeting some Greens or actual Communists. Or if that's too hard, check out the Social Justice Warriors on Tumblr (most of whom actually are rather rabid). As for Amy, well, if you don't mind, I'm going to steal my psychiatrist's armchair for a while. I wonder how many of these people who claim you're miserable or fighting your own demons are actually projecting. Maybe they're getting sick of having no free time thanks to endless meetings, so they assume you must spend an equal amount of time presenting the case against AA. Maybe they envy the fact you get time to feed the geese. Or they're white-knuckling their sobriety even with AA's "help", so they assume you can't possibly be sober and happy without AA. I also presume Amy has Peril Sensitive Sunglasses, so it's not so much that she won't read your links. It's that she can't without the sunglasses going completely opaque.
Also, one of the other writers at Queer Mental Health wrote a poem: I must admit. I don't entirely understand it. Maybe because I've never had addiction issues. Perhaps you know something about this poem that I don't. Also, if you click the writer's name, you'll see other things she wrote. One of those is her AA story. I've tried linking directly to it before, but I don't think any of those emails reached you. Something in the link must have set off a filter you have. And in non-AA-related news, my cat Alley killed a goldfinch the other day. I'm glad we don't live close enough to the lake for gosling and duckling-killing to be an issue. The bad part is there used to be two goldfinch in the backyard. She killed someone's mate. And batted the corpse around like a toy before she ate it. Obviously, humans aren't the only animals who get a lot of joy out of taking a life. I can believe killing birds is a cat's instinct, but batting the dead prey around? I think I accidentally taught her that with actual cat toys. I wonder if the birds assumed Alley was harmless because she spends a lot of her time sleeping on the glider. Alley seems to space out her kills. Assuming she's actually showing me all her kills. Damn, Alley, you're making it hard to be a bird-lover. Well, that was kind of depressing. Anyhow, it's way past my bedtime. So off to bed with me. I hope that goldfinch doesn't haunt my dreams.
Hello again, Meatbag,
Thanks for the letter and the comments. Yep, I have to agree about Amy's complaints about how unhappy
I must be. That is a common Stepper attitude: We must be terribly unhappy if we are criticizing A.A.
Just totally miserable, and about to relapse any minute now. The concept that people can be quite happy
as they reject quackery seems to be a taboo thought. Oh no, you can't be happy. You can't be happy unless
you are doing the 12 Steps.
Yes, it does sound like projection, now that you mention it. And there is also an element of denial like,
"You can't possibly be happy with not drinking and not going to A.A. meetings.
And not confessing how bad you are?
Oh no. Just playing in the sunshine and feeding cute fluff-ball goslings? You must be miserable."
Speaking of which, it's going to be well over 80 degrees here today, and the sky is already totally clear and
cloudless at 8:24 AM as I listen to "Dawn of the Dead" [Grateful Dead] on the radio.
So it will be another day of sunshine and feeding geese and ducks.
Yes, Amy's statement that she won't follow links and read things is so revealing.
Can't risk exposure to contradictory information. Of course that is precisely what
Bill Wilson criticized in the Big Book: "contempt prior to investigation".
I think Steve's real problem is that he can't reconcile his fun times in UWP with
the idea that UWP had some very nasty underhanded objectives. How can something that is so much
fun be so bad?
Now the bitter anger towards "liberals" is something else.
I don't know where that comes from.
About the cat batting the dead bird around: Alas, that just seems to be in the nature
of cats. They are notorious for playing with their food before eating it.
I don't think you taught that. Just the opposite. Cats enjoy playing with cat toys because that
allows them to indulge their instinct to play with little furry or feathery creatures.
It's just really basic brain programming. I remember someone talking about how behavior is encoded in the DNA.
Some people were wondering how cats could possibly come pre-programmed with all of the techniques
for catching mice. Another biologist answered, "They don't. All that the cats need to have programmed
into them is a desire to chase and catch little furry things. After that, the mice will teach the
kittens everything they need to know about how to catch mice."
Have a good day now.
== Orange
[The next letter from Meatbag is here.] ![]()
Date: Sat, September 15, 2012 6:07 pm (answered 19 September 2012) Hello my name is Cristin and I just read an article entitled "Whats not good about AA". I'm not sure if this is who I can contact but I'm going to try. I read through it all and I agree COMPLETELY about the backwardness of the 12 step program but I was still left puzzled as to the correct pathway to sobriety. I mean I know that in order to solve a problem it first needs to be identified, but then usually there is then a solution provided and I was wondering what you propose instead ? As I said before I was thrilled to see someone else thought the same thing about the meetings and 12 step program as I do. Again though, I'm unsure of the solution. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Hello Cristin,
Thank you for the letter, and you sent it to the right place. I'm glad to hear that you are thinking
clearly about recovery.
The issue of "first recognizing that there is a problem" is so simple. It's as simple as saying,
"Drinking has gotten to be a problem, and it's messing up my life, and I want to cut down or quit."
That's it. And you don't even have to say that you are an alcoholic.
You just notice that alcohol has gotten to be more pain than pleasure, and you decide that you want to
change something in your life.
A.A. makes such a big deal out of "first admitting that there is a problem",
as if all alcoholics are "in denial", and refuse to admit that
alcohol is killing them, because they are all such insane morons who won't admit the truth, and who
are "constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves".
Not so. That is just the A.A. stereotype of the "bad alcoholic" again.
(Look here for much more about the stupid alcoholic.)
I'm happy to say that we are not all like the stereotypical A.A. alcoholic.
Now on rereading your letter, I see that the "first recognizing that there is a problem" can also
apply to A.A. itself, and you could be asking what is a better solution to bad treatment of alcohol problems.
Happily, I have a whole bunch of ideas about how to quit drinking, or cut down, and I wrote them down here:
How did you get to where you are?
There you will find lots of links to many discussions of what works, and what has helped me
and other people.
This section of the main menu page also lists other information and better possibilities:
Have a good day now, and good luck. And don't hesitate to write back if you have more questions.
== Orange
Date: Tue, September 18, 2012 10:08 am (answered 20 September 2012) Dear Mr. A Orange, You must be really popular — because I've never heard of you and I've only been sober 25 years. I wonder if you have a sponsor and a home group because you sound like 'Self Will Run Riot' if I've ever heard it, ha ha. AA will be fine with or without you — Thank God May you live long enough to make amends and to see that probably no one has done more to help the still suffering Alcoholic, than Clancy. May God Bless You & Keep You Until Then !!! Craig :-)
The temporary good is enemy to the permanent best.
Hello Craig,
Thank you for the letter, and congratulations on your many years of sobriety.
Unfortunately, the rest of your letter is an exercise in illogic.
My fame, or lack of it, has nothing to do with the A.A. failure rate, or
the many negatives of A.A. participation like the sexual exploitation in A.A.,
or the relapse rate, or the death rate. Your personal years of sobriety do
not in any way prove that A.A. treatment of alcohol addiction actually works, or that A.A. is
good for people. And your membership in
Clancy's cult
is evidence of the opposite.
If you believe that A.A. is good for treating or curing "alcoholism", please answer this one
simple question that no A.A. defender has ever answered honestly:
Have a good day now. == Orange
[ Link here = ]
Date: Tue, September 18, 2012 4:31 pm (answered 20 September 2012)
Ah, I see you found my emails.
I guess it is ironic that I would say Alley is free to hunt her own food, then complain when she actually does it. But it's not like cats really take their human's complaints into consideration. She can kill all the birds she wants as long as she doesn't bring it in the house. But I don't have to like it. At least she doesn't half-kill animals and bring it in like some previous cats did. When a cat does that, they expect you to finish the job. It's their way of teaching those big two-legged hairless kittens how to hunt.
Hi again, Meatbag,
Yes, that is one of the drawbacks of having predators as pets. Obviously, if I am going to care
for goslings, I can't also have cats. And the only kind of dog that I could have is a herding dog,
one that would want to round up and herd the goslings. Actually, that could be handy.
It's actually kind of interesting to see how different my cats are. Titania is so domesticated, she might as well be a dog. She even used to play fetch. I tried playing fetch with her the other day, but it doesn't seem like she's in to that anymore. Maybe she's too old for fetch. Like I said, she never tries to go outside, let alone hunt anything. The most I've seen her do is dig up an earthworm and leave it wriggling on the porch. Yeah, she's kind of a weird cat. Although apparently being dog-like is normal for ocicats. She looks like an ocicat and acts like they're supposed to act, so I think she is one. I don't have a pedigree or anything, since she was that one stray who decided to move in. Interesting. I never heard of "ocicats" before. As for organic cat food, I've heard of vegan cat food, so anything's possible. Not that vegan food is very good for an obligate carnivore. On that note, I've encountered self-righteous internet vegans who own cats. Why would you own a cat as a vegan, especially if you're the sort of vegan who tells people off for eating meat? Why not get a bunny or a bird or something else that's a herbivore? Maybe get a horse if you're rich enough. I kind of wish I was rich enough for a horse.
Oh yeh, anything's possible. I'd bet that you can even sell crystal therapy for cats to
some new-age owners... :-)
"Does your cat seem out of sorts? Run down? Sleeps a lot? Your cat needs some magical Crystal Vibrations..."
Yes, if you are a vegan, why keep a pet carnivore? Kind of a conflict of interests, there.
And I do see your point about geese vs farmers. As far as Indians go, I do remember reading about a state (I'm pretty sure it's one of the Dakotas) auctioning off a tribe's sacred land not too long ago. Yeah, how about I take the Vatican through a shady contract and auction it off? Yes, that is really sad. Some states seem to still be very anti-Indian. One of the Dakotas comes to mind for that. In addition to dogs adopting goslings, there's a couple of dogs who adopted deer fawns. It seems like quite a few animals like to adopt the cute babies of other species. Maybe it is natural. Either that, or the evils of humans adopting cute baby animals rubbed off on the dogs when they were domesticated. I wonder which is more likely. Yes, I think it is natural. There is such a huge variation between individuals in a species. It isn't just humans where some individuals are blood-thirsty killers, and some are compassionate care-givers. And there are also some ducks and geese who will adopt strays and orphans, while the vast majority do not. And some geese are so nasty-tempered that they will bite orphaned baby goslings and drive them away. There is a lot of variation. As for where Steve's anger towards liberals and "liberals" comes from, I think it's Fox News and talk radio. They're experts at manufacturing outrage, and they tend to be the ultimate anti-fans of Obama. Seriously, I don't think and talk about Obama nearly as much as these guys do, and I'm gonna vote for him. Yes, that talk radio inciting anger is a real problem. It's sad that so many people would rather be angry than be sensible. In general, it seems like talk radio creates far more smoke and fire than light. Speaking of talk radio, I rode with my mom to that Warm Springs place today. I think I damaged my hearing during the ride, since I had the volume on my mp3 player high enough to drown out her talk radio. At this rate, I'll be deaf when I reach your age. As for Warm Springs itself, it actually isn't too bad. It's roughly as patronizing as your average college. Which isn't bad at all going by disability services standards. They don't trust you with your own meds, though. You start out having to go to the nurse's station every day, and they eventually trust you with a week's worth of meds. This might not be a bad thing for me, since I'm not good at remembering to take them on my own. Good luck with that. Don't you hate it when they pull the superior condescending routine? Shades of Big Nurse (One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest). The other thing that sticks out to me as being all that different from a college is it's apparently possible for a parent to request that their kids not be allowed off-campus without supervision. I guess that is necessary for some disabilities, but it seems like any parent can do that. I think my mom trusts me enough for that not to be an issue for me, though.
Anyhow, time for some relaxation. It's been a long day. Too much time spent in a closet-sized space with not very ergonomic seating.
So relax and work on your health. And have a good day now.
== Orange
[The next letter from Meatbag is here.] ![]()
Date: Thu, September 20, 2012 12:08 am (answered 21 September 2012) Meetings today are packed full of people with court slips, and people who attend to pick up chicks, (13th steppers) and people who attend that their partners or relatives have forced them to attend. These people who are in the attendance are many times in the majority of attendees. These people are simply "gamers" They have no intentions of getting sober than the man in the moon. Their failure fate isn't the failings of the program but of people that don't want to be there anyway in the first place, I know this well as I was a "gamer" for 12 years before I got sober. Today I have been sober for over 12 years. IT wasn't the steps or the big book or program at all, I didn't work the steps or have a sponsor at all. I got sober on my own because I had to piss in a bottle or go to jail, The meetings also gave me somewhere to go when I has packing my pants with a load of shit. AA did not "make me " stop drinking" but it sure gave me somewhere to go. Today I think AA is pure bullshit but somewhere it did assist me in becoming sober. For those that really want to get sober and have gone down the path, looking at deaths door usually are more motivated to go to meetings and count days that can add to sobriety. AA can only assist if you are serious about quitting drinking. AA does not make anyone quit drinking but gives a person somewhere to go when they are toxic and crazy.
Hello Tom,
Thanks for the letter.
It is outrageous for A.A. to do everything they can to get more coerced attendees, and then
complain that the coerced attendees are pulling down their averages. That really takes some brass balls.
(I've heard that argument before; A.A. routinely uses it as an excuse for the bad A.A. failure rate.
A.A. defenders claim that the coerced newcomers don't really want to quit drinking,
and they won't work the Steps right, and
they won't surrender, etc., so it isn't
really A.A.'s fault.)
Unfortunately, there is a lot more to A.A. than just a friendly meeting where you can get
a cup of coffee. A.A. has a lot of baggage.
That stuff does more harm than good.
And you know what the terrible irony is? Nightwatch is sponsored by a church
(and helped by additional government funding), but they
don't shove God down people's throats, or start and end with praying. They don't
even mention God, and they never pray.
Now Nightwatch is really "not a religion".
Have a good day now.
== Orange
Last updated 27 December 2013. |