Sentenced To Alcoholics Anonymous

The less reasonable a cult is,
the more men seek to establish it by force.

— Jean Jacques Rousseau

There is a town in Massachusetts which is often showing up in Internet searches of newspapers for people sentenced to A.A. meetings. It is rather curious, to say the least. Some judges there seem to regard A.A. as a real cure-all, quite stubbornly ignoring the simple fact that A.A. has been declared a religious organization by many higher courts. It's unconstitutional to sentence people to A.A., but those judges do it anyway.

Where neighboring Salem, Massachusetts once thought that everything bad was caused by witches, and could be fixed by hanging a bunch of women, now Westboro, Massachusetts has some judges who seem to imagine that A.A. meetings will cure everything from drunk driving to brutality, violence, intimidation, and child pornography. Do the judges imagine that just getting those nasty criminals praying will somehow reform them? Is this Faith-Based Punishment, Phase One? (Are the judges themselves hidden A.A. members and 12-step true believers?)

Recent Westboro area cases where people were sentenced to Alcoholics Anonymous include:

(Exact names and addresses have been excised to protect the guilty.)

  • Telegram & Gazette. Worcester, Mass.: Jul 30, 2003. pg. B.4
    WESTBORO DISTRICT COURT: Judge Robert Calagione:
    Patrick R. B., 30, of Valade Court, Southboro, charged with failing to drive within marked lanes, found responsible, filed; driving negligently so as to endanger, dismissed; possession of marijuana, continued without a finding for six months; driving under the influence of alcohol, second offense, sentenced to four months in the House of Correction, sentence suspended for two years with probation, and ordered to complete a 14-day inpatient program, attend five Alcoholics Anonymous meetings per week, remain drug- and alcohol-free, submit to random urinalysis, and pay $300 in fees.

    Five meetings per week is nearly one every day.

  • Telegram & Gazette. Worcester, Mass.: Aug 24, 2003. pg. B.4
    Westboro District Court:
    GRAFTON — Two teenagers charged with an armed robbery at a Worcester Street ice-cream stand pleaded not guilty in Westboro District Court Friday.
    Scott J. B., 18, of Greaney Drive, and Paul J. L., 18, of Trinity Ave., were charged with armed robbery while masked, assault with a dangerous weapon (a pellet gun), larceny over $250, and assault and battery.
    They are charged with the July 27 armed robbery of Swirls and Scoops Ice Cream Store. Both men allegedly entered the store while masked, attacked the female owner as she was leaving the store and stole approximately $2,000 in cash, according to a statement released by Mr. Conte's office.
    Mr. B. is serving probation for a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol. The case was closed July 8; and the charge was continued without finding for one year. He was ordered to enroll in an alcohol-awareness program as soon as possible and attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings until the awareness program begins.

    Let's see now... Just when was it established that A.A. cult religion meetings keep kids from robbing ice cream stores?
    Oops! I'm getting confused. Mr. Scott B. wasn't sentenced to A.A. for robbing the ice cream store; it was for an earlier crime — drunk driving. He was already sentenced to A.A. and attending those "spiritual" A.A. meetings when he decided to go rob the ice cream store... Ah, those spiritual A.A. meetings sure do work good, don't they?

  • Telegram & Gazette. Worcester, Mass.: Jan 8, 2004. pg. B.1
    Westboro District Court:
    A 62-year-old Randolph man who was charged with sending child pornography by e-mail to a Shrewsbury woman pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography yesterday. He was placed on probation and will be required to move out of his home while a minor lives there. He was also ordered to attend two Alcoholics Anonymous meetings per week while on probation, use no drugs or alcohol, and submit to drug and alcohol evaluations as necessary. According to court records, the Shrewsbury woman was in a chat room called "I Like Older Men" in February when she met a man who steered the correspondence to sexual acts with young girls. While she was exchanging the e-mails, the woman called the Shrewsbury police. According to court records, the man gave the woman a wrong name, but also gave his cell phone and work phone numbers, which police traced to Mr. P. The woman had said she received seven e-mails containing images of children performing sexual acts.

    Do A.A. meetings really keep pedophiles from indulging in child pornography?
    It sure didn't work on my pedophile true-believer 12-step counselor.

  • Telegram & Gazette. Worcester, Mass.: Jan 21, 2004. pg. B.3
    Westboro District Court:
    MARLBORO — A Marlboro District Court officer who was arrested for exposing himself has been fired. Craig R., 33, of Neptune Drive, Shrewsbury, was arrested July 22 at TGI Friday's at Solomon Pond Mall after customers said he exposed his genitals as he returned from the bathroom.
    An administrative hearing was held Dec. 23 on whether Mr. R. could return to his job. Yesterday, Bruce E. Brock, a spokesman for the Massachusetts Trial Court, said Mr. R. was terminated Dec. 30.
    Last month, an indecent exposure charge was continued without a guilty finding to June 6, 2005. Mr. R. was ordered to stay away from the restaurant, not to drink any alcohol and to continue with Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. He was ordered to submit to random screens and to pay a $50 victim-witness fee. He also was ordered to pay $300 in court costs on a disturbing-the-peace charge, which also was continued without a guilty finding.

    Well this is good. Doesn't A.A. teach that you are supposed to expose all of your shortcomings to the group?
    "You're only as sick as your secrets."

  • Telegram & Gazette. Worcester, Mass.: Feb 12, 2004. pg. B.7
    WESTBORO DISTRICT COURT: Judge Paul S. Waickowski:
    Robert M. P., 42, of Boylston Circle, Shrewsbury, charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, found guilty, ordered to pay fines and fees totaling $600, placed on probation for two years, ordered to attend a treatment program and any after-care, must abstain from alcohol use and submit to random Breathalyzer tests, ordered to lose license for one year and to attend three Alcoholics Anonymous meetings per week; driving without license in possession and failing to wear a seat belt, found responsible, charges were filed.

    And three A.A. meetings per week for two years should be enough to get him believing in Higher Power, don't you think?

  • Telegram & Gazette. Worcester, Mass.: Feb 27, 2004. pg. B.1
    Westboro District Court:
    WESTBORO — A Marlboro High School teacher yesterday admitted sufficient facts for a guilty finding on charges of drunken driving and leaving the scene of an accident involving property damage and was sentenced to probation for a year. Dennis F. L., 54, of Rawson Hill Drive, Shrewsbury, agreed to the plea deal in Westboro District Court. Both charges were continued without a finding.
    Mr. L. was placed on probation for a year and ordered to enroll in an alcohol treatment program. He was ordered to attend one Alcoholics Anonymous meeting per week for a month. He was fined $600 and ordered to pay an additional $65 per month fee while on probation. Mr. L.'s driver's license was suspended for 45 days.

    And four A.A. meetings — one per week for a month — will fix what?
    Or is this just Intro to Cult Religion 101?

  • Telegram & Gazette. Worcester, Mass.: Mar 2, 2004. pg. B.1
    LEOMINSTER: Judge Austin T. Philbin:
    LEOMINSTER — Two teenagers were held on $3,000 cash bail each yesterday after a brawl that left one man unconscious in a puddle of blood with his assailant's shoeprint on his forehead.
    The two admitted to striking the bar patrons early Saturday after they were confronted while smashing mailboxes on Litchfield Street.
    Troy R. Hebert, 39, was found facedown in a pool of blood the size of a car tire, his eyes swollen shut from being stomped on the head. Mr. Hebert's mother photographed "an obvious shoeprint" on her son's forehead at the hospital.
    Officer Matthew C. Swaine went to the hospital to see Troy Hebert.
    "While speaking with Troy, knowing him for over 20 years, I had a hard time finding any recognizable feature of Troy Hebert that I can remember," Officer Swaine said.
    Judge Austin T. Philbin cited the two defendants' juvenile records in setting bail yesterday. He also ordered both teenagers to attend daily Alcoholics Anonymous meetings if they post bail, and to attend those meetings until the case is resolved, court records show.

    These guys get a long series of back-to-back 90 Meetings In 90 Days; one meeting every day indefinitely.
    So when were A.A. meetings shown to be effective treatment for keeping young thugs from stomping people?

  • Telegram & Gazette. Worcester, Mass.: Mar 5, 2004. pg. B.5
    WESTBORO DISTRICT COURT: Judge Paul S. Waickowski:
    Richard A. L., 48, of Williams St., Grafton, charged with domestic assault and battery, continued without a finding for six months with probation, ordered to attend 60 Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, ordered to remain drug- and alcohol-free, ordered to submit to random drug tests and to pay a $65 per month probation fee.

    What study or controlled experiment showed that A.A. meetings were effective for getting guys to stop beating up their wives?

  • Telegram & Gazette. Worcester, Mass.: Mar 11, 2004. pg. B.1
    Western Worcester District Court:
    EAST BROOKFIELD — A man once questioned by police in the 1993 disappearance and homicide of 10-year-old Holly Piirainen admitted to sufficient facts for a guilty finding yesterday in Western Worcester District Court on charges unrelated to that case.
    On a charge of driving while under the influence of alcohol, Mr. A. was sentenced to one year in the House of Correction and was ordered to serve 90 days with the remaining sentence suspended until Sept. 8, 2005. He will be credited 73 days for time served, and has 17 days left in the House of Correction, according to court records. Other conditions of his probation require he attend five AA meetings per week, abstain from alcohol use and undergo random screenings for drugs and alcohol.

    Just another DUI. But this guy gets five meetings per week. That's almost 90 in 90. Is that because they suspect him of being a murdering sexual predator whom they can't convict? And how will A.A. meetings fix that?

  • Telegram & Gazette. Worcester, Mass.: Mar 11, 2004. pg. B.8
    Western Worcester District Court:
    EAST BROOKFIELD — A former Paxton police officer admitted to sufficient facts for a guilty finding yesterday in Western Worcester District Court on a charge of threatening to commit a crime.
    Patrick O'D., 32, of Tanglewood Road, Paxton, was arrested in November for threatening a neighbor. Mr. O'D. was a Paxton police officer when he called a neighbor "and threatened to rape and assault her 12-year-old daughter," according to court records.
    Yesterday, Mr. O'D. was sentenced to two years of supervised probation and he was ordered to stay away from and have no contact with the victim or her family, pay a $100 fine and a $50 victim/witness fee.
    Also, he was ordered to undergo a psychiatric and mental evaluation, attend two Alcoholics Anonymous meetings per week, take all prescribed medications, and have frequent, random and unannounced drug and alcohol screenings.

    So what survey, poll, study, or controlled experiment showed that Alcoholics Anonymous meetings were effective for keeping bad cops from raping 12-year-old girls?

    Heck, the spiritual example set by the A.A. founder Bill Wilson teaches us that the A.A. men should screw every attractive young woman who walks into an A.A. meeting room. And current sponsors are doing a fine job of maintaining that old Tradition of 13th-stepping the newcomers.

    So is the Midtown Group in Washinton, DC. And so is Clancy's Pacific Group in Los Angeles.

There seem to be some judges around Worcester, Massachusetts who really do believe that Alcoholics Anonymous is genuine snake oil — a magic elixir that can cure absolutely anything.

There also seem to be some judges who don't give a damn about what is actually legal or Constitutional.

And another thought that is really disturbing is:
If you go to an A.A. meeting for help with a drinking problem, the guy sitting next to you might be one of those bad cops or vicious thugs or unconvicted murdering sexual predators who was sentenced to A.A. meetings by a judge. Heck, you might even get one of those creeps for your sponsor.
(Are you really sure that you want to go over to his house for a little one-on-one Big Book study?)

If A.A. really had any brains at all, they would immediately put a stop to courts sentencing people to A.A., if only for the protection of the sincere A.A. members, and for the protection of the A.A. organization as a whole. But A.A. doesn't have any brains...

The A.A. leadership can't see the stream of court-sentenced criminals as anything but a bunch of potential new members, and they are all for it. They encourage it.

The official A.A. publication "The A.A. Grapevine" continues to promote the idea of coerced A.A. attendance:

At the time of my accident, the deans were assessing how to respond to student alcohol abuse and were waiting to try out their latest idea, Alcoholics Anonymous. I was the test case. They told me in no uncertain terms that I would never get back into this college unless I went to AA.
"Window of Opportunity", AA Grapevine, December 2001, page 39.

The author actually wrote that this was a happy story, a jolly good thing, that the college administration had done him a big favor by forcing him into Alcoholics Anonymous. And, by implication, other universities should also do the same thing to their students. Never mind the fact that the administration broke the law of the land and violated that guy's civil rights by forcing him to attend the meetings of a cult religion. (Not a smart thing for a university administration to do; it can lead to very expensive lawsuits.) And never mind the fact that as a treatment program for alcoholism, Alcoholics Anonymous is a total failure. The AA Grapevine thinks that coerced A.A. attendance is wonderful.

In fact, the centerfold of the November 2002 issue of the AA Grapevine showed that the vast majority of the A.A. members — 61% — had been "introduced" to A.A. by pressure or coercion from the health care system or criminal justice system. If the A.A. leadership were to put a stop to the coercive recruiting, their membership would really shrink. So they don't put a stop to it.

But this really has to be the best yet:

Woman who pleaded insanity set free.

Saturday, 09-Apr-2005 10:50PM
Story from United Press International

ALAMOSA, Colo., April 9 (UPI) — A woman found not guilty by reason of insanity of killing her boyfriend and mutilating his body has been set free in Alamosa, Colo.

Jane Lynn Woodry was deemed ready for a supervised return to society by a judge after a two-hour hearing, the Rocky Mountain News reported Saturday.

Woodry was found not guilty by reason of insanity in the 1993 first-degree murder of Peter Michael Greene. She shot him four times with a .25-caliber revolver, dismembered his body, wrapped his torso in a blanket, and stored it in a closet in his home.

She took his legs back to her apartment, where she cut hunks of flesh from his legs. Investigators found bite-sized chunks of human flesh prepared in a stew on the stove at Woodry's home.

Conditions for her release also include holding a job, attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, writing daily diary cards and a journal for review by a social worker, and meeting with her case manager three times a week.

"I want people to know that the community is safe," Woodry said. "I am not a danger to the community."

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So, if you go to an A.A. meeting in Colorado, you might discover that the woman who is sitting next to you is a cannibal...

And once again, when was it established that either Alcoholics Anonymous or the 12-Step cult religion reduces cannibalism in crazy women?

Or are they just using Alcoholics Anonymous as a free general-purpose baby-sitting service for psychopaths?

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