have been clean/sober 18 years now.... and so much of what you said rings true.... never DID buy: powerlessness, progressive disease theory, god/as/doorknob, big book/as/bible, fake-it-til-u-make-it..... the thing that infuriated me the most was when someone would say" if you don't blahblah... you're gonna drink"...... am seriously thinking about cult-like aspects.... it's clear that AA IS a religion... and that it dominates treatment modalities (knew this before, but never connected the dots before)..... consistently arrived late to meetings so as not to have to hear the readings.... honestly don't think i could even repeat back to anyone the 12 steps or trads....... DID have a great sponsor, though, who has given me good advice on all non-AA aspects of my life..... so i've been lucky...... although, when i mentioned to him about sending him your writings, he said he "didn't have time to read any anti-AA literature... that it worked for me, so why bother"...... which gave me pause...... have been reading SOS and RR literature... SOS seems more sensibly able to find ways to remain in dialogue with 12-steppers..... i suppose the biggest revelation to me was that i simply had a spontaneous recovery..... and that i don't have to accept any more AA dogma.... was raised a roman catholic..... and, as we know, roman catholicism still essentially says all other religions/ christian denominations are HERETICS (soft-pedalled these days to: "only the roman catholic church possesses the fulness of truth.").... so it's a relief to know that i can go back to wrestling with my deepest fixed catholic beliefs instead of wasting any more time as a 12-stepper!
Hi Patrick,
Thanks for the letter and the story. And thanks for the compliments.
Have a good day.
== Orange
It seems that membership in a 12-step program alters one's ability to write coherently in English. Even if you take mis-used apostrophes and ALL CAPS off the table, the terrified Buchmanistic ramblings of the emails you get is truly startling. Here, let's play A.A.:
You must want to pull your hair out sometimes. I would never have the patience to produce such a well-researched, articulate body of work, much less respond to a constant stream of truly idiotic emails. I mean, the steppers are really really good at ignoring the actual issue, aren't they? They don't read the intro, they don't look at the footnotes. Because they are afraid. That was always my problem with "the program." Rigorously honest, my ass. Any reasoned question was consistently met with not just fear, but TERROR. Unnecessary, isn't it? I was just talking about books I'd read, people I'd talked to. But the response was consistently attack. Vicious, condescending comments wrapped in a folksy "look at how cute and misguided this lost lamb is" tone. But you know what was behind those patronizing, fatherly smiles? The terror of having their whole set of (wrong-headed) values turned upside down. Superstition. The urge to balk at, to belittle, to banish those who question. I imagine that you are actually a man of great compassion, because I would never be able to sign off with a cheery(ish) "oh well, have a good day anyway" after reading and responding to so many outlandish emails — messages which continually ignore the main premise: AA doesn't work. I especially love the fanatics who write things like "just leave us alone," ignoring the conspicuous fact that it was THEY who found their way to YOUR website. Wow. If you post this, no last name please — I don't need a lecture from any of these nuts.
Okay, John,
Thanks for the laugh. That's good. I needed that. And thanks for all of the complments.
And you have a good day too.
== Orange
Wow. Finally, someone who says what I've been thinking for years. I grew up with an alcoholic father; married an alcoholic man; watched my oldest son turn to alcohol and start down the same road as his father; watched my brother ruin his life with alcohol, and watched my mother join the "if you can't lick'em, join'em" club. I get sick and tired of society leaning on the excuse that they have a disease. I've never understood it and have always been made to feel guilty for not understanding and having compassion for "the disease". Thank you for validating my thoughts and feelings. Robin C.
Hi Robin,
Thanks for the letter and thanks for the compliments and thanks.
I hope you are managing to finally
salvage a little happiness out of the mess.
Have a good day.
== Orange
as your site has pointed out, the AA concept of the deity or "higher power" is not very congruent with most christian groups. However, at least in my area, it seems that the denominations are more than welcoming of AA. Perhaps the idea of "never drinking" and in the more modern "politically correct terms", "(some people) never drinking" is an attractive feature of the 12 steps, despite an inconsistency in the basic theology. I do agree that AA has had greater failure rates than success rates, overall.
Hi again, Keneth,
I tend to agree. It seems that the ministers are doing a lot of rationalizing
to gloss over the theological differences, imagining that A.A. saves a lot of alcoholics,
so it is a *Very Good Thing*, and we should just ignore the theological
differences in the interests of the Greater Good. Alas, their logic would fall apart
if they realized that A.A. doesn't actually have a success rate — that it has a failure
rate and increased death rate.
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
== Orange
Hi Agent Orange, Am looking over some things on your site again.
"(3) understandable by the general public. Therefore, the committee agreed to define alcoholism as a primary, chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. " http://www.orange-papers.info/orange-letters28.html#AMA I was not aware that there is any evidence at all for a genetic connection now, in 2006 and this was written in 1992 Gordie
Hi Gordie,
A couple of things have come up recently, but I think that in 1992 their
statement was guess-work,
and they were just assuming things, probably on the basis of the famous Swedish twins
studies. There, somebody found that both twins of a pair of orphaned twins
tended to become alcoholics if either
did, in spite of the twins being separated and raised in different families.
(Recently, I've heard that those studies were fatally flawed, but don't know the
details. I'll have to research that.)
What I've picked up on lately is:
Notice the careful wording: "modulates the risk for alcohol dependence", not
"causes alcoholism".
I like that. I agree. I don't think that the gene forces anybody to be an alcoholic; it
is simple an influence that loads the dice, and makes somebody more likely to become
an alcoholic. But we have a choice, and can override the genetic influence.
Something like eye color is totally genetically determined, and we don't
get any choice in the matter later on. Alcoholism isn't like that at all.
Have a good day.
== Orange
Truth and reality are two different things; truth is the way you see it, and reality is the way it is.
Hi Louie,
Is that another attempt at
escape via relativism?
"Nobody sees the truth clearly, so let's not
discuss the faults and shortcomings of Alcoholics Anonymous... You can't be sure
of what you are seeing."
I think that just like the A.A. slogan
"Some are sicker than others",
we can say that
"Some see the truth more clearly than others."
Those who will see the truth most clearly are those who really
want to see the truth, and are really
trying to see the truth, rather than just trying to avoid the truth
and cling to their old beliefs.
What was it Bill Wilson said?...
We can start with discarding the old ideas that are embodied in the Twelve Steps,
and all of the rest of
Frank Buchman's twisted philosophy.
Have a good day.
== Orange
[2nd letter from Louie:]
Date: Thu, June 1, 2006 10:08
"We found the Great Reality deep down within us. In the last analysis it is only there that He may be found. It was so with us."
Hello Louie,
Like duh.... Why are you quoting Bill Wilson's insane religious ravings to me?
You must know that I don't believe in Wilson's delusions.
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
== Orange
I am glad you have discovered the power of healing in telling stories. best wishes. chris s
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the good wishes.
But... I don't think that there really is much "power of healing in telling stories."
When Bill Wilson printed a lot of autobiographical stories in the
Big Book, he was merely trying to use the
"Proof By Anecdote"
propaganda trick to fool people into joining his new cult.
I rarely tell stories on my own web site. A few, but not many.
Testimonials are one of the least reliable sources of information.
Have a good day.
== Orange
Dear Orange, I was sent your website by a friend. So much of it is completely false that I was astounded. If you used to (or a close family member) go to AA and had a bad experience, I'm sorry. Unfortunately, sometimes that happens. Best, B.McN.
Hello Bridget,
I research very carefully. I believe that everything on my web site it true.
If you think that some fact or statement is in error, please tell me what it is.
Please give the page name, and the erroneous statement, and what you think the truth
is, and your sources of information. (Include book name, author, and page number, of course.)
Thank you.
Trying to explain away my objections to foisting quack medicine on sick people as
just having had a "bad experience with A.A."
is another standard Alcoholics Anonymous dodge.
(It's called "minimization and denial",
something that Bill Wilson said alcoholics were good at.)
I get that in letters from Steppers every so often.
Here is another recent letter that said the same thing:
My belief that it is morally wrong, downright evil, to knowingly foist
ineffective quack medicine on sick people and
then lie about how well it works
is based on my basic ideas of right and wrong and how you should treat other
people, not on a "bad experience".
This is the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life — this week. If you could post this as a reply to the letter you put up it would be appreciated.
Hi again Shane,
Okay, your wish is granted.
Have a good day,
== Orange
So do tell me, what are you selling ?
Hi Dave,
I'm not actually selling anything.
[2nd letter from Dave A.:]
Date: Thu, May 11, 2006 11:15 Well, please try to be more responsible in espousing your version of the truth, it could prove deadly to someone.
Excuse me Dave,
But just what part of your response was "respectful"?
That accusation of killing alcoholics is the standard Alcoholics Anonymous attack on anyone
who tells the truth about the bad side of A.A. and "the program":
Nothing is new under the sun.
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
Orange, Another thought occurred to me. When you're defining alcoholics by having all those negative traits on the TSARI indicator what you're really doing is defining nonalcoholics. Does that mean nonalcoholics are perfect and never have faults or negative traits? So nonalcoholics are never criminals? never pontificate? never charming? never think the rules don't apply to them? (probably almost everyone breaks the rules sometime in their life.) So logically either 1. nonalcoholics sometimes have these traits too which blows the whole theory out of the water because then anyone can be an alcoholic. or 2. nonalcoholics never have these traits which is even scarier because that's saying that alcoholics are an inferior "race" to nonalcoholics. So he could be defined as a nonalcoholic supremest. Maybe we need a little ethnic cleansing to rid our society of these inferior drunks. So where are these people that have no negative traits and never cheat? I've never met one have you? Isn't it cheating by the way to sit in AA meetings fraudulently? Also it's strange to me the mix of positive and negative traits on the list. Isn't pontificating a good thing? Isn't being charming good? That mixture of good and bad makes the theory even more bizarre and hard to follow doesn't it. Another point is I think people are more likely to exhibit those traits when drunk whether alcoholic or not (such as pontificating, breaking the rules, being charming etc) so that shows that he's defining alcoholism as being drunk. That's like saying a food addict is a person who eats. So whenever you're drunk you can be defined as an alcoholic but we all know that its a person who is chronically drunk not just drunk who is alcoholic. So doesn't that mean that the Thorburn theory is basically meaningless and puerile? Steven
Hi again, Steven,
You make some good points there.
Have a good day.
== Orange
Fix your eyes on Jesus instead of AA.
Hi Norman,
Ummm... Didn't Jesus say something about helping other people?
I seem to recall a lot of instructions to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and heal the sick.
Well part of healing the sick is to get rid of bad medicine that doesn't work,
so that other people can concentrate on what does work better.
Have a good day.
== Orange
From The Wolf in the UK: Orange, I could write you a very, very long E Mail and one day I will, but I just want to let you know the following. I came across your website in March after fifteen years as a real AA True Believer. I have been deeply depressed for almost my entire sobriety and made poor decisions in every area of my life. What was the solution I was offered, "Keep coming back. It gets better." Needless to say, it did not and by this March I was verging on the suicidal, not for the first time. In my time in AA I have either experienced myself, or heard first hand testimony of, being financially ripped off, threatened and suffering emotional manipulation and sexual abuse. Many, probably most, AAs are well-intentioned people doing the best with the crud they are offered but there are some truly sick and even dangerous people hiding in "the rooms" as well. I worked out even when I was still a deacon that many so-called members are not alcoholic while many of those who are have no interest in getting well, but do like a social club where they get to dump their toxic crap. In the end I realized that I was sober despite AA and not because of it. One day somebody is going to sue AA for the harm done to themselves or a loved one. What will happen when the outside world realizes that AA holds weekly meetings with no list of who has attended and no minutes of what was said? Why do so many families accept their loved ones going to AA and then dying, as I saw time and time again? Sadly, AA's propaganda is so good that, when I told friends and family that I had had enough and was not going to meetings any more, they were worried. Suffice to say that now they see the change for the better in me, they are delighted, and back my decision. I know a lot of your angry, aggressive correspondents who lead such a spiritual life in the Fellowship accuse you of knowing nothing about AA, despite your experience which anyone can read in your introduction. Well, after over fifteen years, which included service at group level, sponsoring people and a lot of meetings, certainly well over a thousand, I am qualified to say that your criticisms of AA are entirely accurate and it is urgent that the wider public become aware of them. In my last ever meeting, someone whom I had never seen before walked in late and confessed that he had been compulsively masturbating and paying for sex. The craziness of such "sharing" to a room of strangers finally hit me in all its bizarreness. I was not first in the queue to hold his hand when we said the Serenity Prayer. What really scared me was my AA auto-pilot which led me to take him into a side room and invite him to get on his knees to pray with me for him to be released from his compulsion. I felt a complete phoney and an idiot. Sorry AA, I have a wife and two small kids now; I just do not need dangerously unstable people in my life any more. I have been hurt enough Is it any surprise that, as Bill writes in the 12&12, when some early AAs went to Europe to fight in WW2 and were away from meetings, more of them stayed sober than the ones who stayed at home? Bill let that slip through the propaganda net, didn't he? The first person to benefit from my leaving AA was my wife. She actually gets me at home in the evenings when she needs me and I no longer sit around "with the phone stuck to my face", as she once said, when she is getting on with what needs doing. More importantly, I no longer look down on her as a "civilian" who "does not have a programme". My former arrogance was sickening. I can't ever get back the fifteen years I lost in AA, and I can't imagine how much more I might have made for my life if I had not been filled with guilt and shame by the steps and spent countless hours of my life in meetings, denying my intelligence and abilities, and desperately bored, instead of out playing music or sport or building relationships with workmates. I have to make the most of what is left of life, which, fortunately, is a lot, as I came to AA young. You are a good man doing an important job. I needed the validation to overcome my cult-implanted phobias in order for me to break with AA, and you provided it. We will never meet, but you have helped me to change my life. Thank you. I am not using my own name as I am still scared of the person who ripped me off. Wolf.
Hi Wolf,
Thanks for a very moving letter. I just can't add anything to it. You said it all.
Oh, and thanks for all of the compliments. And congratulations on your newfound freedom.
Have a good day.
== Orange
[The next letter from Wolf is here.] ![]()
Just a quick thanks for all the work that you have put into this website, and to let you know that it really helped me to come across it. After 8 months of having locked my doubts and reasoning mind in the closet and being an AA poster child (2-3 meetings a day, 6 commitments, daily check-ins with my sponsor), I was at the point where I could no long close my eyes or my mind to the feeling that there was something terribly wrong with this belief system that encouraged dishonesty and stuffing feelings and that was devised by a man that I wouldn't want to have dinner with, much less pattern my life after. I also couldn't shake the feeling that the longer people stayed in AA, the less their lives seemed to offer. They seemed less genuine and "human" than the people, like me, that were new. It all seemed creepy to me, for lack of a better term. The problem was, I had been led to believe that there were no alternatives... that it was either AA or death/insanity for me and anyone else who struggled with alcohol. Talk about hitting bottom!!! Finally I came to the point where I realized that, if my ONLY choices were AA or hopeless alcoholism, I knew I'd rather die an honest drunk than live some kind of tortured lie in order to stay sober. Faced with this choice, I was ready to go out and have a binge because I thought that was the only alternative to the AA zombie "way of life". About that time, I came across your website, along with SMART materials, and I started to realize that I didn't have to make that choice.... that I could live just fine without alcohol and NOT sell my soul to AA. I still go to some meetings (not the 2-3 a day that I went to for 6 months) because there are some good people there who are in the same boat I am. But I don't subscribe to the crap that constitutes most of the meetings, and I am also exploring other support alternatives. AA has some good points, which you've already covered in your website. But ANY organization has it's good points. The test is the overall result. If it helps other people not drink, fine.... I can't make judgments about their lives... but it just seems like a dishonest and pernicious belief system, and it almost drove me back to booze. Keep up the good work. Dan
Wow, thanks Dan. I'm really glad that you found something helpful in this web site,
and glad that you are feeling better.
Oh, and congratulations on both your sobriety and your newfound freedom.
Have a good day.
== Orange
Orange, Thanks for all your help — it is much appreciated. I liked your reasons for not replying due to the nice weather — it is so refreshing to hear of someone who is able to enjoy themselves without feeling guilty and why the hell not? Enjoy the sun!
I had a tough letter from a friend in AA who I respect. I do not respect
his views but he is a good man and means well but he is caught up in all
this as well but he is more open-minded than most. I am new to all this
and as such I am not sure I used the right arguements or facts. Please
let me know and feel free to post it on your site. To see the letter go
here. I really hope the UK is able to catch on to the truth like the US has with your site — that is my main objective with all this. Hoping for more sun your way... J a m e s G PS I am soon to release the video Confession Session Part 2 — will keep you posted. Adding links on the Orange Papers to my site have really helped both the site (and thus the cause) and my beleif in myself and my thoughts. Sometimes I feel like I might be wrong but hearing from other people who feel the way we do really does a lot to reverse that damned step 2. Did you doubt yourself fleetingly at times when you first started out? I never doubt myself totally, but at times I ponder and AA dogma comes back for a moment but I KNOW it is not right.
Hi James,
It's good to hear from you again. As you probably already guessed from this slow
answer, I've been enjoying the sun again. And the company of a bunch of little people:
Taking your last question first, of course I have doubted myself at times. Many times, I would have to double-check the situation to make sure I wasn't going off on a tangent, or being too crazy. I think that is actually a sign of sanity. A sane, realistic person pauses and does a reality check every so often. A narcissist with delusions of grandeur doesn't. (Does that sound familiar? Can you say 'Bill W.'? "We, who have recovered from serious drinking, are miracles of mental health.") About your letter on Blamedenial —
Have a good day. == Orange
Hey Orange: Thanks for your site. I find it rather cathardic after six years in AA. Prior to attending AA, I consider myself fortunate that I had the ability and desire to read most of the derogatory information available at that time. I believed it all and think that to a great extent it's how I stayed true to myself in AA. Why did I stay, was I helped or was I harmed.... I think I'll grapple with those questions for quite some time. I'm more sure of why I left. It took just about a year, I know the beginning date and I know the ending day. But this isn't about me, I'm one of the more fortunate ones in AA ... I lived. Presently I'm more concerned about the ones who die. I'm outraged and heartbroken. I can only repeat what we've all heard before... AA isn't about helping the sick and suffering. AA is about AA and it can callously sloganize people virtually to death! What I've seen in six years is the same recidivism of 95% or more, with the mixed bag of placebo effect, religiosity and whatever that we all see, plus the heartbreaking person that comes in and out of AA for an entire life time believing they are at fault, being told that they are at fault, when anyone with half a brain should see that AA doesn't work for them, it never has worked for them, if they try to work what has never worked for them, they will just die! It's like the Law of Diminishing Returns. I left AA because I could not be sure that I would not be above violence if I heard one more person blast any of these people with "You are powerless over alcohol" or "You need to surrender completely to this program", in a droll voice. I was just becoming more and more angry with the more I saw... the real AA. I'm outraged at what I have seen in six years. After six years, the discomfort I felt when the steps and literature was read has never changed. Did that damage me? Probably not, only to the extent that it is probably unwise to be pissed off so much! Does it damage some people desperate enough to think that to be sober they must believe that they are actually worse people than they think they are and that is the only way to get sober! AA is an extremely abusive and exploitive organization. Sound therapeutic practices build on peoples' strengths not their seven deadly sins! Of course AA damages people or at the very minimum slows what they call recovery.
[2nd letter from Banana:]
Date: Tue, May 23, 2006 21:33 Hey Orange: After six years in AA, now I have parted, and your site has been a blast! I always said that "Peanuts" was my higher power, but I'm having so much fun (in between resentments about AA), your site is a close tie! Did you miss this goodie on sponsorship:
"during the "Treatment Center Boom"... AA's membership increased dramatically... This would at first glance seem to be a good thing. However... large numbers of newcomers were showing up who were physically recovered and feeling good about themselves..... Most arrived far less teachable than they ever had in the past." So... all that cramming in college... those all nighters... strung out on coffee and cigarettes was the way to go afterall... I was more teachable when I was run down and wrung out. I just knew it all along! Fortunately, I never had a sponsor, never prayed... excepting my serenity prayer "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me" (works for me), never did 'the steps', but frequently quoted my own:
1. Can't drink. Still quite sad about the harm that I've seen done to people. Some instances still fill me with bitterness. I stopped going for many reasons, but the ugliest remains the hardest to shake. A friend of mine went to a meeting expecting to find me. She was heavily intoxicated, hysterical and verbally abusive. She's a feisty gal, but harmless. She was all but begging for someone to get in touch with me. It was a small meeting, usually less than 20 people attend, every body knows everybody. I'd say that at least 4 people knew how to get in touch with me. That didn't happen, instead someone called the police and when she exited the building she was greeted by two policemen holding shotguns at her. Although she had another (sober) friend in a car waiting for her, she was handcuffed behind her back and taken into protective custody. Protective custody... fancy term for absolute humiliation and degradation, not to mention outright abuse considering the circumstances. During processing she needed to vomit, but with her hands chained behind her she lost her balance and fell face first on the floor. I could go on but it just gets uglier... their excuses are even more despicable. I want nothing to do with any of these people who help the still sick and suffering! I just don't have the stomach for it anymore. I've rambled enough but I do have a question. I've read a lot about AAWS and their cutesy little prudent reserve. Do you know if they are a tax exempt organization and a non-profit... don't laugh. I'm curious about accessibility to records. Love that stuff, formerly I was a state tax auditor. If you ever get this... I'd really appreciate a quick answer, if you know anything. Thanks for your good work.
Hi Bananas,
Thanks for the letters and the stories, and congratulations on your
newfound freedom.
Alcoholics Anonymous is actually two corporations — one a for-profit publishing
house, and one a non-profit service organization, which owns all of the stock
of the first one.
They are Alcoholics Anonymous [World] Services, Incorporated, and the General
Service Organization, respectively.
[UPDATE: They reincorporated AAWS as a non-profit corporation. Now they don't have to pay taxes on their income
from book sales.]
Because the GSO is a tax-exempt non-profit, they have to file publicly-accessible
financial documents. I've never done it, but somebody on the Internet has looked
up those things, and found interesting information like that the members of
the AAWS Board of Trustees make over $70,000 per year each (and there are 15 of them),
and the President of AAWS gets about $125,000 per year.
CORRECTION (2011.03.28): It turns out that the trustees are not paid.
But other people get lots more.
The President and General Manager of A.A. Greg Muth gets $125,000 from both AAWS and the GSB
(General Service Board of A.A.), for a total of $250,000 per year. And then his friend
Thomas Jasper gets $469,850 for being a "Senior Advisor".
And many others get salaries in the range of $70,000 to $100,000 each.
Look here.
One of these days, when I get around to it, I'll have to figure out how to
get access to those documents. If you do it first, please let me know how to do it,
and you might pass on anything interesting that you get.
Have a good day.
== Orange
UPDATE: October 2006: I finally did figure out how to get the documents, and learned more about the A.A. headquarters' finances, here ![]()
I am curious as to whether or not you are an alcoholic and, if so, are you in recovery?
Hi Howard,
The answer is "yes" on both questions.
the introduction, here.
But watch out on that word "alcoholic".
See this discussion
of the various meanings of that word.
I just discovered your site today and although it seems to be nothing more than a dump site for what appear to be resentments toward the Fellowship and anger fueled attacks on any and all books or publications that in any way condone and/or endorse Alcoholics Anonymous, perhaps I have missed something.
Well actually, there is a lot more here than just "resentments".
And congratulations, you are the zillionth Stepper to accuse me of having "resentments".
See the list
Maybe next year the Steppers will think of something new and original, but I don't think so.
I've been sober, through AA, for thirteen and a half years. This after 30 years of hard core alcohol and drug abuse which destroyed everything of value in my life. So I'm rather sold on AA you see. Howard
Congratulations on your new clean and sober lifestyle. It is good that you finally quit
killing yourself with drugs and alcohol. Fortunately, a lot of us do wise up eventually, don't we?
That learning process has nothing to do with A.A. or N.A. or any 12-Step routine, of course.
Have a good day.
== Orange
I found this cult test. i think youll like it. Damn! You might just put it on your page. it's actually funny. http://www.gospelassemblyfree.com/facts/questionaire.htm Rob
Wow. That is so close to so many of the items in my
cult test that they are for all purposes identical.
That is reassuring that I must be on the right track.
Have a good day.
== Orange
I chose to walk away from AA a month ago and boy the members are beating on my door. I was a poster child for a solid AA member, regular meetings, several sponsees, etc. Anyhow I had been looking for more out of life the past few years, and the AA tapes in my head would only limit me. A month ago I hooked up with a therapist and he is helping me to extricate myself from this Cult. My feelings come and go on the matter. Reading your site helped a lot. The biggest challenge is other members who don't or won't understand and are trying to save me from myself. Any words or links you may have are appreciated. Thanks for the good work. The truth will set you free! Mike
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the letter, and congratulations on your newfound freedom.
And thanks for the compliments.
Alas, those members who are trying to "save you from yourself" are almost certain
to continue to think the way that they think. The odds of you teaching them something
are pretty low.
That is just a basic problem with human nature. People don't like to admit that they have
been wrong, or foolish, or stupid. To admit that you are right and A.A. is wrong
would require them to make huge admissions of being wrong about a lot of things.
They have a big emotional investment in A.A., and don't want to lose their investment.
And they don't seem to have any desire to change their lives.
So they will continue to insist that you are wrong, and they are right, and they
will see you as a lost sheep.
The only answer to that is to find a new social circle. I know that's
a hassle, and not easy. I don't know what is available in your city,
but I would check out everything that is clean and sober, from church
socials to bingo parties to dry dances to classical concerts, or whatever.
You could also try online chat groups for some easy quick companionship.
There is a list possible candidates,
Have a good day.
== Orange
Regarding the "addictiveness" of tobacco I can happily state that it's a lie. If one believes it to be impossible to quit then it will be hard to quit. But what about us quitters who succeeded? I have over a decade of being nicotine-free. And, in regards to my other addictions, it was that self-recovery which added some insight into the falsehoods of the "most addictive" substance hype. In fact I've found that the so-called experts don't know jack about self-recovery. The big skinny is here on how I quit smoking and the numerous insights afterwards: http://thearidsite.tripod.com/AR060131.HTM Your site is still awesome and a first-stop reference source for me against the pro-addiction cult known as A.A. Peace! :-)
dr.bomb, Ph.D. AVRT(tm) \_____________________________
Hi Dr. Bomb,
Thanks for the letter, and thanks for the compliments. And I like your web site too.
Alas, this nicotine issue is one of those things about which
we are really going to disagree.
I was addicted to cigarettes and nicotine for about 30 years, and I can tell you
that nicotine gets into your brain and affects your mind on a very deep level
and in a very strange way. I wanted to quit smoking for just about the entire 30 years,
and now that I finally have 5 years off of cigarettes, for the first time
in my adult life, I am rejoicing. And I am absolutely determined to never go back
to that hell again.
The nicotine addiction is bizarre:
One time, I quit smoking for a whole year just by saying, "I need
all of my energy for this trip".
I threw my pack of cigarettes into the fire, and packed my wife and kids into my jeep and
drove to another state and a new life, and I don't even recall any
withdrawal. That was it, just like that.
But then, more than a year later, when I returned to the first state,
a wave of nostalgia hit me, and the
thinking was, "Oh, let's have one with the guys for old time's
sake..." and I was instantly readdicted and smoked for years more.
But many, many other times, when I tried to quit,
I was crawling the walls for a cigarette
and finally just went so insane that I smoked just to stop the insanity.
And then the mind games are the worst of it: After successfully quitting
and detoxing, the warped thinking starts and nags at you —
"Oh, we can have one now, just one, because we've
got it under control now. We've got a handle on it. Just one will be
No, one won't be okay. Just one was always instant readdiction, and
then I'd usually have to smoke for another couple of years to get sick
enough again to have the will power and determination to quit again.
I think that the mind games are worse than the physical withdrawal.
I did a whole web page on that warped thinking,
It's a very strange thing, nicotine addiction.
I've even known three different ex-junkies who all managed to
quit heroin by just quitting cold turkey and detoxing themselves.
And they really were off of heroin.
But all three of them still smoked.
One of them said, "Oh heck, quitting heroin wasn't that bad. I just laid in
bed and sweated and shook for three days and it was over. But I can't quit
these things." And he had a cigarette in one hand, and a beer in the other.
I don't think that it is just a coincidence or accident that most of the people in
Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings still smoke tobacco.
They all "share" their stories about how wonderful it is to
be "in recovery" and off of drugs and alcohol, and then they
all run for the door at smoke break time, and immediately light up.
(And if you are so uncool as to mention the fact that nicotine is also a
bad drug, you get a lot of denials and rationalizations and dirty looks... :-))
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
== Orange
[another letter from ARIDsite:]
Date: Tue, June 6, 2006 17:23 Thanks for the very thorough reply. I'm certainly not minimizing your experience with nicotine. Far from it. Even I "relapsed" on nicotine only once in that decade and yet, in my case, it wasn't so much as a kiss of death but a kiss goodbye. Instead of a taste of satisfaction it just tasted icky and, morally, just felt all wrong. Thus ended my addiction to nicotine once and for all via two final coughin'nails. The irony is that I lit back up in A.A. meetings. No one forced me to, mind you. I did that all by myself. And, if you must know, that pack of more-than-half a pack'o'coughin'nails is still in my locker at work (give or take a couple since I gave a couple away for those who were jonsein' for some pollution years ago). I wonder how "chewy" those cancer sticks are by now since they're now buried in the back somewhere (maybe soaking in a puddle of long-forgotten hot sauce for all I know). ;-> Finally, I have nothing against drugs. In fact I see drugs as neither good nor bad. So while you may call nicotine "bad", I don't. In fact I don't mind if the Buchmanites light'em'up after their little cult gatherings. It only proves that those so-called "experts" don't know shit about addiction and are NOT to be trusted. "Yeah." {puff} "We're the REAL experts on addiction." >COUGH!< >HACK!< >WHEEZE!< "Need me as a sponsor? I haven't drank in a few years." {puff} "Damn...I need to save that dollar for my next pack. Pony up two dollars for you're here to learn from us." >CHOKE!< >HOCK!< >PTUI!< They're free to smoke just as I have the freedom of speech. When they leave after saying their "Our Father" to smoke their sickarettes I call 'em a bunch of world-class hypocrites. Or maybe they are truly being one with their mentor who died of emphysema. Maybe they're really on "The Path" after all! ;->
dr.bomb, Ph.D. AVRT(tm) \_____________________________ Editor of The ARID Site * http://www.thearidsite.org * <The Addiction Recovery Information Distribution Site> PGP keys at: <http://www.thearidsite.org/ARIDPGPK.TXT> ** Addiction counseling and groups are total frauds **
Hi again, and thanks for an amusing, and true, letter.
Have a good day.
== Orange
Last updated 31 July 2014. |