This is quite something. You seem to really have it out for A.A. There is much distortion and misinformation here. Were you mistreated by a sponsor or something?
Hello Andrew,
It's both interesting and sad that you imagine that someone must have been hurt in order
to desire to tell the truth about a harmful hoax.
For the history of the reasons for writing these pages, see:
You claim that
"There is much distortion and misinformation here."
If you want to look at real facts (not misinformation), we can start with
the complete failure of
Alcoholics Anonymous to actually cause alcoholics to quit drinking.
Out of each 1000 newcomers to A.A., how many of them will pick up a ten-year coin for sobriety? How about the 11-year coin? What percentage of the newcomers go on to get an 11-year coin? How many success stories are there really, out of each 1000 newcomers to A.A.? How many 20-year success stories do you get out of each 1000 newcomers? How many 30-year success stories do you get out of each 1000 newcomers?
Not very many, right?
the answers are: That is what you call a complete failure. Alcoholics who quit drinking alone, on their own, do better than that. All of the other issues about Alcoholics Anonymous are dwarfed by those simple facts. A.A. does not work to sober up alcoholics. And that is not a distortion of the facts, or misinformation.
Who cares if A.A. induces nice feelings of "spirituality" or "fellowship"
when the alcoholics are going to die of alcoholism anyway, in spite of Alcoholics Anonymous? Oh well, have a good day anyway. == Orange
hey AO, I did some AA research recently. In the 12+12 [the book "Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions"] they insinuate that a "one time Vice-President of The American Atheist Society" was shown the light by AA. Well, I could not find a record of The American Atheist Society. I contacted "American Atheists" the most well known group, founded in 1962, and they have no knowledge of "The American Atheist Society". The 12+12 was published in '52, and it seems there was no American Atheist Society at that time. And the faithful just keep nodding their heads. Just more deceitful writings by Bill. mike
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the note. I must confess that that one slipped right by me.
I seem to vaguely remember having seen it (it's on page 26, now that
I look it up), but I dismissed it as just another "proof by anecdote"
stunt. As if Alcoholics Anonymous should be acceptable to all of the
independent thinkers of the world, just because one former vice
president of an atheists' society changed his mind and joined a cult.
Here is what Bill Wilson (and co-authors) wrote:
It didn't occur to me that the whole thing was a complete fabrication
(as well as an attempt to prove by anecdote).
It just goes on and on and on and on.... The magnitude and audacity and sheer gall
of Bill Wilson's hoax is truly breath-taking.
Notice the distortion of reality: If you believe in evolution, then you think that man is god.
Darwin never said any such thing, and I've never heard any biologist say such nonsense, either.
Such a statement is absurd on the face of it. What the biologists really say is that we are just
another species, possibly here very temporarily,
and at the rate that we are destroying the biosphere, we are not even likely to
last as long as the dinosaurs did.
(It would be nice if we had used our big brains to build a heaven on earth for all people,
but some people just had to drive their SUVs to suburbia, instead.
It's a little too late now. Peak oil is here and gone, and we are going to have a very
difficult time building anything in the future.)
Oh, and notice how Bill Wilson declared that you have to give up any scientific
belief in evolution and embrace his medieval version of religion in order
to avoid death by alcoholism. And they still insist that
Alcoholics Anonymous is not a religion...
Oh well, have a good day anyway.
== Orange
You are totally irresponsible.......... and obviously don't have your facts straight at all
Tommy M.
Hello Tommy,
It's "irresponsible" to tell the truth about alcoholism and Alcoholics Anonymous, is it?
I don't have my facts straight?
Another letter from another unhappy A.A. member said the same thing recently. Please see
my response to that letter for my invitation for you
to send in the "true facts".
So please enlighten me.
Here is your chance to set the record straight by telling the whole
truth about Bill Wilson and Alcoholics Anonymous.
I'll print what you send in, if you come up with something more than just propaganda and lies that
Bill Wilson wrote.
Have a good day.
== Orange
Last updated 8 March 2013. |