Date: Fri, September 23, 2011 3:03 pm (answered 26 September 2011) Not sure what your story is. But sure don't like AA do you?
Hi Michelle,
Right, I don't like A.A. The reason is, because A.A. does more harm than good.
A.A. kills more people than it saves.
If you really want to know the story,
it's here,
and here:
How did you get to be where you are?
Have a good day now.
== Orange
Date: Thu, September 29, 2011 1:52 pm (answered 1 October 2011) Was referring to your web page. It was about cults I think. Anywho it, AA saved my life. Or better yet helped me to save my life, keep my job, let me know that it's (life) does not revolve around me, helped me to improve my relationship with family and friends (like now I have friends). Sorry you had such a bad experience. Have a great life and a wonderful day. Michelle B.
Hello again, Michelle,
I'm sure that you believe that A.A. saved your life, or somehow "helped" to save your life,
but fervent belief proves nothing. Belief is not evidence.
The sad facts of the matter are that alcoholics who go to A.A. do not quit drinking in any greater
numbers than those other alcoholics who quit alone. A.A. just
raises the death rate in alcoholics,
and raises the rates of
binge drinking,
suicide... and on and on. That is not good.
And that is the experience that I am concerned about, not my personal experiences with the
12-Step religion. (Even if they weren't particularly good.)
Have a good day now.
== Orange
Date: Sat, September 24, 2011 9:51 pm (answered 27 September 2011) I was told these creeps consider themselves a "sober gang" and make a sport of preying sexually on newcomer women. They are based in Louisville, KY. Sicker Than Most
Hello Keith,
Thanks for the tip. I shall have to investigate that group.
Have a good day now.
== Orange
Date: Sun, September 25, 2011 9:53 am (answered 27 September 2011)
Hello Sean,
The point is to get the truth out there — to tell the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth — so that sick people who are looking for help can make
informed choices.
And so that politicians who are funding so-called "rehab programs"
will know what they are doing.
And so that judges and parole officers who are sending people to A.A. will know what
they are doing.
Have a good day now.
== Orange
Date: Sun, September 25, 2011 4:30 pm (answered 27 September 2011) I'm on HuffPo again: Dealing with Addiction: Tough Love Means no Love
Peter Ferentzy, PhD
Hi again, Peter,
Good for you, and thanks for the tip.
And thanks for your work in publicizing the issues, and getting some sanity and common sense
into the debate.
I especially like attacking the notion of "tough love".
That is just a sick excuse for abusing children.
Incalculable harm has been done in the name of "It's for their own good."
Have a good day now. == Orange
[ Link here = ]
Date: Wed, September 28, 2011 4:57 am (answered 29 September 2011) Hi Orange, I'm sorry to make such an strident plea for your attention in the subject line but I urgently need your help with something. Over the years I've written to you about a halfway house I attended some years ago. They simply parroted the 12-step dogma and charged money for it. They're the ones who would hold you hostage in the program for 6-12-14 months at a time. They'd make us work on weekends doing free carpentry work; they're the ones who would go to court dates with you for "support," and then turn around and ask the judge to sentence you to mandatory attendance to the halfway house, making it impossible to leave. Anyway, a lot of the stuff that went on there was questionable. Of course, you couldn't complain about it at the time because they had you by the shorthairs but once I got out and started wising up I saw that it was like being in a nuthouse. Anyway, here's the point: I managed to gain the trust and attention of a local reporter who is writing a story about Freedom House. He wants to use the Freedom of Information Act to obtain information about Freedom House. He asked me if I could think of anything he should specifically look for. I can't think of anything so I wanted to ask you: Orange, can you think of what types of info/records he should request which might demonstrate the unscrupulous behavior typical of these treatment centers? I want to get back to him ASAP, as I don't want him to lose interest. Thank you for any help you can provide. Bill
Hello again, Bill,
It's good to hear from you. Thank you for your activism.
Here is what occurs to me:
If the workers were paid, even just theoretically paid with room and board, then there
should be records of the wages paid and Social Security donations that the employer made
to the Federal Govt.
And the workers should have gotten W-2 forms.
But Guidestar is often a year or two behind. You should be able to get up-to-date copies
of the Form 990's for all years that the "non-profit" has been operating.
If I think of anything else tomorrow, which I probably will, I'll send it to you.
Good luck, and have a good day.
== Orange
Okay another:
Date: Thu, September 29, 2011 4:58 am (answered 1 October 2011) Hi Orange, Thanks so much for mulling this one over. I appreciate anything you come up with. So far, I plan to ask the reporter to find out:
And whatever else you can think of ~
From: "Bill N." Hi Orange, Your ideas were great. Thank you very much for the great suggestions. I sent your questions and a few of my own to the reporter. We'll see what happens. When the reporter heard about the free labor, and the the way the counselors would ask judges to sentence us to the halfway house, he was appalled. That's why he decided to look into this story. That was helpful for me because I felt guilty for carrying these skeptical thoughts around with me for so long. I live near the halfway house I attended and you just don't question what they do — it's verboten. Well, I hope you have a great weekend. Thanks again for all you do for us. I'll keep you posted on how this develops. Bill
Okay Bill, thanks, and please keep me posted. A bunch of people are interested in this.
And have a good day now.
== Orange
Date: Mon, September 26, 2011 2:22 pm (answered 30 September 2011) John wrote: "Need to get this on "OP", AND on the "OP Forum"!"
See the comment thread
John McC: good idea. It actually didn't occur to me to put it on the OP.
I just signed a petition to Governor Jerry Brown: Stop unwanted mandating of Citizens to Faith Based Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Offer people alternatives to these 12 step meetings. Encourage Empowerment to our citizens, not a powerless faith healing antiquated institution.
And Gov. Brown has a history of helping to promote cult religion as a solution to drug and alcohol
problems. He was a booster of Jim Jones' People's Temple cult.
Look here.
And Jerry Brown's men confiscated the People's Temple church records after the
mass murder/suicide in Guyana, and took them to Sacramento, and I don't know if they
have ever been seen since. The big problem was that
the cult had
between 150 and 200 children who were wards of the state,
and who had been given to Jones' Temple for care and
safekeeping — which was a real money-making operation for Jones, bringing in
tens of thousands of dollars per month.
Jim Jones illegally took the children from California to Guyana. No California official
complained or demanded that Jones bring them back.
And then Jim Jones fed the children cyanide koolaid, and killed them.
So Jerry Brown's crew made the records disappear.
My comment was, "But what if my favorite church is Satanists For Sobriety"?
Have a good day now.
== Orange
Date: Tue, September 27, 2011 8:24 am (answered 30 September 2011) Your article sounds as if you are very angry... The pros and cons of different types of treatments can be discussed and should be... but are heard and considered more seriously if presented in a kind, civil way...
Hello Susan,
I am quite civil and reasonable when I discuss the failure of 12-Step treatment
to help people. Look here:
The only time I say any less-than-gentlemanly words is when I say that it is insane,
and a despicable crime, to foist ineffective quack medicine on sick people
and lie to them about how well the treatment really works.
And it is obviously, blatantly, wrong to do that to sick people.
How do you feel about that? Do you think that it is okay to foist
ineffective quack medicine on sick people and lie to them about how well
the treatment really works?
Why would somebody do that?
Have a good day now.
== Orange
Date: Tue, September 27, 2011 7:49 am (answered 30 September 2011) Dear People, I wrote another article and want to share it with you, I hope you like it! Thanks, Marcus
NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency may have
read this email without warning, warrant, or notice, and certainly without probable
cause. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no
recourse other than petitioning your elected officials and exercising your
constitutional rights. Thank you. See:
Hi again, Marcus,
Thanks for the link. That is quite good.
Have a good day now.
== Orange
Date: Mon, September 26, 2011 8:06 pm (answered 30 September 2011) There is nothing like the 12 steps in the world. It is the furthest thing from a cult. It is by attraction rather than promotion. There are no dues or fees. Read the 12 traditions .absolutely nothing holds like these do on the planet.Period. If you find anything .please share. There is nothing easier to do than critique, criticize, and complain. You have your PhD in it and could teach a master class. It must be awful lonely being an atheist.
Hello Jeff,
Thank you for the recitation of cult slogans. Every single line there is just another
standard 12-Step cult slogan. There isn't an original thought in there anywhere.
Now I can point you to a lot of evidence that A.A. really is a cult, starting with the
Cult Test, here:
You could also read my analysis of the 12 Traditions:
You should especially look at
Tradition 11, about
the "attraction, not promotion" hypocrisy.
By the way, I'm not an atheist. That is yet another standard cult attack on critics.
You think that everybody who disagrees with your favorite superstitions is an atheist?
Not so.
Have a good day.
== Orange
Date: Mon, September 26, 2011 4:45 pm (answered 30 September 2011) Hello again, I have not read your response to your letter until now. At the end of August my companion of 8 years who looked almost exactly like you and was a computer programmer and was a wonderful free thinking hippie died in his sleep by my side. I felt grief that was unspeakable. I was so happy to learn from his friends how glad they were that I was with him and that I had given him the happiest years of his life. You know all the propaganda about all of us who have drunk too much being selfish, abusive, lying losers who do not merit a chance regardless of the degree of the problem ... was really getting to me. * I was infinitely happier and it gives me great peace that we did spend such wonderful moments without having him see me drunk which was an event he put up with about once a month for a few years. It still was something he hated. * Unlike you he hated doctors and had not gone to one in fifteen years. Yes once in the last month, alone and traveling I did have 3 glasses of wine. Did not enjoy it. * It turned the grief from a living honest loving thing into just a deadness inside and bitterness*. He would want me to go on. Family was very overly worried, and apprehensive and concerned so I could not display my emotions too much as they took it as a possible cue that I was on the road to get blasted. The label is hard to shake ... it was the last thing I felt like doing ... but having had a past of deep depression were I have done just that I could not fault them . I shared with my companion your site and he was my best buddy during these two years of adjustment. He was also an advocate for your site and helped in convincing others of our position as his experience as a companion of person with a drinking problem lent him credibility. On a more humorous note I just reviewed the email where we were discussing his chosen attire and had to laugh when I saw your photo and sent it to him. We both laughed so hard. I had to stop giving him any flack as after all ... this person I respect and has helped me dresses just the same. I miss him ...but there are others out there that agree that this is not an incurable disease ... that our personalities are not permanently disfigured into hopeless inhumans unable to maintain loving relationships without cohersive direction from AA. My companion was wary of doctors and was worried about my taking anti-depressants but he did not push me against it either. I had enough respect for him to bring up his need for a checkup but he was stubborn and I would never belittle him by nagging. He ate too much and enjoyed it, quit smoking thirty years ago, did the hippie drugs in his youth to satisfy his curiosity and had a Margarita once a week ... He died happy and in his sleep of sudden cardiac arrest but I know we would have wanted to live longer and I would have too. Yes after we get done handling our blatant shortcomings in terms of self-care there are other things to attend to. It is going to be lonely without him as he was my mind companion as well as heart companion.. Your site and his emails where we exchanged our thoughts will have to do. HE JUST LOVED YOUR SITE. He hated mind control and being told what to do for his own good. And no ... I managed to get him to shave his beard but would never never dare ask him to cut his hair.... a constant point of consternation for my Latin family. In the end we both won on that one. I cut his pony tail to keep it because that was his statement and I respected it. And here in the country I live a great ceremony was done by neighbors where the pray for him to get out of purgatory and lots of rosaries because they loved him just as was. Long hair and all. He never threw the I AM MORAL YOU ARE NOT ball at me. And so I heard more clearly that when I drank too much he felt left out. Continuing our discussion ... if 3 components are needed for this condition: genetic, learning, and environment ... then I'm glad you agree ... I will keep touch with the kids whose father is an abusive alcoholic. Most people where I live quit drinking on their own. Drugs ... especially cocaine use seems to be another matter. Maybe here the stigma alienates them so much that they do not have support of family and friends. Not sure. Anyway it is good to be in a place where I can have such a positive impact on people who have given me friendship, not thrown the AA judgment battering ram down my heart. They are the companions of the heart. Their lack of education prevents them from being companions of the intellect and this will be tough but the heart does come first. Unnamed
Hello Unnamed,
Thank you for the letter. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.
It sounds like we would have gotten along great.
About all that I can say is, please keep the faith, and take care of yourself.
And have a good day now.
== Orange
Date: Thu, September 29, 2011 4:40 am (answered 1 October 2011) Your opinion is yours & i like people who do studies to exactly fit their thoughts. Ive been clean & sober for over 21 years & 99% of what u say is actually funny. The best part is the Leave your wife & marry A.A, REALLY & where id u get or hear that ? That alone shows me that u actually know very little about the 12 steps or anything else about the programs...We in AA / NA actually love your type, we watch the stats & the stories come & go like the wind, all the new age ways to do it, new rehabs with their own dillusions on how to stay sober & miracle pills. LOL, its actually comical & we like to see it & read it as if its all a news paper comic strip. Call me in 75 years & lets see exactly where your doctrine is at, wanna bet it will be gone & not ever even remembered or discussed ? Well the 12 steps are STILL alive & well after 75 years my friend...Thats a record by the way in case u didnt know....Keep up the comedy routine we are excited to watch it all fizzle out like the rest... Have a great day & remember trust in God & clean house... Dan.C
Hello Dan,
Thanks for the letter, and the standard cult slogans. Congratulations on your years of sobriety.
You did it. Nobody held your hand and did it for you. A cult religion didn't keep you sober
for 21 years.
A.A. breaking up marriages is a common problem. I just got another message
from a woman who was complaining about that recently:
Perhaps you would like to write to her and tell her that it's all in her head?
Then, the newly-single woman is fair game for sexual exploitation. Read about
Mike Q's Midtown Group,
Clancy I's Pacific Group.
Perhaps you will find it actually very funny.
Yes, A.A. has existed for 75 years. That makes it one of the longer-lived cults, like the
Jehovah's Witnesses or Scientology, but that is nothing to brag about.
That just means that A.A. is really good at the standard cult practices like deceptive recruiting
and indoctrination of new members.
That does not show that A.A. is a success.
Apparently, you have been around Alcoholics Anonymous for a lot of years, so you
should be qualified to answer this question that no true-believer A.A. member has
ever answered honestly. Can we have some of that much-ballyhooed
A.A. "rigorous honesty", please? (Big Book, page 58.)
Have a good day now. == Orange
Date: Thu, September 29, 2011 5:38 pm (answered 1 October 2011) Greetings, Not sure why your web site is leaning toward anger...I have great peace in my heart today. I wonder if you are spiritually filled with humility, kindness, and gratitude? I will pray thanks for your efforts, but who are you trying to convince? The alcoholic? Just confused. Dave W.
Hello Dave,
No matter how convinced you are that A.A. saved your life, that is not evidence that the
12-Step routine actually works to make alcoholics quit drinking. You are simply assuming a
cause-and-effect relationship
where there is none. And your recitation of all of those
glittering buzz words
"spiritually filled with humility, kindness, and
is better evidence that A.A. really is a mind-bending cult religion than that A.A.
works to make alcoholics quit drinking.
It just doesn't matter what kind of warm and fuzzy feelings you get from your favorite religious
practices — that doesn't save alcoholics from death.
The reality is that A.A. does more harm than good:
A.A. kills more people than it saves. And A.A. raises the rates of
binge drinking,
suicide... and on and on.
Who am I trying to convince? I am just laying out the facts for anyone who wants to know the truth.
Have a good day now.
== Orange
Date: Fri, September 30, 2011 4:55 am (answered 2 October 2011) Here's a link to a column (mine) that came out this morning:
Peter Ferentzy, PhD
Okay, cool. Thank you Peter.
Have a good day now.
== Orange
Last updated 8 March 2013. |