The Recovery Propaganda Machine, part 7

[Notice: Most of the following links to are now broken, as of 18 April 2006. Perhaps Blogspot got wise to the scam and erased most of the following garbage. And this month, Kevin et. al. seems to be more into selling recovery from strokes...]

While searching for current comments on Alcoholics Anonymous in blogs (10 Feb 2006), I stumbled across the following mangled sentences:

For these folks rehab may be the only choice to quit drinking alcohol. Alcohol rehab had been made public throughout such organizations as AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as other famous institutions that treat alcohol connected issues. As long as alcohol consumption becomes an issue, rehab may be the one and only option. Families have been destroyed, lives torn apart, and some people have lost everything over becoming addicted to alcohol. Alcohol rehabilitation is critical because it can bring back a promising life that is on the brink of disaster. Their environment and friends can at times be environments that cause drinking impractical to stop. rehabilitation can be the only option for some people.

Monday, January 30, 2006
teenage drug abuse

One of these, a commonly known organization, is Alcoholics Anonymous, where alcoholics share there experiences with each other, and aide one another during the tough times. This can help alot, particularly with the emotional aspect of it all. a good deal people may feel depressed, be unable to sleep, and have vivid nightmares when going through withdrawal, and also many other side-effects. Having someone to share this with and knowing that others are going amidst the same, can have an elevated impact. My advice to one or your loved one, join group therapy if at all possible, you wont regret it. And dont worry, many of them are no where near what you see in FightClub, it is, after-all, a movie. There exist drug rehab groups for all kinds of addictions.

I discovered that 'Kevin' was quite a prolific poster. See his profile. And all of his 'blogs' seemed to end with a statement that if you think you might need detoxing, you should go look at the web page, which is actually about a "detox diet".


Then, when Kevin got tired off giving us advice on how to detox and recover, Kevin changed into Michelle. Michelle had exactly the same things to say, and used the same blog server, and even used the same backgrounds for her blogs and used many of the same sentences in the same paragraphs with the same grammatical errors. Michelle also invariably steered us to the web site on detox diet at, which says, among other things,

"If You is looking to learn about drug and alcohol addictions substitutions They Need to Understand How to Effectively Overcome and Beat Drug Addictions"

And when you wade through all of the bull, you find that it is all a vehicle for carrying advertisements for "Native Remedies Detox Drops", "The Psychologist's Natural Choice", sold at ovchn=SHOP&ovcpn;=Shopping.Com&ovcrn;=detox&ovtac;=CMP


Then Michelle became Sarah, and Sarah used the same sentences to say the same things too.

drug and alcohol inpatient rehab centers

The ultimate goal is to foresee what drives the person inside to drink alcohol in quantities that are unhealthy. Alcohol rehab, despite a Hollywood cliche, is in effect a honorable action that everyone who sufferers from addiction to alcohol can take. rehabilitation helps educate and bring paradigm shifts to the sufferer who may have never seen alcohol in a healthy light. rehab is a spot that one can go to find an answer to a situation with alcohol that they cant come up with on their own.

And Sarah was also eager to send us to


Then Sarah became Jennifer, who also didn't know how to correctly write simple English:


Alcohol rehabilitation has been made public amidst such organizations as AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as other famous institutions that treat alcohol related issues. Their surroundings and friends can at times be environments that make drinking impractical to stop. Alcohol rehab is fundamental because it can bring back a promising life that is on the brink of disaster. rehab can be the only option for some people. For such people rehab may be the only opportunity to quit drinking alcohol. As long as alcohol consumption becomes an issue, rehab may be the one and only option.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006
drug addition treatment

Overcoming a drug addiction is not anything that is done overnight. It requires time and perserverence in order to succeed. Hence, a necessary factor in overcoming drug addictions, is indeed, perserverence, and will power. For example, the average smoker has to attempt quitting 8 times until they quit for good!

The best part of that page is all of the replies from alter-egos, who praise "Jennifer's" posts and then steer people to more air ionizer ads.

Then Jennifer became Stanley.


rehabilitation is a spot that one can go to find an answer to an issue with alcohol that they cant afford on their own. Alcohol rehab, despite a Hollywood cliche, is basically a honorable action that everybody who sufferers from addiction to alcohol can take. rehab helps educate and bring paradigm shifts to the sufferer who may have never observed alcohol in a healthy light. The ultimate end is to foresee what drives the person inside to drink alcohol in levels that are unhealthy.

And Stanley begot Harlan, who also wants to tell us about 'spiritual' recovery.


Saturday, February 04, 2006
spiritual rehabilitation for drugs and alcohol

Given that alcohol consumption gets an issue, rehabilitation may be the one and only option. Families have been destroyed, lives torn apart, and some individuals have lost everything over becoming addicted to alcohol. rehab can be the one and only option for some people. Alcohol rehabilitation has been made public with such organizations as AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as other famed institutions that treat alcohol related issues. Their environment and friends can at times be environments that make drinking not possible to stop. Alcohol rehabilitation is critical because it can bring back a promising life that is on the brink of disaster. For these people rehab may be the only choice to quit drinking alcohol.

And Harlan begot Jessica.


Friday, February 03, 2006
adolescent drug rehabilitation

Alcohol rehab is critical because it can bring back a promising life that is on the brink of disaster. Their environment and friends can at times be environments that make drinking impractical to stop. For these folks rehabilitation may be the only choice to quit drinking alcohol. Alcohol rehabilitation has been made public throughout such organizations as AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as other famous institutions that treat alcohol related issues. Given that alcohol consumption becomes an issue, rehab may be the only option.

Jessica also treated us to this advice:

Alcohol rehabilitation has been made public amidst such organizations as AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as other famed institutions that treat alcohol related issues.   ...   Their surroundings and friends can at times be environments that force drinking impossible to stop.

And this:

Overcoming a drug addiction is not an issue that is done overnight. Thus, a necessary factor in overcoming drug addictions, is indeed, perserverence, and will power.
      One of which, a typically known organization, is Alcoholics Anonymous, where alcoholics share there experiences with each other, and assist one another through the difficult times. This can help alot, especially with the emotional aspect of it all. a good amount of people may feel depressed, be not able to sleep, and have vivid nightmares when going into withdrawal, along with many other side-effects. Having someone to share this with and appreciating that other people are going amidst the same, can have a great impact.

But Alcoholics Anonymous says that your will power is useless because you are "powerless" over alcohol. So if you are going to quit by using your own perseverence and will power, better not listen to the pundits at Alcoholics Anonymous.

And then Jessica morphed into Jack, who was also a proponent of "Christian" rehab.


Friday, February 03, 2006
center drug rehab treatment

Alcohol rehab has been made public amidst such organizations as AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as other famed institutions that treat alcohol connected issues. Their environment and family can at times be environments that cause drinking impossible to stop. Given that alcohol consumption gets an issue, rehab may be the sole option.
Jack's "center-drug-rehab-treatment.html"

And Jack had the same things to say, too:

Alcohol rehab has been made public amidst such organizations as AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as other famed institutions that treat alcohol connected issues. Their environment and family can at times be environments that cause drinking impossible to stop. Given that alcohol consumption gets an issue, rehab may be the sole option.

And I love this. "Jack" says that "Christian drug rehabilitation center" isn't as bad as Fight Club:

Monday, January 30, 2006
christian drug rehabilitation center

a good amount of people may feel depressed, be unable to sleep, and have vivid nightmares when going amidst withdrawal, along with many other side-effects. Having a person to share this with and knowing that other people are going amid the same, can have an elevated impact. There are drug rehab groups for all types of addictions. My advice to you or your loved one, join group therapy if at all possible, one wont regret it. And do not worry, many of them are no where near what you see in FightClub, it's, after-all, a movie. One of such, a commonly famed organization, is Alcoholics Anonymous, where alcoholics share there experiences with themselves, and help one another through the tough times. This can help alot, truly with the emotional aspect of it all.

Then Jack became Howard, who also has a side-line business of selling portable air ionizers.


Friday, February 03, 2006
addiction drug rehab treatment

Checking into rehab at the onset of alcoholism may hold off serious civil consequences, such as loss of job, divorce, or tearing a family apart. Alcohol rehabilitation is a choice that should not be left as a last resort. If you feel that somebody you love may be at risk and may be able to benefit from alcohol rehab, dont hesitate to check into what alcohol rehab programs are available in Ones area. Alcohol rehab has saved many lives in greater amount of ways than one. A life can be saved throughout a simple and effective alcohol rehab service. Education and environment can be reached with the right alcohol rehabilitation program.

And Howard spawned William.


Friday, February 03, 2006
drug and alcohol inpatient rehab centers

For these people rehab may be the only option to quit drinking alcohol. Their environment and family can at times be environments that make drinking impossible to stop. rehab can be the only option for some people. Alcohol rehab has been made public throughout such organizations as AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as other famous institutions that treat alcohol related issues.

And then William turned into Shawn.


Friday, February 03, 2006
christian alcohol rehab

The ultimate ambition is to find what drives the person inside to drink alcohol in levels that are unhealthy. Alcohol rehab, although a Hollywood cliche, is in effect a honorable action that anyone who sufferers from addiction to alcohol can take.

And then Shawn did a gender-change operation and became Shirley.


Friday, February 03, 2006
center christian drug rehab

The ultimate ambition is to find what drives the person inside to drink alcohol in quantities that are unhealthy. rehab helps educate and bring paradigm shifts to the sufferer who may have never seen alcohol in a healthy light.

It sure is nice to have so many knowledgeable experts dispensing so much medical advice about the life-or-death matters like alcoholism, drug addiction, strokes, and AIDS.


Oh well, have a good day anyway.

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Last updated 19 April 2006.
The most recent version of this file can be found at